Vote fraud rampant in CO now that it has mail-in voting.

Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You… ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number....
Hmm, Oregon started mail-in voting in 1998 and has become more and more solid blue ever since....maybe you have a point people are actually letting Shootspeados tell you what he "knows"....and are buying it?.....

In Chicago, a Voting Machine Was Pre-Wired… to Vote for DEMOCRATS ONLY!

The Political Insider ^

Any student of American politics is familiar with just how corrupt politics are in Chicago, Illinois. It is widely believed, for example, that without the mafia’s influence in the area, John F. Kennedy would have never been elected President. But today, voter fraud has to be done on a high-tech, digital level. Because computers can be reprogrammed, learning about a machine that REQUIRES you to vote for Democrats is chilling. Below is Republican State House candidate Jim Moynihan’s description of what it was like trying to vote for himself in early elections… Only to see the final vote be placed...
A single touch screen voting machine in a single voting station at a single precinct had a calibration error. And they replaced the machine.

So what's the issue again, Chicken Little.
When you have mail-in voting, people just sell the unmarked ballots to political parties and unions and they fill it out as they wish. Same with absentee voting. . You have to insist people use voting booths.

oct 21 2014
DENVER — It's harvest time in Colorado, and not just for pumpkins. Concerns are running high over door-to-door campaign workers asking voters for their mail-in ballots in what is known as "ballot harvesting."

Now that all-mail voting is the law of the land in Colorado, the challenge for campaigns is to persuade voters to drop off or mail in their ballots — or hand them to the foot soldiers who turn up on their doorsteps offering to do it for them.

While it's legal to give your ballot to someone else — one person may turn in up to 10 ballots — election watchers worry that the practice is ripe for abuse.

"These are totally unauthorized people coming to the door and gathering ballots and doing whatever they want to them," said Marilyn Marks, president of the Aspen-based Citizen Center, which focuses on election integrity.

"If I have collected your ballot, I could do the honest thing and put it in the mail for you, or take it to the clerk's office and drop it off — or I could look inside, open it gently, see how you voted, and if I didn't like it, I could make some changes," said Ms. Marks. "Or the other thing I could do, if I don't like the way you're voting, I could throw your ballot in the trash can."

The Moonie Times is not a credible source. Give us something credible that we can believe.
Are Illegal Aliens Deciding Elections? The Answer May Surprise You… ^

In a stunning piece today by the Washington Post, a study revealed that non-U.S. citizens are deciding American elections in recent years. It is stated that in the last two election cycles, upwards of six-plus percent of illegal immigrants actually voted. Up to fourteen percent were actually registered to vote. There are approximately twelve million illegal aliens in the United States; this is a huge number....
Not only are individual illegals voting, foreign interests are dumping tons of money into PACs and campaigns. Best government money can buy.
When you have mail-in voting, people just sell the unmarked ballots to political parties and unions and they fill it out as they wish. Same with absentee voting. . You have to insist people use voting booths.

oct 21 2014
DENVER — It's harvest time in Colorado, and not just for pumpkins. Concerns are running high over door-to-door campaign workers asking voters for their mail-in ballots in what is known as "ballot harvesting."

Now that all-mail voting is the law of the land in Colorado, the challenge for campaigns is to persuade voters to drop off or mail in their ballots — or hand them to the foot soldiers who turn up on their doorsteps offering to do it for them.

While it's legal to give your ballot to someone else — one person may turn in up to 10 ballots — election watchers worry that the practice is ripe for abuse.

"These are totally unauthorized people coming to the door and gathering ballots and doing whatever they want to them," said Marilyn Marks, president of the Aspen-based Citizen Center, which focuses on election integrity.

"If I have collected your ballot, I could do the honest thing and put it in the mail for you, or take it to the clerk's office and drop it off — or I could look inside, open it gently, see how you voted, and if I didn't like it, I could make some changes," said Ms. Marks. "Or the other thing I could do, if I don't like the way you're voting, I could throw your ballot in the trash can."

Where is the proof that unmarked ballots are sold to any political party or unions?
Well, it is close to the day to vote.
Hype enough hysteria for a brief moment in time and who wins?
Lower voter turn contestants win.

Vote fraud rampant in CO now that it has mail-in voting.

And where in the article linked in the OP is this claim?

Or is this just another one of those 'fire and forget' accusations, where the goal isn't to prove a point. But to repeat a baseless accusation?

Sure. Where's the evidence of rampant voter fraud in CO?
Where is the proof that unmarked ballots are sold to any political party or unions?

Hey einstein. You might as well ask for proof that a $20 bill left on the sidewalk will be grabbed by someone.

Vote selling has always been a huge problem. People will do anything for a buck. THINK

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