

Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Marco Rubio, Mitch Daniels Coy About Veepstakes

Sorry for the link, that's where I found the news. I still think Mitch could change his mind. Rubio is the more likely choice, if Daniels sticks to his guns.

"We haven't had the conversation and I don't expect to have it. A lot went into that decision not to run -- very specifically that I promised the people of my state eight full years," Daniels said. "This is a hypothetical question and it will probably stay that way."

Undaunted, Wallace asked Daniels if he would agree to running for vice president if the Romney camp asked him.

"I would demand reconsideration and send Mr. Romney a list of people I think could suit better," Daniels said.


"The last thing he [Romney] needs are those of us in the peanut gallery to be saying what we would or would not do," Rubio said. "I'm not going to discuss it any more. Because now there's a real process in place, and I want to be respectful of the process that he's working on."
I wish Condi would come back. That woman rocks!

You're not alone...

Condoleezza Rice As Mitt Romney's 2012 Vice President Pick?

...looking back, we really admire Rice's style, which combines stately sophistication with a hint of flare. For business, Rice sometimes opts for the standard neutral pantsuit, but other times she changes it up, selecting professional wear in peach or donning a marching band-inspired black and white blazer.

Also, since she attended a lot of galas during her time at the White House, we've seen Rice in a host of eveningwear in shades of emerald green and her favorite bright red. For concerts (she's a classically trained pianist), Rice usually opts for traditional black. And, the former secretary is practical: she wore a gold gown to the 2007 Kennedy Center Honors and then repeated it at Glamour's 2008 Women of the Year Awards. We love it.

Condoleezza Rice As Mitt Romney's 2012 Vice President Pick? What We Could Expect Of Her VP Style (PHOTOS)
Rice, the former secretary of State, tops a poll released Wednesday by CNN/ORC International with support from 26% of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents.

Romney said this week that he's tapped longtime aide Beth Myers to conduct his search for a running mate, and hopes to name someone before the Republican National Convention in August.

Rice has emphatically said she has no intention of seeking elected office and doesn't want to be Romney's running mate. She would also pose a challenge for Romney, in that she is best known for her tenure in George W. Bush's administration and he remains unpopular.

Condi Rice, Gov. Christie, Sen. Rubio top VP polls
I wish Condi would come back. That woman rocks!

She did crap at State Dept. She has no experience as an elected official. If she weren't black no one would pay any attention. We don't need another affirmative action choice. Obama was enough.

Facts. Not mud-slinging. "Crap at State Dept" - How.

No experience as an elected official? So?

"If she weren't black no one would pay any attention." Do tell. And how did you reach THAT conclusion.
I wish Condi would come back. That woman rocks!
Well, she rocked the confidence of America in the NSA when she ignored threats from bin Laden, and advice from Richard Clarke.

And she rocked the trust in administration officials when she presented a scenario of mushroom clouds being imminent if Saddam was left in power.

Yeah, she rocked, alright.
Rice, the former secretary of State, tops a poll released Wednesday by CNN/ORC International with support from 26% of Republicans and GOP-leaning independents.

Romney said this week that he's tapped longtime aide Beth Myers to conduct his search for a running mate, and hopes to name someone before the Republican National Convention in August.

Rice has emphatically said she has no intention of seeking elected office and doesn't want to be Romney's running mate. She would also pose a challenge for Romney, in that she is best known for her tenure in George W. Bush's administration and he remains unpopular.

Condi Rice, Gov. Christie, Sen. Rubio top VP polls

Yeah, that last paragraph you quoted sounds pretty emphatic.
I love Mitch Daniels, andremember how much the GOP&Conservatives were begging him to run? and the "Post Boring State Of The Union Address" when Daniels was kind enough to actually tell us the actual state of the union? after that GOP response, we were all over him to reconsider running!
I dont know what condi lisa rice wants to do? where did she go? did she retire?
She has no interest in running - but Daniels said the same thing, both when he decided not to run, and earlier today. So he seems pretty determined to stay the course with the people of his state. I gotta admire him for that.
If you are a Mitch Daniels fan, you MUST watch this clip. Mitch is featured about 25 seconds in.


[ame=]Mitch Daniels on the Debt Ceiling - YouTube[/ame]
I wish Condi would come back. That woman rocks!

No possibility? Did she retire? From what I've read, she'd be an amazing choice.

She's returned to the world of academia. They'd be lucky to get her to come back - she has repeatedly said no... but if Mitt is as smart as he appears - he should get on the phone and tell her 'your country needs you'. She's done some exceptional stuff since she left politics. She's at Stanford U now... and a founder of the Rice Hedley Group. You should read up about the work she does now.

Rice, Klein: Education keeps America safe -

^^^^ She's right on the money with this.
Don't you remember what the racist democrats did to Dr. Condie Rice when she was appointed Secretary of State? I'm sure you can still find the extremely offensive racist cartoons that appeared in most of the mainstream newspapers showing Dr. Rice as a slave mammy with ragged clothes and distorted features. Nobody ever apologized.
I wish Condi would come back. That woman rocks!
Well, she rocked the confidence of America in the NSA when she ignored threats from bin Laden, and advice from Richard Clarke.

And she rocked the trust in administration officials when she presented a scenario of mushroom clouds being imminent if Saddam was left in power.

Yeah, she rocked, alright.

If Clinton had done his job right, the world would have been rid of Bin Laden long before she came on the scene.

Word of advice: People who live in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones.

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