VA Leftists walk out of opening prayer

With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

They should have stopped and removed him.

Opening prayers for legislative bodies are not the place for hate filled rants.

He wasn't talking to you anyway. Why should you care.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

typical dems stomping out free speech
Shows you who their master is, satan.
Yep, those heathens don't like to be reminded of their sins.

What is a "heathen" and what does being such a thing have anything to do with the General Assembly? Moreover, you have cannot have any idea of what the beliefs are of those who walked out. This guy was trying to turn the General Assembly into a captive audience. This is unacceptable. If he wants to hold a prayer service in support of his views, he is welcome to do so before or after the official proceedings.
A heathen is someone who does NOT believe in GOD. Non-believer = HEATHEN. Thank you.

So a "heathen" is someone who believes that there is no supreme being? It's a synonym for "atheist"? Regardless, why is there this push by fundie supposed-"Christians" to find captive audiences that they can mis-identify as auditoriums or stadiums full of people who support the views of someone like frankie graham or jeffress or someone of that bunch? The Virginia General Assembly represents all of the people of the Commonwealth, yet this guy was trying to make it look like the entire body was praying for everything that he was asking for in his speech, regardless of the beliefs of the individuals who make up the General Assembly and their constituents.

Actually I'd say about 85-95% of real Virginians views would more align with those of the pastor. That's already been proven with the 2A sanctuary areas that now exist in the State, since the godless commies started threatening draconian gun laws.


Who is a "real Virginian"? There is no such animal as a "fake Virginian."

Your attempt to connect the Supreme Being with guns is grossly disgusting and an insult to faith of every sort.
The Bible grants the right to self defense. Ya know the guy that creeps into your home unawares.
I'm kind of a conservative, I think the very slim majorities in VAs house and Senate needed to hear that message as they steamroll the minority....On the other hand I think the pastor got way too political in his offering. The one thing this shows is just how intolerant liberals are of opposing views, and disrespectful of anyone not cowing to their orthodoxy....

It was in the end poor form by liberals in Virginia...

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With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

They should have stopped and removed him.

Opening prayers for legislative bodies are not the place for hate filled rants.

He wasn't talking to you anyway. Why should you care.

Unless you were there and he was talking to you you've just removed the reason for this thread.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

They should have stopped and removed him.

Opening prayers for legislative bodies are not the place for hate filled rants.

He wasn't talking to you anyway. Why should you care.

Unless you were there and he was talking to you you've just removed the reason for this thread.

he wouldn't have been talking to me either
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Quick, send in an army of priests!

It’s disturbing to watch video like this...WTF happened to the people of this nation, how did so many become so twisted and fucked in the head?
What kind of a human being are you when you become offended by someone quoting Gods desires?
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

I think the pastor should have focused on unity and things that all Virginians, all religions can agree. That said, I also think that this crop of Liberal Democrats that have taken over Virginia are going to push it and Virginia will vote for Trump and Republicans in November.

We shall see

Virginia is changing. It no longer depends on rural grown tobacco for revenue. The center of mass has now moved towards suburban DC and voters no longer cherish the old southern values

I think Virginia is a pendulum. The Virginia electorate never lets the state go too far Left or Right. Northern Virginia is a force but Richmond is still boss which is why I see it go back and forth.
Yep, those heathens don't like to be reminded of their sins.

What is a "heathen" and what does being such a thing have anything to do with the General Assembly? Moreover, you have cannot have any idea of what the beliefs are of those who walked out. This guy was trying to turn the General Assembly into a captive audience. This is unacceptable. If he wants to hold a prayer service in support of his views, he is welcome to do so before or after the official proceedings.
A heathen is someone who does NOT believe in GOD. Non-believer = HEATHEN. Thank you.

So a "heathen" is someone who believes that there is no supreme being? It's a synonym for "atheist"? Regardless, why is there this push by fundie supposed-"Christians" to find captive audiences that they can mis-identify as auditoriums or stadiums full of people who support the views of someone like frankie graham or jeffress or someone of that bunch? The Virginia General Assembly represents all of the people of the Commonwealth, yet this guy was trying to make it look like the entire body was praying for everything that he was asking for in his speech, regardless of the beliefs of the individuals who make up the General Assembly and their constituents.

