Vaccines are covertly injectingeveryone with disease causing viruses warns scientist author of plagu


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses, warns scientist author of “Plague”
Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D., is a research scientist, as well as the co-author of the recently released ground-breaking book, Plague. Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she’s been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. And in a recent article, Mikovits sheds some light one of the most concerning aspects of retroviruses: their unsuspecting place in vaccines.


Some will never learn until they watch the lights go out in their kids, or better yet themselves.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.
Vaccines are covertly injecting everyone with disease-causing viruses, warns scientist author of “Plague”
Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D., is a research scientist, as well as the co-author of the recently released ground-breaking book, Plague. Mikovits has spent a lifetime studying autoimmune and neuroimmune diseases, cancer, and other conditions caused by chronic inflammation. Specifically, she’s been studying retroviruses and how they contribute to the onset of these life-altering conditions. And in a recent article, Mikovits sheds some light one of the most concerning aspects of retroviruses: their unsuspecting place in vaccines.


Some will never learn until they watch the lights go out in their kids, or better yet themselves.
And the scientific fight over that study still rages.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.
Rodishi wants physically and mentally ill babies in the womb to be born. She just wants them to die from polio once they get out
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The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.

Oh of course we can only hope they keep taking them all when ordered. It would be a huge benefit to humanity.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.

Oh of course we can only hope they keep taking them all when ordered. It would be a huge benefit to humanity.
Not really just more brain damaged peeps to go around telling others how they should be compassionate and have empathy because their parents were too ignorant to find out which vaccines are dangerous before getting jabbed.
Oh please, please take your vaccines for us. Like good little slaves LMFAO.

In animals, exogenous retroviruses are responsible for some of the deadliest diseases known. Yet, it wasn’t until 1980 when Poiesz and Ruscetti isolated the first human disease-causing retrovirus, then called Human T-cell Leukemia Virus as it was shown to cause an aggressive cancer called Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). In fact, when my mentor and colleague of 35 years, Frank Ruscetti, joined the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1975 to study human disease causing exogenous retroviruses, he was told by NCI scientist John M. Coffin not to bother as they did not exist.

Retroviruses: Poorly Understood Agents of Change
Oh please, please take your vaccines for us. Like good little slaves LMFAO.

In animals, exogenous retroviruses are responsible for some of the deadliest diseases known. Yet, it wasn’t until 1980 when Poiesz and Ruscetti isolated the first human disease-causing retrovirus, then called Human T-cell Leukemia Virus as it was shown to cause an aggressive cancer called Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). In fact, when my mentor and colleague of 35 years, Frank Ruscetti, joined the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1975 to study human disease causing exogenous retroviruses, he was told by NCI scientist John M. Coffin not to bother as they did not exist.

Retroviruses: Poorly Understood Agents of Change
My veterinary didn't even want me to vaccinate the last pup I got because the vaccines are so screwed up now.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.

Oh of course we can only hope they keep taking them all when ordered. It would be a huge benefit to humanity.
Not really just more brain damaged peeps to go around telling others how they should be compassionate and have empathy because their parents were too ignorant to find out which vaccines are dangerous before getting jabbed.

That is one way to see it, but just think they can't seem to believe the holes eating their brains isn't real.
Well the brain can only take so many holes before death occurs.
When you have a society so dumbed down and to lazy to look up what vaccines do from authentic sites including the makers of the vaccines, well that goes to show how well those holes are working.

Just another areas they'll eat themselves alive bhahahah.

These same dumbasses can't even look up how other Countries either ban certain vaccines, or not give so many all at one time as the US.

They know the US is so fkn stupid and such Gov. ass kissers they'll listen to anything they say and believe it.
Oh please, please take your vaccines for us. Like good little slaves LMFAO.

In animals, exogenous retroviruses are responsible for some of the deadliest diseases known. Yet, it wasn’t until 1980 when Poiesz and Ruscetti isolated the first human disease-causing retrovirus, then called Human T-cell Leukemia Virus as it was shown to cause an aggressive cancer called Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). In fact, when my mentor and colleague of 35 years, Frank Ruscetti, joined the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1975 to study human disease causing exogenous retroviruses, he was told by NCI scientist John M. Coffin not to bother as they did not exist.

Retroviruses: Poorly Understood Agents of Change
My veterinary didn't even want me to vaccinate the last pup I got because the vaccines are so screwed up now.

I believe it, I also heard that pets don't even need rabies every year that is suppose to be another bs scam to gain more money while making the pets very ill.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.
Rodishi wants physically and mentally ill babies in the womb to be born. She just wants them to die from polio once they get out
Don't play in someone else's shit who has the Polio virus and you'll be safe.

