Violent political protests: Tea Party vs Pro-Open Borders


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????
That's why FXN has so many viewers and the other MSM racist stations have fewer. FXN calls a spade a spade, the other outlets have politically correct filters. The majority rules, the MSM can spin all they want, but eventually voters will see the truth in spite of the MSM.
Are they blaming the right for the sheriff that was shot by a illegal yet?
To be fair I haven't seen anything near the violence I expected today. But that doesn't change anything. Illegal is still illegal. And I am still in favor of deportation. And of course closing the borders.
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????

Please explain your "left wing" assumption. Have you polled these protestors?
Yea the corrupt MSM sure has spent whole lot of time & money trying to find just one violent Tea Party protester and still haven't found one. Yet this same MSM completely ignores their own protesters hurling bottles at our Policemens' faces. Yea those are some real "peaceful" protests you Leftists got going on there. Never ever trust the corrupt MSM. It's all about propaganda. The Left uses the MSM like Goebbels used the MSM in Nazi Germany. They have tried to paint the Tea Partiers as "Racist" and "Violent." This is a coordinated effort by the MSM. Anyone with common sense can see this. Don't believe the hype.
Whatever happened to protest rallies where you got to see some girl showing her tits? I think we should get back to those kind of protests.
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.The man bit the finger because it was shoved into his mouth via a fist to the face. That was violence you YOUR guy idiot.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).LEFT WING????? Prove this was a democratic party event.

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????

We claim you allow racists to participate in your tea party rallys because you allow people with pictures of Obama with a BONE through his nose and other such racist displays. No one has said YOU will cause violence we have been saying ypou will whip a crazy like Tim McVeigh to cause violence BECAUSE it has happened before in the 1990s.

This was not a party affiliated event.

The tea party events are party affiliated with the tea party.

Why do you think you can claim the entire left is responsible for what happens at a ground swell event like this?

Under that same burden of association you and your tea party clowns are responsible for what happens at a KKK rally.
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????

In a nutshell, yup.
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.The man bit the finger because it was shoved into his mouth via a fist to the face. That was violence you YOUR guy idiot.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).LEFT WING????? Prove this was a democratic party event.

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????

We claim you allow racists to participate in your tea party rallys because you allow people with pictures of Obama with a BONE through his nose and other such racist displays. No one has said YOU will cause violence we have been saying ypou will whip a crazy like Tim McVeigh to cause violence BECAUSE it has happened before in the 1990s.

This was not a party affiliated event.

The tea party events are party affiliated with the tea party.

Why do you think you can claim the entire left is responsible for what happens at a ground swell event like this?

Under that same burden of association you and your tea party clowns are responsible for what happens at a KKK rally.

Huh? You are seriously gonna try to argue the MSM has never tried to paint the Tea Party people as potentially violent? You're really gonna try to fly that flag?

And a sign with an Obama face and a bone through his nose isn't racist. I see dumbass white kids in my suburb with shit stuck through their noses and ears all the time. BTW, I do recall several times at anti-war rallies where Bush was portrayed as a monkey, as Hitler, as Satan, as a Klansman, etc. Was that racist?

Sorry man. You and your fellow libs must learn something: Ten years ago the race card was an Ace of Spades. Now it's the 3 of hearts.
It is because the left still has glasses on that do not allow them to get past race. The fact is, in their stupor to fight racism what actually happened was creating racism in itself. I never understood why it is so hard for the left to accept. We are not born racist. We do not become racist on our own. When the left creates programs that force employers to employ people to meet arbitrary statistical figures then people are brought back to skin color, not the other way around and that breeds racism. If those programs were not there we would have LESS racism today. 100 years ago there truly was a problem and people did need to be forced into accepting other races as equal but today that is no longer the case. Sure, racism will still exist (against all races by the way, INCLUDING whites) but it will be far less than it is even today. By creating this atmosphere where race matters it causes it to bleed into all faucets of your thinking. The fireman's case here in WA is a great example. A white firefighter was denied a promotion that was test based because there were no black candidates that scored high enough to qualify for a promotion that year. The left's immediate response was the test was obviously racially skewed, a ludicrous statement. When asked where the proof of that was or what questions were racially skewed proponents could only say that it must have been or blacks would have tested better. That is total crap.

The fact is, when you bring race to the forefront and concentrate on it as much as the liberal agenda does it becomes a colored glass in of itself where everywhere you look you see racism even when there is none to be had. THAT is what is causing the racism of today, not the other way around.
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.The man bit the finger because it was shoved into his mouth via a fist to the face. That was violence you YOUR guy idiot.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).LEFT WING????? Prove this was a democratic party event.

