Very cool reception for Obama at West Point.

Whatever one might think of George W. Bush, the vast majority in the military loved him.

Tell yourself that.

In reality, I doubt the military truly "loves" any President anymore than anyone else "loves" their boss.

And the applause was obviously shortened by edit to get it all into the clip.

Already addressed on this thread. This speech was a more informal matter than a graduation.

Notice how they are inside, in their grays, and with cameras?

Notice the difference?
From what I saw was a rousing reception for President Obama

They all threw their hats in the air in celebration
Whatever one might think of George W. Bush, the vast majority in the military loved him. Even at the very end, when his approval ratings were at their lowest, the response to his remarks was much different than what Obama got this morning. And the applause was obviously shortened by edit to get it all into the clip.

It kinda helps that Homeland Security under Bush never declared that returning veterans are likely to become terrorists.
West Point graduation ceremony reveals how far out of touch Obama has become with the American people. Just watch the audience reactions to his attempts at getting applause....other than some canned applause from the cadets.....there was very little.

Since when is the military officer corps representative of the American public?

Considering that we have Volunteer Army, the values and characters of the officer corps is likely to be very congruent with those of the rest of the military.

my personal experience would suggest that you are wrong here.
Okay, here's another President addressing a West Point Commencement. Compare the response here to what Obama got this morning. Like President Bush, he too addressed the troops with concepts that directly affected them, and he didn't ignore them to go into a long convoluted policy speech in which he said nothing.

[ame=]YouTube - President Ronald Reagan at West Point '81 P1[/ame]
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Whatever one might think of George W. Bush, the vast majority in the military loved him. Even at the very end, when his approval ratings were at their lowest, the response to his remarks was much different than what Obama got this morning. And the applause was obviously shortened by edit to get it all into the clip.

It kinda helps that Homeland Security under Bush never declared that returning veterans are likely to become terrorists.

Wow. Did you wrench your shoulder grasping for that straw?
And mine suggests I'm correct.

officer or enlisted? and to what paygrade did you reach?

Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted.

Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.
Okay, here's another President addressing a West Point Commencement. Compare the response here to what Obama got this morning. Like President Bush, he too addressed the troops with concepts that directly affected them, and he didn't ignore them to go into a long convoluted policy speech in which he said nothing.

YouTube - President Ronald Reagan at West Point '81 P1
Again, these things are scripted and rehearsed. Ronnie was of the opinion that he was more important than the cadets. Notice how he kept saying thank you, thank you...milking the applause until the cadets started looking at each other wondering, how the fuck long are we supposed to clap? Today's ceremony was completely different. Obama walks on stage and immediately the music starts playing.

Ronnie needed all those atta boys being a failed movie star and all. :lol:
officer or enlisted? and to what paygrade did you reach?

Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted.

Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.
I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!
Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted.

Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.
I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!

What did the E stand for ? :eusa_think:
Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted.

Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.
I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!

Yes. General Lee (By proxie):

Why did you deem it prudent to use the Virginia Division in a massive charge against a fixed Union position at Gettysburg as opposed to trying to outflank them of fortify and draw them into attacking you?
Wow. That's just almost exactly the same thing (except not really at all).

You know what? My great-uncle was one of the few Americans who flew for the RAF in the Battle of Britain.

That doesn't mean I "experienced" it or have some sort of special dispensation on the matter.
I'm related to Robert E. Lee so I'm an expert on the Civil War.

Ask me anything!

What did the E stand for ? :eusa_think:
:lol: No idea. I said I was an expert on the civil war not uncle Bob.
And mine suggests I'm correct.

officer or enlisted? and to what paygrade did you reach?

Neither. I'm referring to friends and family who were/are officers or enlisted. HAVE no personal experience in uniform?

got it.

I do. I was commissioned. I am an academy graduate. We were and current classes are the cream of the officer corp and we certainly were and are the cream of society. We did not, nor do current classes consider themselves merely a representative sample of society, but the best of society - those who want to join the warrior profession for a lifelong career.

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