
Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
I have to say, USMB is one [ only] forum I've been on where you can speak the truth regarding race
some of these others won't let you say anything about race -- except if it's disparaging whites
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having discussions on race, but there is a glaring difference between having a legitimate discussion or disguising these discussions as an excuse to engage in blatant racism or anti-Semitism, which several members have been guilty of.
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with having discussions on race, but there is a glaring difference between having a legitimately discussion or disguising these discussions as an excuse to engage in blatant racism or anti-Semitism

I don't see a lot of Anti-semitism around here. People always get labeled anti-semite for mentioning the undeniable truth regarding the over representation of Jews in the media and financial sectors. Similar to how we get accused of racism for referencing high crime rates among the black community. We're discouraged from talking about these issues but there's no such taboo about labeling white men as the prime culprit for terrorism in the US.
I have to say, USMB is one [ only] forum I've been on where you can speak the truth regarding race
some of these others won't let you say anything about race -- except if it's disparaging whites

You do yourself no favors or attract any credibility by parroting drivel. I'm glad you have the forum to express such nonsense though. If you judge who your friends and enemies can be based on visual data, don't be surprised when your "friends" cut your throat from behind.

This country is struggling with ideologies, not race. Leftists are the problem. Not people that have better tans than you.

You do yourself no favors or attract any credibility by parroting drivel. I'm glad you have the forum to express such nonsense though. If you judge who your friends and enemies can be based on visual data, don't be surprised when your "friends" cut your throat from behind.

This country is struggling with ideologies, not race. Leftists are the problem. Not people that have better tans than you.

The left's obsession with forced diversity quotas, hatred for all things "white" and adherence to the myth of equality is the problem. You do yourself no favors by dancing to their tune.
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.

It's funny to me that typical conservatives seem to have no problem with shitting on Muslims on a daily basis but you run for the hills and start screaming "STORMFRONT" when Jews are mentioned.
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.

It's funny to me that typical conservatives seem to have no problem with shitting on Muslims on a daily basis but you run for the hills and start screaming "STORMFRONT" when Jews are mentioned.
It's getting so bad here that you can hardly even call Muslims "carpet kissers" without getting a warning.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with having discussions on race, but there is a glaring difference between having a legitimate discussion or disguising these discussions as an excuse to engage in blatant racism or anti-Semitism, which several members have been guilty of.
I know I can't believe you do it all the time...
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.

It's funny to me that typical conservatives seem to have no problem with shitting on Muslims on a daily basis but you run for the hills and start screaming "STORMFRONT" when Jews are mentioned.
It's getting so bad here that you can hardly even call Muslims "carpet kissers" without getting a warning.
That's because anything having to do with "carpet" and/or kissing, licking, stroking, fisting or petting has been claimed by the lesbians..
I do not mind any discussions on race. It can be good. However what I do not like is all of the name calling....and it comes from every direction. Accomplishes nothing.
It's getting so bad here that you can hardly even call Muslims "carpet kissers" without getting a warning.

I've been calling them carpet pilots, moose limbs, muzbots and all sorts of shit. I've asserted that the entire cult is founded on slavery, conquest, rape and death. I've even pointed out the false "profit" of the cult was a pedophile warlord, thief and faggot.

You must have pissed someone off and they used it as an excuse to exploit their petty authority.

I've gotten in trouble mostly for trolling libturd troll threads.

Easy enough fix though, I just make mention of the asinine "issue" some bed wetter posted and then buttfuck their asinine propaganda while pointing out these imbeciles wouldn't even exist if child proof lids prevented them from being found dead under a kitchen sink. I still get in trouble from time to time but it's too much fun using Saul Alinsky's Rule #5 against these mindless drones.

You have to cut the mods some slack though, they have a tough job keeping the forum balanced and keeping people interested in posting what can either be truly informative or entertaining threads and insipid liberal drivel that exposes just how stupid and vapid one has to be in order to believe in utopian fairy tales, climate pseudo-science, and whatever other insipid shit they cut and paste from MSLSD and Huff Po. It's not an easy job and they're doing it for free as far as I know.