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????

We claim you allow racists to participate in your tea party rallys because you allow people with pictures of Obama with a BONE through his nose and other such racist displays. No one has said YOU will cause violence we have been saying ypou will whip a crazy like Tim McVeigh to cause violence BECAUSE it has happened before in the 1990s.

This was not a party affiliated event.

The tea party events are party affiliated with the tea party.

Why do you think you can claim the entire left is responsible for what happens at a ground swell event like this?

Under that same burden of association you and your tea party clowns are responsible for what happens at a KKK rally.

Huh? You are seriously gonna try to argue the MSM has never tried to paint the Tea Party people as potentially violent? You're really gonna try to fly that flag?

And a sign with an Obama face and a bone through his nose isn't racist. I see dumbass white kids in my suburb with shit stuck through their noses and ears all the time. BTW, I do recall several times at anti-war rallies where Bush was portrayed as a monkey, as Hitler, as Satan, as a Klansman, etc. Was that racist?

Sorry man. You and your fellow libs must learn something: Ten years ago the race card was an Ace of Spades. Now it's the 3 of hearts.

From truthmatters' posts, it appears that there is only one left wing party.... the Democrats. That is not accurate.

She also appears to think that the TEA Parties are a political party. They are not.

From these two totally ridiculous views, we can ascertain that she is not able to logically debate the issue. Because she's not smart enough to see past her own stupidity.
I've been told for a year now that as a right wing Tea Party goer, I'm a threat. I'm capable of violence. I'm a possible terrorist, etc, etc. I see all these Tea Parties, and the only violence I can remember was a dailykos dot com member biting off a finger of a tea party goer.The man bit the finger because it was shoved into his mouth via a fist to the face. That was violence you YOUR guy idiot.

Yet, MSNBC and the left continue to call us racist, and accuse us of potential for violence.

YET......the left wing open borders protests have become violent. Attacks on police officers. Fights. Racist statements against white people and proclaiming the superiority of the Latino (well, we have a Supreme Court justice that says that also).LEFT WING????? Prove this was a democratic party event.

So, whats the deal? The left claims the Tea Parties are racist and potentially violent, with no proof. Yet, ignore the racism and occurring violence in the pro-open border protests?????

We claim you allow racists to participate in your tea party rallys because you allow people with pictures of Obama with a BONE through his nose and other such racist displays. No one has said YOU will cause violence we have been saying ypou will whip a crazy like Tim McVeigh to cause violence BECAUSE it has happened before in the 1990s.

This was not a party affiliated event.

The tea party events are party affiliated with the tea party.

Why do you think you can claim the entire left is responsible for what happens at a ground swell event like this?

Under that same burden of association you and your tea party clowns are responsible for what happens at a KKK rally.

Huh? You are seriously gonna try to argue the MSM has never tried to paint the Tea Party people as potentially violent? You're really gonna try to fly that flag?

And a sign with an Obama face and a bone through his nose isn't racist. I see dumbass white kids in my suburb with shit stuck through their noses and ears all the time. BTW, I do recall several times at anti-war rallies where Bush was portrayed as a monkey, as Hitler, as Satan, as a Klansman, etc. Was that racist?

Sorry man. You and your fellow libs must learn something: Ten years ago the race card was an Ace of Spades. Now it's the 3 of hearts.


You have to understand that TM thinks anything on the right is poison and anything the Dems or the left or Barry Boy does is in effect saving the world and everyone in it. Bush and the Reps are the cause of ALL the economic problems. She conveniently forgets that the Dems have held the purse strings since 2006 and they and the Reps were ALL spending like drunken sailors before thats.

She has no problem bashing a bunch of American citizens using their right to free speech to criticize Barrys Agenda. They are all violent in her eyes. LOL

Sure there are some wingnuts in that movement. Hell. There are wingnuts in every movement. Left or right. There are signs that shouldn't be there I saw even worse signs against Bush. I saw death threats. He was a Natzi. He was a baby killer. I'm sure TM didn't have a problem with that because its coming from the left and we all know that they couldn't possibly be violent. LOL.

My suggestion?? Dont' waste your time. Her way is the one and only way as far as she's concerned. LOL
No comparison. Leftists have a very long history of violent protests. Hurling bottles at Policemens' faces is nothing new for them. The MSM is corrupt and should never be trusted. Their despicable double-standards are pretty obvious to all who still have common sense. They still have not proven that Tea Partiers are violent. This is despite them spending $Millions on trying to find just one violent Tea Party protester. It's all just another Liberal Media scam in the end. Par for the course i guess.

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