[VIDEO] ~ Horrific reality of the "WAR ON DRUGS" exposed in SWAT raid video tape...

Police officers are only pigs to criminals. Are you a criminal? I consider the Police as public servants who are here for our protection. It must be people who call them pigs that they are protecting us from.

You are correct. Swinish behavior doesn't make anyone a pig.
Police officers are only pigs to criminals. Are you a criminal? I consider the Police as public servants who are here for our protection. It must be people who call them pigs that they are protecting us from.

Am I a criminal? I violate the law by using a harmless illegal substance, but there's no official record of me doing so.

Police are people who apprehend serial killers and rapists; pigs are people who kick down the doors of peaceful citizens, pump rounds into the family dog, and scream at women and young children like the worthless, power-tripping cowards they are.


fuck those cowards
Drugs affect physical performance. Insurance companies require random drug tests where I work. People can't do the job safely if they're impaired. There is no reason to condone drug abuse. Drugs are for losers, so if the cops shoot a few, that helps the gene pool. So do bad drugs, so maybe its a wash?!

get out of hte 1950s please. people at positions that require serious intelgience and ability do drugs every day.
You do not have the liberty of being high and causing injury to others because you are impaired. And cut the crap with this victimless crime BS. I was a teenager in the 60's and did my time in SE Asia. I know the deal. But I was smart enough to grow up and get the hell away from it. Drugs are definitely for losers.

it is harmless and its not for losers, millions of productive people use drugs daily
You do not have the liberty of being high and causing injury to others because you are impaired. And cut the crap with this victimless crime BS. I was a teenager in the 60's and did my time in SE Asia. I know the deal. But I was smart enough to grow up and get the hell away from it. Drugs are definitely for losers.
Would you like to compare the injuries caused by marijuana (approximately zero) to those caused by alcohol and other legal substances? :lol:

Here are a few "losers" who used cannabis:

Carl Sagan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Friedrich Nietzsche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aldous Huxley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Beatles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
J?bir ibn Hayy?n - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
William Shakespeare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


So no one ever got hurt because of someone under the influence of Marijuana? Are you out of your mind? I know 3 people who are no longer with us because 2 of them were high and one because he and his friend were smoking a bowl.

what did they do *while* high because the drug sure didn't kill them, and its still victimless as the main people died
So no one ever got hurt because of someone under the influence of Marijuana? Are you out of your mind? I know 3 people who are no longer with us because 2 of them were high and one because he and his friend were smoking a bowl.

why don't you tell us WHAT ELSE was going on besides them being high and smoking a bowl, you stupid fucker.

Fuck you asshole, they decided to fuck around with an "Unloaded" M16 And one of them took 20 rounds through the chest at less than 6 inches. Had they not been totally fucked up that night in the guardshack one would still be alive and the other wouldn't be doing 25 to life. You think I make this shit up? Yes marijuana has and can kill. Now do you fucking understand why I might just be against it?

And for the rest of you dickweeds, please continue to be losers, I could give a fuck. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney, etc......

Dumb ass fucking druggies.

then your ex-friends are fucking retards, it had nothing to do with the drug
You do not have the liberty of being high and causing injury to others because you are impaired.

So you think alcohol should be outlawed?

you asking me?

if so, i think all controlled substances and banned behaviors such as prostitution and gambling should be legalized, regulated and taxed heavily.

why tax it heavily? thats just a backhanded way of making it legal. it will also only create a blackmarket akin to cigarettes being run in from canada
This isn't a left versus right issue......... this is a human issue. How can anyone watch this video and then agree with the actions of the imbeciles dressed up like halloween characters and the extreme, over the top, "job" they did in this case? I am also quite amazed at the ignorant responses to the "horrors" of drug use, this is beyond belief that anyone alive in 2010 could possibly have the views I have read here. I tend to be more conservative on most political issues but not here, I find myself agreeing with people I have never agreed with before.......... it's enough to rethink my beliefs.

I guarantee that if those asshole cops would have done that to me and my family, their careers would be the least of their worries, someone would pay for the grief caused to my children and I......... and my dog's death would be revenged with serious consequences.

To endanger the lives of an American family with such a ridiculous show of childish force deserves a heavy price to pay....... those idiots make all cops look like shit! SCREW THEM AND THE PATHETIC LAWS THAT ALLOW THEM TO EXIST!
damn, I had to pos rep sitarro

:lol: Yea, I was thinking damn, I am agreeing with Ravi, Luissa, Shogun, Gadawg73, Blu, rikules, CurveLight, Kalam and a few others that I have had serious disagreements with but...........

