verizon offshores hundreds of jobs this month

Who the others are depends on how long a time line you would like to adopt. In the short run it is other Americans in other parts of the country. For example when the steel industry demanded protection an estimed six american jobs were lost for every one saved. In the medium run the others extend to foreigners, and in the medium to long run the others are humanity at large as a lack of consumtion flags the economy.
Huckleburry said:
Who the others are depends on how long a time line you would like to adopt. In the short run it is other Americans in other parts of the country. For example when the steel industry demanded protection an estimed six american jobs were lost for every one saved. In the medium run the others extend to foreigners, and in the medium to long run the others are humanity at large as a lack of consumtion flags the economy.
Sorry, that just doesn't make sense to me. Are you a union member?
Huckleburry said:
So long as you understand that his job probably comes at the expense of many other hardworking American wives and families than no, you are not horrible. You are greedy though.

what the hell are you trying to say here? that no one should have any jobs because others will suffer .... anyway....i trust you don't have a job so that others won't suffer and you won't feel the guilt of being greedy
Huckleburry said:
But protectionism caries an opprotunity cost. So when we say protectionism costs jobs it is in the sense that it hinders job creation

so open borders open trade every country no exceptions....
one big huge level playing field
Huckleburry said:
But protectionism caries an opprotunity cost. So when we say protectionism costs jobs it is in the sense that it hinders job creation
So you look at government protection as a crime toward foreigners because they don't get the jobs?
Is that it...I'm still not clear here.
Mr. P said:
So you look at government protection as a crime toward foreigners because they don't get the jobs?
Is that it...I'm still not clear here.

Government protection means higher prices for consumers, and keeps the American economy from producing the most efficient goods it can.
gop_jeff said:
Government protection means higher prices for consumers, and keeps the American economy from producing the most efficient goods it can.
Duh..Just like unions...that's not what I'm trying to get ole Huck to explain..But thanks.
What is it that you do not understand. We live in a world today where the economy is increasingly a global one. Jobs should no longer be viewed as foreign or domestic. Job creation is job creation. Job creation increases consumption which increases employment as is demonstrated by the Okun relation. Economically speaking countries today are acting more and more like giant unions. The outcome is the same as the Unions of the past. Eitherway protectionisim in any form costs everyone, you, me, foreigners, and posterity. It would be wise for us to ignore the siren song of misguided politicians who promise to "protect" your job or the american economy. This is political hogwash meant to entice votes, not fix the economic problems of the country. Bottom line protectionism costs everyone. Who is hurts at any given moment is unique to the moment you are examining. In the long run the outcome is the same. Protectionism means fewer total jobs, less techonological inovation, and a stagnating economy.

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