There is only one that I would like to see removed but I suppose the asswipe does have a place keeping assholes like me in check.

've been calling them carpet pilots, moose limbs, muzbots and all sorts of shit. I've asserted that the entire cult is founded on slavery, conquest, rape and death. I've even pointed out the false "profit" of the cult was a pedophile warlord, thief and faggot.

Well the US did make it even with those bad guys here they really just kinda fit it, not the clothes of course...
I have to say, USMB is one [ only] forum I've been on where you can speak the truth regarding race
some of these others won't let you say anything about race -- except if it's disparaging whites
I agree i went to a other American forum before coming here and we are able to say what we feel and just not calling people name
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.

It's funny to me that typical conservatives seem to have no problem with shitting on Muslims on a daily basis but you run for the hills and start screaming "STORMFRONT" when Jews are mentioned.
It's getting so bad here that you can hardly even call Muslims "carpet kissers" without getting a warning.
This is the only forum that i know on the web that I could say that the terrorists who had massacred people in the world at the forum (in private section about terrorism ) because elsewhere on the net we can not say that they were Muslims without being racist
and otherwise we are told that we amalgamate
I have to say, USMB is one [ only] forum I've been on where you can speak the truth regarding race
some of these others won't let you say anything about race -- except if it's disparaging whites
I agree i went to a other American forum before coming here and we are able to say what we feel and just not calling people name
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.

It's funny to me that typical conservatives seem to have no problem with shitting on Muslims on a daily basis but you run for the hills and start screaming "STORMFRONT" when Jews are mentioned.
It's getting so bad here that you can hardly even call Muslims "carpet kissers" without getting a warning.
This is the only forum that i know on the web that I could say that the terrorists who had massacred people in the world at the forum (in private section about terrorism ) because elsewhere on the net we can not say that they were Muslims without being racist
and otherwise we are told that we amalgamate
Islam is not a race.. There is not a race associated with being a Muslim...
Accomplishes nothing.

It makes me laugh.

It makes a bunch of people laugh I'd be willing to bet.

That is my primary reason to be here is to be entertained. I can't speak for anyone else.

Of course the more intelligent posters make great arguments and share valuable information, but I have yet to see just one person post a thread admitting someone else's point of view was better, or had changed their minds. So I hope you don't mind if I stay in my tree and fling shit at moonbats.

Islam is not a race.. There is not a race associated with being a Muslim...

Prime example of the progressive urge to white knight on behalf of Islam. They display the exact opposite behavior when it comes to Christianity.
Islam is not a race.. There is not a race associated with being a Muslim...

Prime example of the progressive urge to white knight on behalf of Islam. They display the exact opposite behavior when it comes to Christianity.
There is no race that represent Christianity also...Just a fact. If you can't deal with it consult the God of your choice.....
I have to say, USMB is one [ only] forum I've been on where you can speak the truth regarding race
some of these others won't let you say anything about race -- except if it's disparaging whites
I agree i went to a other American forum before coming here and we are able to say what we feel and just not calling people name
Just don't speak the truth about Muslims, I just came off of a week long ban.

One of the forum's "authorities" is a petty bed wetting bag of smashed assholes, but for the most part you can say just about anything you want and that is what makes this the best forum on the net.

It's funny to me that typical conservatives seem to have no problem with shitting on Muslims on a daily basis but you run for the hills and start screaming "STORMFRONT" when Jews are mentioned.
It's getting so bad here that you can hardly even call Muslims "carpet kissers" without getting a warning.
This is the only forum that i know on the web that I could say that the terrorists who had massacred people in the world at the forum (in private section about terrorism ) because elsewhere on the net we can not say that they were Muslims without being racist
and otherwise we are told that we amalgamate
Islam is not a race.. There is not a race associated with being a Muslim...
Never said it was, It is the Muslim community that fear to be amalgamate after terrorist attacks but this is where it's hurts a lot of terrorists come directly from this community

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