Venger/Richard: American Questionnaire (Dianetics)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism-dissection exchange between Venger (fictional warlock) and Richard (fictional modernization-critic and American tourist/traveler from Danny Boyle's isolationism-contemplative film The Beach) regarding the 'ergonomics' of civilization-advancement.

Does modernization actually inspire you?

This portrait was inspired by Oblivion.



A powerful warlock named Venger who was fascinated by modern civilization labyrinths and toys such as Facebook, NASDAQ, and IMAX, was debating with an American tourist named Richard who was meditating about the claustrophobia of modernization and technology and bureaucracy while travelling to an idyllic island off the coast of Thailand. Venger was a 'fan' of technology and industry, while Richard was a 'critic' of socialization and the misuse of science. The two decided to debate about modernization in general.


VENGER: Are you a fan of Disneyland?
RICHARD: I like Walt Disney franchise stuff, but I prefer Toys 'R Us!
VENGER: Do you think modern companies invest in the consumer?
RICHARD: I believe that applications of imagination can reach the everyday pedestrian.
VENGER: Why then are you cynical about general traffic/consumerism?
RICHARD: Well, I find that indulgences in toys and fashion make for moral apathy.
VENGER: True; that's why I'm a fan of robot-toys --- they're 'morality-free.'
RICHARD: Yes! It's easier to talk about morality when referencing 'flesh-less' robots.
VENGER: Robots serve as argumentation thought-model 'figurines.'
RICHARD: So what would an A.I. Robot say about IBM, NASDAQ, and Intel?
VENGER: A robot might say, "These 'shells' for traffic symbolize vanity and skin!"
VENGER: Because IBM, NASDAQ, and Intel represent intellectual-labor meditation.
RICHARD: Do you think 'intellectual-labor meditations' create vanity?
VENGER: Yes, and I think that because labor is linked to power...
RICHARD: That's why a vintage black Lamborghini reminds us of envy!


After this intriguing discussion about modernism and machinations of 'metropolis,' Venger and Richard parted ways. Richard returned to the 'real world' upon the cessation of his 'escapism-themed' Thailand vacation-adventure, and Venger returned to his own 'realm' and continued making potions enabling teleportation. Richard and Venger had concluded that the labyrinths of modernization construct 'totems' of vanity and moral complacency and compel the mind to meditate on the 'geometry' of unrealized or clumsy mysticism. They both however also agreed that technology and toys that 'emerge' alongside modernization reveal color and psychological principles of the evolution of design/aesthetics.


Venger and Richard decided to make an 'American Questionnaire' that would reflect the modern interest in technology and toy design and creativity. This questionnaire would inspire people/participants to think about the 'quality' of ingenuity and intellectual labor in the modern world and why critics of civilization (and even terrorists!) sometimes cite materialism in evaluations of labor-justification. The questionnaire was a nice summary of 'civilization ethos.' Venger and Richard decided they'd become 'diplomats' of modernism-ethics.

Q1. Do you prefer Apple or Intel (aesthetically)?
Q2. How often do you visit Best Buy (consumer electronics store)?
Q3. For what devices do you purchase batteries (Duracell/Energizer)?
Q4. Does WikiTravel interest you, and do you find it useful?
Q5. When you use, are you pleased with 'modern services'?
Q6. Does Tron frustrate you and if so how?



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