‘Vitriolic coverage’: Study examines why Fox News viewers hate Obama


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
‘Vitriolic coverage’: Study examines why Fox News viewers hate Obama

Those who think the growing popularity of highly-partisan opinion shows is tearing the United States apart now have some empiric evidence on their side.

Research published in the September issue of Political Research Quarterly has found pundits on political opinion shows influence attitudes toward presidential candidates — and in a way that is entirely negative.

“An increasing number of Americans engage in selective exposure to ideologically consistent news sources. This fact has caused some scholars and pundits to worry that partisan news sources such as Fox News are making their audiences more polarized,” Glen Smith of the University of North Georgia and Kathleen Searles of Augusta State University wrote in their study.

The researchers found Fox News viewers became more favorable of McCain and less favorable of Obama over the course of the 2008 presidential election. Both Fox’s news programs and opinion shows made viewers more favorable of McCain and less favorable of Obama, but the effect was stronger for those who watched the opinion shows. The study also found MSNBC’s opinion shows had the converse effect, viewers became more favorable of Obama and less favorable of McCain.
Yeah, it's not Obama calling us the enemy or veterans "right wing extremists"; it's Fox News

The left's assault on the 1st Amendment is ongoing and dangerous just like their assault on the 2nd Amendment. They managed to override freedom of religion with the former (FDR appointed) KKK justice majority supreme court opinion in the 40's concerning the non-Constitutional issue of separation church/state. Left wing concepts don't succeed in the public arena so the only venue of a totalitarian regime is to stifle freedom of speech through judicial activism. Phony left wing polls are a freaking joke but they hope there are enough ignorant union educated Americans educated in the last fifty years to authorize overriding of the Constitution.
Ah, another anti-Fox thread wherein they're accused of indoctrinating their viewers a la MSNBC and others every day of the week.

What's next, yet another thread falsely predicting Rush or Hannity are done because no one will advertise on their shows?

Meanwhile in the real world Fox crushes and the radio guys have the dominant industry audiences.

No wonder the lefty bozos constantly pee their pants.
I hope to hell these ignorant studies aren't being funded WITH TAXPAYERS MONIES..

Someone should do a study on how many worthless, stupid studies are done

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