Actually I'd say about 85-95% of real Virginians views would more align with those of the pastor. That's already been proven with the 2A sanctuary areas that now exist in the State, since the godless commies started threatening draconian gun laws.


Who is a "real Virginian"? There is no such animal as a "fake Virginian."

Your attempt to connect the Supreme Being with guns is grossly disgusting and an insult to faith of every sort.

Obviously you've never been to the State.

With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.

Hate speech from a clergyman is par for Conservatives

The fact that you hate the man's speech doesn't make it "hate speech"

Almighty God's problems with the LGBTQ community really started when the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit 2 of His angels into the Homosexual Lifestyle. The Homo Community has never apologized to Almighty God over that, have yet to accept responsibility.

A God Hates Fags speech is not exactly going to bring people together
Yep, those heathens don't like to be reminded of their sins.

What is a "heathen" and what does being such a thing have anything to do with the General Assembly? Moreover, you have cannot have any idea of what the beliefs are of those who walked out. This guy was trying to turn the General Assembly into a captive audience. This is unacceptable. If he wants to hold a prayer service in support of his views, he is welcome to do so before or after the official proceedings.
A heathen is someone who does NOT believe in GOD. Non-believer = HEATHEN. Thank you.

So a "heathen" is someone who believes that there is no supreme being? It's a synonym for "atheist"? Regardless, why is there this push by fundie supposed-"Christians" to find captive audiences that they can mis-identify as auditoriums or stadiums full of people who support the views of someone like frankie graham or jeffress or someone of that bunch? The Virginia General Assembly represents all of the people of the Commonwealth, yet this guy was trying to make it look like the entire body was praying for everything that he was asking for in his speech, regardless of the beliefs of the individuals who make up the General Assembly and their constituents.

Actually I'd say about 85-95% of real Virginians views would more align with those of the pastor. That's already been proven with the 2A sanctuary areas that now exist in the State, since the godless commies started threatening draconian gun laws.

The remote boondocks are not “real Virginia”

No, that would be the beltway berbs.

With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.

Hate speech from a clergyman is par for Conservatives

The fact that you hate the man's speech doesn't make it "hate speech"

Almighty God's problems with the LGBTQ community really started when the Gay Community in Sodom tried to recruit 2 of His angels into the Homosexual Lifestyle. The Homo Community has never apologized to Almighty God over that, have yet to accept responsibility.

A God Hates Fags speech is not exactly going to bring people together

The preacher was praying to Almighty God, not giving a speech at all.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Walking out on prayers to Almighty God is about par for the libs. They boo'ed Him out of the building during their 2012 Convention.

Are you saying that everyone has to agree with the content of every prayer spoken by anybody or outwardly show signs of assent to the content of that prayer by standing, being quiet, saying "amen"?
Anyone who stayed and didn't walk off would appear to support this "reverend's" overtly partisan politics and be praying for what he was praying about. He should have had more respect for the General Assembly. He was supposed to be addressing the Supreme Being on behalf of the entire Assembly and he failed to respect this fact. I'm thinking that the procedure of opening the proceedings of a government entity is not a good idea. There is plenty of time to pray or not before or after the official proceedings.
A black man is "partisan" toward Republicans? I thought such a man didnt exist.
With newly empowered Democrats in the Virginia state house ready to advance legislation lifting abortion restrictions and eager to strengthen protections for those in the LGBT community, Reverend Dr. Robert M Grant, Jr. didn't hold back in his opening prayer before the General Assembly Tuesday morning.

In a scathing, biblically based denunciation of same-sex "marriage" and abortion, the pastor's 6-minute prayer drove some Democrats to walk off the floor

Vampires, meet sunshine:

Anyone who stayed and didn't walk off would appear to support this "reverend's" overtly partisan politics and be praying for what he was praying about. He should have had more respect for the General Assembly. He was supposed to be addressing the Supreme Being on behalf of the entire Assembly and he failed to respect this fact. I'm thinking that the procedure of opening the proceedings of a government entity is not a good idea. There is plenty of time to pray or not before or after the official proceedings.
A black man is "partisan" toward Republicans? I thought such a man didnt exist.

I'm talking about the content of this prayer. The race of the person offering it is entirely irrelevant.

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