The Polio virus has been found in pools, rivers, soil, vegetables grown in the soil...
You are not safe.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.
Rodishi wants physically and mentally ill babies in the womb to be born. She just wants them to die from polio once they get out
Don't play in someone else's shit who has the Polio virus and you'll be safe.

The Polio virus has been found in pools, rivers, soil, vegetables grown in the soil...
You are not safe.

How about a few years ago Bayer was caught giving people medicine tainted with HIV, when they were caught the huge greedy corporation didn't want to lose their billions so they shipped the drugs overseas and gave it to them.

How people can be so in love with the Government rely on them like parents and trust what they feed the population is beyond me. They can't think on their own they rely on a pos system asking NO QUESTIONS.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.
Rodishi wants physically and mentally ill babies in the womb to be born. She just wants them to die from polio once they get out
Don't play in someone else's shit who has the Polio virus and you'll be safe.

The Polio virus has been found in pools, rivers, soil, vegetables grown in the soil...
You are not safe.
Don't put raw shit onto garden fruits and vegetables, have the people stop dumping raw sewage everywhere and for sure don't use public pools. Really its common sense to treat sewage with caution like it should be but no people are not willing to do that are they? Modern plumbing was the biggest health factor for the modern world, not junk science trying to shortcut cleanliness with chemical crap.
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Oh please, please take your vaccines for us. Like good little slaves LMFAO.

In animals, exogenous retroviruses are responsible for some of the deadliest diseases known. Yet, it wasn’t until 1980 when Poiesz and Ruscetti isolated the first human disease-causing retrovirus, then called Human T-cell Leukemia Virus as it was shown to cause an aggressive cancer called Adult T-cell leukemia (ATL). In fact, when my mentor and colleague of 35 years, Frank Ruscetti, joined the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in 1975 to study human disease causing exogenous retroviruses, he was told by NCI scientist John M. Coffin not to bother as they did not exist.

Retroviruses: Poorly Understood Agents of Change
My veterinary didn't even want me to vaccinate the last pup I got because the vaccines are so screwed up now.

I believe it, I also heard that pets don't even need rabies every year that is suppose to be another bs scam to gain more money while making the pets very ill.
Yes it will make them sick. Rabies is mostly needed for outside pets that are in an area where they are at exposure risk or if one travels with their pet into areas where they might need the certifications.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.

Oh of course we can only hope they keep taking them all when ordered. It would be a huge benefit to humanity.
Not really just more brain damaged peeps to go around telling others how they should be compassionate and have empathy because their parents were too ignorant to find out which vaccines are dangerous before getting jabbed.

That is one way to see it, but just think they can't seem to believe the holes eating their brains isn't real.
Well the brain can only take so many holes before death occurs.
When you have a society so dumbed down and to lazy to look up what vaccines do from authentic sites including the makers of the vaccines, well that goes to show how well those holes are working.

Just another areas they'll eat themselves alive bhahahah.

These same dumbasses can't even look up how other Countries either ban certain vaccines, or not give so many all at one time as the US.

They know the US is so fkn stupid and such Gov. ass kissers they'll listen to anything they say and believe it.
Druggies are the same way. As long as they are putting fluoride and so many chemicals into the system the people really don't have a super chance unless they have parents smart enough to avoid a lot of the crap now. Even then though many are being taken in by fads and such. I noticed a couple we know are both going bald now and they are much younger than us. Intestinal damage and lack of sustenance in many of the foods along with the chemicals are causing a great deal of damage too. That is the Pale horse, it goes for both physical and spiritual lack (celestial and terrestrial). In the spiritual aspect people have been dumbed down too with ignorant teachers who pass around each others dung that is lacking spiritual sustenance.
The "vaccine cultist" will be along shortly to whine and bitch about you OP.
Rodishi wants physically and mentally ill babies in the womb to be born. She just wants them to die from polio once they get out
Don't play in someone else's shit who has the Polio virus and you'll be safe.

The Polio virus has been found in pools, rivers, soil, vegetables grown in the soil...
You are not safe.
Don't put raw shit onto garden fruits and vegetables, have the people stop dumping raw sewage everywhere and for sure don't use public pools. Really its common sense to treat sewage with caution like it should be but no people are not willing to do that are they? Modern plumbing was the biggest health factor for the modern world, not junk science trying to shortcut cleanliness with chemical crap.

So you grow all of your food? Never eat out? And make sure your children eat only fruit that you have grown, and keep them inside and away from other children? And avoid water? And the immigrant your child sits next to in school?

Polio scared parents to death because it was something they could not protect their child against.
You have to weigh the risk of exposure vs the risk of the vaccine.

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