Verizon And AT&T Cut 100,000 Jobs But Keep Billions In Tax Breaks


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
Yay! I have stock in both!

The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.

You can provide many incentives and you will have this, unless there are incentives to not move jobs elsewhere, crony capitalism will work this way, it does so across political ideology. It's not as if a tax increase will increase their job numbers. If it's cheaper to outsource, companies will do so.

I take Canada as an example, where we have constantly given handouts, watched our debt numbers increase while losing our best talent and innovators. Our global influence might be at its lowest in our history, because we offer little and sychophants are operating across our most important agencies (perfectly aligned with our massive global reputation collapse).

Companies should expand, take more market share and compete for the best and brightest. They should also understand the grave risks they take by outsourcing even the simplest of processes, be it in customer service or what have you. If cronyism replaces capitalism, we are in deep trouble.

Take all of this and throw in A.I, and the future of traditional work is more bleak. It's going to require some really creative thinking and a shift in corporate values, not just being "woke". That doesn't ensure a strong economic ecosystem, it sounds nice though.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.

The trickle is saliva dripping off the slack jawed chins of those who read and believe the Daily Kos.
Although the article never mentioned it they are trying to equate lowering the corporate tax rate with a tax giveaway, lol. The left always assumes the money belongs to the state and what they let you keep is a gift. The corporate tax rate is now about the same as most of the Euro countries. Taxes are passed through to the consumer. Verizon has employees in over 75 countries so if you want to see more job go abroad increase taxes and regulations here idiots.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
Yep and as soon as the repugs get power again the will give them more tax breaks and call democrats global elitist while the give the ultra wealthy even more breaks and we all work multiple jobs. The ultra rich pay 10 percent or what ever the capital gains tax is on billions while we pay a third of all income on thousands. But we are prog slaves. Lol
These are who Republicans like to refer to as "job creators."
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
AT&T and Verizon are huge donors to democrats, dumbfuck.

Oh, and people keeping what's theirs in the first place isn't a "giveaway" of anything, uncle Karl.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
Yep and as soon as the repugs get power again the will give them more tax breaks and call democrats global elitist while the give the ultra wealthy even more breaks and we all work multiple jobs. The ultra rich pay 10 percent or what ever the capital gains tax is on billions while we pay a third of all income on thousands. But we are prog slaves. Lol

Cut the federal government by 20%. Everbody wins.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
Yep and as soon as the repugs get power again the will give them more tax breaks and call democrats global elitist while the give the ultra wealthy even more breaks and we all work multiple jobs. The ultra rich pay 10 percent or what ever the capital gains tax is on billions while we pay a third of all income on thousands. But we are prog slaves. Lol

Cut the federal government by 20%. Everbody wins.
Ya, what 20%. Yall talk about global elite and how tech giants have to much power. Well put your money where your mouth is tax them, unionize them and enforce anti monopoly laws. Then I will start to believe your rhetoric. Add in there what 20% ya wanna cut.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
So, yes it is kind of sleazy that they cut all those jobs, but I want to correct the way you have stated this.

They didn't keep billions in tax cuts. They kept billions of their own money.

Government did not get to take billions from them.

Get that right in your head right fucking now.

It is not your fucking money.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
More Veggie Joe job losses.

What a disaster this clown is.
If it is true that 100,000 people have or will lose their jobs (income), that is horrible.

Anyone who wants to work should be guaranteed a job. If that is socialism, then I like socialism.

I also think that Medicare should pay for long-term care for the elderly (such as I) at home or in a facility. If that is socialism, then ...
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
I don't know about Verizon, but most of the ATT cuts are voluntary early retirement buyouts to eliminate positions that increased usage of cellphones have made superfluous. Most people don't have wirelines any more so far fewer outside techs are needed to maintain the plant and install new services. That trend was happening a decade or more ago. My office staff dropped from four frame techs and three electronic tech for one office to one of each and in the last couple of years I worked, it dropped to five combined techs covering six offices from six thirty AM to eight PM and one combination tech covering twelve offices from eight PM to six thirty AM. There is less demand for wired phones plus the new fiber optic equipment is far less labor intensive than the old integrated circuit/copper wire equipment it replaces.
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.

The daily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Republican tax giveaway to the richest people in our country extended into the businesses they owned. Then Majority-Leader Mitch McConnell told everyone that he believed the new jobs and trickling of wealth into society would make the tax cuts “be beyond revenue neutral." This means that the hit to our country’s collective coffers would be taken up by all the piles of money these businesses and wealthy folks would gift everybody. Right away every big business reported pulling in billions of dollars that they quickly pocketed or used for buybacks of their own stocks. McConnell said he was surprised that his plans of giving hundreds of billions of dollars to the wealthiest people in our society, with zero strings attached, didn’t work the way it never has and never will in the history of our country.

On the flip side workers’ wages have slumped under the Republican-version of the free market. Added to this is that instead of creating more jobs, big business and their tax cuts have laid off more workers during that time. Two of the biggest tax benefactors, telecoms Verizon and AT&T—who have pulled in tens of billions of dollars in government money over the past five years, are guilty of laying off almost 100,000 people during that same time. And now, after all of that, Republicans are once again nakedly calling for austerity measures to shore up our national debt. This play is being made in the hopes of chipping away further at the already weak social safety net programs, most of which are wildly popular—like Medicaid and Social Security.

The trickle will start any minute now.
I don't know about Verizon, but most of the ATT cuts are voluntary early retirement buyouts to eliminate positions that increased usage of cellphones have made superfluous. Most people don't have wirelines any more so far fewer outside techs are needed to maintain the plant and install new services. That trend was happening a decade or more ago. My office staff dropped from four frame techs and three electronic tech for one office to one of each and in the last couple of years I worked, it dropped to five combined techs covering six offices from six thirty AM to eight PM and one combination tech covering twelve offices from eight PM to six thirty AM. There is less demand for wired phones plus the new fiber optic equipment is far less labor intensive than the old integrated circuit/copper wire equipment it replaces.

Thanks for the information.

I am 83.

There are two landlines in the house.

I use a simple cellular flip phone only for emergencies.

On Tuesday one of the landlines lost its dial tone.

I was told that I would have to wait until Monday before a technician could out to check the situation.

Now I understand why the service is so slow nowadays.

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