I smoked pot for 35 years, I quit (without any problem whatsoever) when I decided to get a job that required a drug test....... funny thing, I now have memory problems that I didn't have when I was smoking. One of the biggest fallacies is the idea that people smoke to get "high". To those that have never smoked it, the only thing they can relate to as "high" is being drunk, it's not like that at all. Although it is different for most people, I have never become anything close to drunk from smoking, and when I was younger, I smoked some pretty incredible stuff....... including hash and hash oil........ it's just not the same thing at all. I really can't relate it to anything else but it really doesn't have anywhere near the same effect as alcohol or prescription drugs like valium. For me, it always helped with focusing on a single task better than I could without it. When it comes to photography, Illustrating, painting, hiking, bicycle riding........ whatever, it is much more enjoyable after taking a couple of hits........... it is truly a gift from GOD. Sir Paul McCartney, one of the most prolific and successful songwriters of all time would probably agree. The key is not smoking too much......... if you smoke too much, you get too relaxed and will probably fall asleep......... something like drinking a beer rather than a 12 pack....... only different.

Unfortunately, movies by Cheech and Chong are what people base their uninformed opinions on, that is a ridiculous exaggeration folks.
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In the spirit of keeping this discussion calm and civil, I propose that we all enjoy some cannabis to calm our nerves.


...good points all..

...i believe early state 'pot laws' were racist in nature...directed at 'mexicans' out west (pot was their 'drug of choice')

...maybe the biggest obstacle to ending this insane 'drug war' is the tremendous 'indu$try' built up around it:

...remember, 'swarms of officer$/office$' have been created by these stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid, motherfucking, drug pig cheerleading republicrats..(drug pig inc. employees account for tens of thousands of fat 403-b'$!..)

..swarms of u.S. and state/county government drug pigs, lawyers, judges, jails and jailers, drug counsellors, probation officers, helicopter pilots, pee-pee testers, etc. snitches, rats, and finks galore have been unleashed on 'taxpayer$'...

...(yet hardly a peep of disapproval from the phony fucks with the 'tea-party movement')

...i suspect we have a few drug pig incorporated hanger$-on at this forum..

...they are a powerful, united force working to maintain the stinking status-quo..

...drug pigs, fuck you..the rest of you, have a good day!..
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Drugs affect physical performance. Insurance companies require random drug tests where I work. People can't do the job safely if they're impaired. There is no reason to condone drug abuse. Drugs are for losers, so if the cops shoot a few, that helps the gene pool. So do bad drugs, so maybe its a wash?!

I'd say someone who advocates killing people because they smoke weed is a thousand times more dangerous than any pothead.
Police officers are only pigs to criminals. Are you a criminal? I consider the Police as public servants who are here for our protection. It must be people who call them pigs that they are protecting us from.


This thread is about the endless pain and suffering the war on drugs causes on a daily basis.

Not only does the war on drugs NOT WORK.

Not only does the war on drugs waste endless amounts of tax dollars.

Not only does the war on drugs facilitate an ever increasing police state.

Not only does the war on drugs violate every logical ideology on the basis of personal freedom, the ability to choose to do what you wish as long as it harms no one outside of yourself.

Ever heard of prohibition?




Crimes without victims are no crimes at all.

It worked on that guy in the video. Hopefully he'll see a lot of prison time.

The anti liberty crowd ladies and gentlemen. Wishing you go to jail for victimless crimes.

This thread is about the endless pain and suffering the war on drugs causes on a daily basis.

Not only does the war on drugs NOT WORK.

Not only does the war on drugs waste endless amounts of tax dollars.

Not only does the war on drugs facilitate an ever increasing police state.

Not only does the war on drugs violate every logical ideology on the basis of personal freedom, the ability to choose to do what you wish as long as it harms no one outside of yourself.

Ever heard of prohibition?




Crimes without victims are no crimes at all.

It worked on that guy in the video. Hopefully he'll see a lot of prison time.

The anti liberty crowd ladies and gentlemen. Wishing you go to jail for victimless crimes.

Bear in mind that you are conversing with the same braindead doucher who once argued that he'd be ok with sending people to jail for interracial marriage.
You do not have the liberty of being high

We should, just like we have the right to be drunk.

and causing injury to others because you are impaired.

No one's advocating that but nice straw man.

And cut the crap with this victimless crime BS. I was a teenager in the 60's and did my time in SE Asia. I know the deal.

So because you were a soldier you're suddenly an expert on drugs? :cuckoo:

Sorry, but I have never claimed to be an expert on anything. However i can talk about my own personal experiences with various drugs, many many years ago if that is acceptable to your highness. Some of us learn from life, some of us don't.
Sorry, but I have never claimed to be an expert on anything. However i can talk about my own personal experiences with various drugs, many many years ago if that is acceptable to your highness. Some of us learn from life, some of us don't.


More lies from the lying sack of shit liar SFCO, who in this very thread has already argued that weed kills and that anyone smoking it deserves to be incarcerated or killed like his allleged dead stoner friends.
It worked on that guy in the video. Hopefully he'll see a lot of prison time.

The anti liberty crowd ladies and gentlemen. Wishing you go to jail for victimless crimes.

Bear in mind that you are conversing with the same braindead doucher who once argued that he'd be ok with sending people to jail for interracial marriage.

Wow. Just ... wow. I'd ask you to quote him but I'm having trouble finding some old archived comments myself.

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