Utah Sen Mike Lee: Respect for Marriage Act: Why religious liberty deserves protection and my amendment will provide it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
If 10 Rs join w/ Dems today, I believe it is VERY likely that Biden IRS revokes tax-exempt status of churches, charities, universities & K-12 schools that refuse to embrace same-sex marriage (eg, City of Philadelphia targeted Catholic Charities on this).

If 10 Rs join w/ Dems today, I believe it is VERY likely that Biden IRS revokes tax-exempt status of churches, charities, universities & K-12 schools that refuse to embrace same-sex marriage (eg, City of Philadelphia targeted Catholic Charities on this).

I doubt it will revoke it for all charities. But the threshold to meet that tax exempt status may be increased and the regulations tightened. You want that tax exempt status, no political activities of ANY kind. That happens and you lose that status.
If 10 Rs join w/ Dems today, I believe it is VERY likely that Biden IRS revokes tax-exempt status of churches, charities, universities & K-12 schools that refuse to embrace same-sex marriage (eg, City of Philadelphia targeted Catholic Charities on this).

The entire idea of the government mandating certain dogmas- like Gay Marriage- for churches to obey or else, would seem to be sort of unconstitutional IMHO.
Freedom of religion in the Constitution.
It how you look at Marriage...

Personally I think there is two forms of Marriage:
  • A Civil one
  • A Religious one
The Civil one is the only one the Government recognises... The laws of the land should allow that Civil one (some will call Marraige and other call Union) is protected in law and should be recognised by all organisations under law...

No one should be forced to call it a marriage under God (i.e. Religious) if they don't want to but they do respect the laws of the land.

That way Government stays out of Religion and

“Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s”​

It how you look at Marriage...

Personally I think there is two forms of Marriage:
  • A Civil one
  • A Religious one
The Civil one is the only one the Government recognises... The laws of the land should allow that Civil one (some will call Marraige and other call Union) is protected in law and should be recognised by all organisations under law...

No one should be forced to call it a marriage under God (i.e. Religious) if they don't want to but they do respect the laws of the land.

That way Government stays out of Religion and

“Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s”​

That works, a civil union, like the old "common law marriage". Tax benefits and the rest, but not recognized by churches.
The entire idea of the government mandating certain dogmas- like Gay Marriage- for churches to obey or else, would seem to be sort of unconstitutional IMHO.

But they already do that.

That's why Rastafarians can't legally smoke dope in their ceremonies.
It's why the Branch Davidians couldn't give their children as brides to David Koresh.
It's why Bob Jones University can't ban interracial dating.
If 10 Rs join w/ Dems today, I believe it is VERY likely that Biden IRS revokes tax-exempt status of churches, charities, universities & K-12 schools that refuse to embrace same-sex marriage (eg, City of Philadelphia targeted Catholic Charities on this).

Why would that be a bad thing?

Frankly, I'd like to see them revoke ALL tax exempt status for churches. The God-scammers should pay their taxes like the rest of us.

But we already had this discussion about the racist churches that practiced segregation 40 years ago like Bob Jones University and the Mormons.
I doubt it will revoke it for all charities. But the threshold to meet that tax exempt status may be increased and the regulations tightened. You want that tax exempt status, no political activities of ANY kind. That happens and you lose that status.
So no more community organizers visting churches for registration drives?

I'll believe it when I see it.
So no more community organizers visting churches for registration drives?

I'll believe it when I see it.
More like, no more large religious churches and organizations raising millions of dollars as a tax exempt entity and then turning around and funneling that money to political causes and groups.
But, like you said, I'll believe it when I see it.

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