Vampire Party: Clintonian Fairy-Tale


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-culture 'modern folk tale' inspired by the culture-invasion films Mars Attacks!, Blade Runner, and K-PAX.

Signing off,



Tom Cruise defected to a pro-Dianetics anarchy group in Romania and threw an outrageous Halloween party in Transylvania in which Scientologists distributed K2 while beautiful girls paraded on stage in eccentric and sexy/sensual costumes to signify a social celebration of gender-related pro-populism media. Even First Lady Melania Trump attended! It was a 'terrific madness.'


The party was more about charity than festivity, but when a deranged terrorist showed up, claiming to be a 'rogue excommunicated diplomat of ISIS,' Cruise (in his Valkyrie costume) went on the microphone and said, "Isn't there an idealistic Internet-blogger in the crowd willing to deliver us some valuable/needed optimism regarding pro-Western democratic politique?" Suddenly, such a 'hero' emerged --- his name was Ajay Satan.


Satan was a Yale associate professor of literature teaching a course about new age vampirism-folklore in modern cinema and bookstore paperback novels. What Cruise did not know was that Satan was actually a real-live vampire himself (with well-developed incisors for piercing and facial strength to suck blood (from the necks of 'victims'). Satan wanted to turn Cruise's 'media-event' (honestly) into a panarchism-podium for pro-pedestrian Utopianism, the ISIS terrorist backed down (feeling threatened by the vigor of the crowd) and promptly disappeared. Satan told Cruise, "This was a success for Hillary Clinton --- who is as scared of vampires as Newt Gingrich!"




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