Utter insanity: activist mommy launches petition after kidss crawl on drag queen at library story hr


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Over 60% of convicted sex offenders in and outside of our prisons have cross dressing fetishes. I would not be surprised if all of these drag fags are chomos.

Leave them... I'm thinking of starting a private library for when most people won't go to the public library because they were driven off. It'll be interesting to see how much funding a public library will get when it's up for a vote when that happens.

God bless the USA and capitalism!!!


She launched it a year ago. Maybe this is the year it will matter and break 100k signatures. :lol:
I wonder if the people who arrange this crap crawl over drag queens in their spare time. Kids: clowns and drag queens are best laughed at from a distance. It's a bad idea to go near them.
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Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.

60% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their primary paraphillia (a parapillia is a psychological sex disorder). Of the remaining fetishists, such as pedophiles, rapists, etc., 60% of those sex offenders have transgender fetish as their secondary parapillia, in addition to their primary disorder. Finally, 40% of convicted sex offenders have transgender fetish as their tertiary (3rd) fetish among multiple disorders.

Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior."

Transwomen & Sexualized Violence – Gender Identity Watch
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Leave them... I'm thinking of starting a private library for when most people won't go to the public library because they were driven off. It'll be interesting to see how much funding a public library will get when it's up for a vote when that happens.

God bless the USA and capitalism!!!



I love that song use to ball my eyes out ehhehe when the hub deployed esp. lmfao.
Are these reading events mandatory and parents are required to drag their children to them? i would assume that parents have access to scheduled events and will make their decisions accordingly. Parents have the final decision. If they don't like this event, surely there are others to which they can take their children.
This is a voluntary activity... if someone want to take their kids to it, that should be their personal choice.
Are these reading events mandatory and parents are required to drag their children to them? i would assume that parents have access to scheduled events and will make their decisions accordingly. Parents have the final decision. If they don't like this event, surely there are others to which they can take their children.
Yeah, retarded sorry ass excuses for parents that are willing to let their kid crawl all over a possible child molester.

If you think I am wrong, why is no cross dressing one of the parole release requirements for sex offenders in NY and many other states ?

"As soon as Yunus was released, he was presented with a list of sex offender restrictions.

There are 48 listed restrictions, and they circumscribe his fetishes.X". As he read down the list he felt a chill pass through him: how could he possibly abide by all these edicts and not get sent back to prison? “It covers every tiny detail of your life. They want to know when you took your last breath.” When he expressed his alarm to a parole officer, he was told to “man up” and deal with it.

In addition to the 1,000ft and 300 yards rules, here is a selection of the fruitier conditions, all of which he is required to follow:

19. I will not have animals (puppies, kittens etc) in my possession.

21. I will not hitchhike, or pick up hitchhikers.

23. *I will not cross dress or participate in any sexual fetishes.*"
(Story is about a guy convicted of a sex crime even though he committed no sexual acts in his crime, I am just using this to prove that cross dressing is a major thing with sex offenders)
'There was a lot of shame': meet the sex offender ‘who is not a sex offender’
This is a voluntary activity... if someone want to take their kids to it, that should be their personal choice.
I agree in theory but the library is a public facility. That means it's a tax funded building.

If someone wanted a children's Nazi story hour there I assume you'd be intellectually consistent and support that too?

Is this sort of thing not better held in some Unitarian church basement somewhere? I know Portland has plenty of them.
I'd be very interested to see who shows up to it. Perhaps even take some names and addresses.
So this is your way of saying, Yes, I would like Nazi gatherings at the library?

Nazi groups exist. If the library allows other groups to use their facilities, they must allow the Nazis.

Liberty, true liberty, isn't about just allowing people to say only what you want them to say. It's about also allowing people to say things that turn your blood cold. Things that would spend you life fighting to oppose.

We are Americans. We don't censor speech. We don't censor thought. Not if you truly believe in what America stands for.
Are these reading events mandatory and parents are required to drag their children to them? i would assume that parents have access to scheduled events and will make their decisions accordingly. Parents have the final decision. If they don't like this event, surely there are others to which they can take their children.
Yeah, retarded sorry ass excuses for parents that are willing to let their kid crawl all over a possible child molester.

If you think I am wrong, why is no cross dressing one of the parole release requirements for sex offenders in NY and many other states ?

"As soon as Yunus was released, he was presented with a list of sex offender restrictions.

There are 48 listed restrictions, and they circumscribe his fetishes.X". As he read down the list he felt a chill pass through him: how could he possibly abide by all these edicts and not get sent back to prison? “It covers every tiny detail of your life. They want to know when you took your last breath.” When he expressed his alarm to a parole officer, he was told to “man up” and deal with it.

In addition to the 1,000ft and 300 yards rules, here is a selection of the fruitier conditions, all of which he is required to follow:

19. I will not have animals (puppies, kittens etc) in my possession.

21. I will not hitchhike, or pick up hitchhikers.

23. *I will not cross dress or participate in any sexual fetishes.*"
(Story is about a guy convicted of a sex crime even though he committed no sexual acts in his crime, I am just using this to prove that cross dressing is a major thing with sex offenders)
'There was a lot of shame': meet the sex offender ‘who is not a sex offender’

Your lengthy post has absolutely nothing to do with a story hour at a library. There is no compulsory attendance.
Great video at the OP's link.

The video is totally and completely wrong because the forensic lab may not be able to tell if DNA is male or female.
XX is female and XY is male, but what is XXY or ZYY, or the half dozen other possible but rare combinations?
There there is the fact that even if one has male or female DNA, that does not mean the person matches that DNA.
DNA is a blueprint that normally gets followed, but due to things like viruses, hormones in food, etc., you can turn out totally different than your DNA.
So a DNA test does not at all have to indicate how one has turned out.
There are just too many other factors.

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