CDZ USMB POLL: Woman shot, killed by two-year-old son - Who is responsible for this woman's death?

Who was responsible for the woman's death in this story?

  • The 2 year old child was responsible for his mother's death

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Yup, that gun just jumped out of that woman's purse all by its own self and forced its way into that toddler's hands and compelled him to fire it. Yup, yup, yup, that's what happened, all right

No one said that that I saw.
Kinda think something is being made out of nothing. Overall it was an accident. We all know the definition of that.
So you are saying the woman who was killed by a 2 year old, carrying a loaded pistol with the safety off and the hammer down, is a perfectly responsible gun owner.


How do you know which pistol she had?
Would you say she was being a responsible gun owner?

No. She also paid for her mistake.

I am one of those who thinks you either keep the gun on your body, or under your direct control, or you keep it locked up.
This conversation is fascinating, especially the "it's no one's fault" part.

"I mean, like, it just sorta kinda happened. Or maybe it was an Act of God. Yeah, that's it. Jesus told that woman to carry a gun in her purse and not have sense enough to realize a two-year-old can get into anything. Yup, yup, that's it. It's Jesus' fault. Like getting struck by lightning. Coulda happened to anyone."

Anyone so terrified of life she has to be packing on a trip to the grocery store, anyway.

And gunlubbers wonder why those of us who live our entire lives without carrying look askance at your endless rationalizations.

If anyone's arguing "it's the gun's fault," it's not us.

Yup, that gun just jumped out of that woman's purse all by its own self and forced its way into that toddler's hands and compelled him to fire it. Yup, yup, yup, that's what happened, all right.

God help that child when he's old enough to find out what happened to his Mommy.

Except for the 1,500,000 times that people have needed to use guns for self defense each year....according to bill clinton.....and many of those are at grocery stores since that is where the criminals know people bring money......
The gun owner is ultimately responsible for the disposition of their firearm at all times. This is part of the reason I don't believe in off-body carry. It's much less secure than carrying on your person.
If I carried a gun and had a toddler, I'd have it in a holster on my body where little fingers couldn't get at it. I also wouldn't own a gun without a safety if I had a little one.

Yes.......a gun with an external safety around children is a good have to weigh the odds you will need to use it and might fumble taking the safety off, vs. how often it will be around your kids.

I went with an external safety while little people are they get older...then you can think no external safety....

Unless it isn't a carry gun....if you keep it locked up and unloaded, then you can probably get one without a safety.

If you don't have kids.....go without the safety.......but practice....and always be aware of where it is....
Is this a joke? What question could there be? A gun doesn't 'go off', it is fired. A gun with no bullet in the chamber can't be fired. A semi-auto pistol with one in the chamber is a stupid way to carry unless entering into combat. A revolver would be difficult for a two-year-old to manipulate in such a way as to fire it. In any case, anyone carrying a loaded firearm should be held legally responsible for any mishap and prosecuted severely.
'Rights' require responsibility.

A pistol without a round in the chamber is pointless. Direct control is the thing that you need to be aware of.
Instead of pushing gun control....the gun grabbers should push gun safety.....PSAs would be well as gun safety taught alongside fire safety in public schools........that would help too.....but the gun grabbers fight gun safety education...
(Reuters) - A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.

The 29-year-old woman was shopping at a Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, with the toddler seated in her shopping cart when the incident occurred, Kootenai County Sheriff Ben Wolfinger said in a written statement.

Who (if anyone) is responsible for this poor woman's death?

She was responsible for not securing her firearm better than she had, and as a result her two year old child killed her by accident.

It happens, and the stupidity of the owner of the firearm can not be excused.
(Reuters) - A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.

The 29-year-old woman was shopping at a Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, with the toddler seated in her shopping cart when the incident occurred, Kootenai County Sheriff Ben Wolfinger said in a written statement.

Who (if anyone) is responsible for this poor woman's death?
As a gun owner/carrier you, and you alone, are reponsible for said gun and what happens to/with it. For whatever reason this woman irresponsibly left a gun within the reach of a toddler. As a father of a similarily aged child, I would never allow such a thing to happen. Heck, I wouldn't even allow my child to see a gun if I could help it. Not at that age. There is noone alive that is responsible for this tragedy.
Side note:
How would you veiw this differently if it took place at home? Say the gun was on a coffe table, loaded, and within easy reach of the child. Would that make a difference for you? I, personally, see no difference.
So are parents whose children fall into the swimming pool and drown likewise to blame for having something dangerous near the child? How about the parents who own horses, whose child is killed by a kick to the head?

And by the time your child is 30, you will know better than to say something so smug and impossible as "I would NEVER allow such a thing to happen!"
People just don't get, or do not want to get the fact that wrong as it was it was an accident.
(Reuters) - A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.

The 29-year-old woman was shopping at a Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, with the toddler seated in her shopping cart when the incident occurred, Kootenai County Sheriff Ben Wolfinger said in a written statement.

Who (if anyone) is responsible for this poor woman's death?
The woman was responsible. Her weapon was loaded, the safety was off, and her child was able to grab it and kill her. She made 3 vital mistakes and paid for it. Hopefully she didnt pass the stupid gene on to her child.
(Reuters) - A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.

The 29-year-old woman was shopping at a Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, with the toddler seated in her shopping cart when the incident occurred, Kootenai County Sheriff Ben Wolfinger said in a written statement.

Who (if anyone) is responsible for this poor woman's death?
The woman was responsible. Her weapon was loaded, the safety was off, and her child was able to grab it and kill her. She made 3 vital mistakes and paid for it. Hopefully she didnt pass the stupid gene on to her child.

May not have had a safety.
(Reuters) - A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.

The 29-year-old woman was shopping at a Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, with the toddler seated in her shopping cart when the incident occurred, Kootenai County Sheriff Ben Wolfinger said in a written statement.

Who (if anyone) is responsible for this poor woman's death?
The woman was responsible. Her weapon was loaded, the safety was off, and her child was able to grab it and kill her. She made 3 vital mistakes and paid for it. Hopefully she didnt pass the stupid gene on to her child.

May not have had a safety.
Even more reason to not have it loaded and or within reach of the child. Kids dont understand consequences at that age.
(Reuters) - A woman was accidentally shot and killed at a Walmart store in northern Idaho on Tuesday when her 2-year-old son pulled a loaded handgun from her purse that then went off, a county sheriff said.

The 29-year-old woman was shopping at a Walmart in Hayden, Idaho, with the toddler seated in her shopping cart when the incident occurred, Kootenai County Sheriff Ben Wolfinger said in a written statement.

Who (if anyone) is responsible for this poor woman's death?
The woman was responsible. Her weapon was loaded, the safety was off, and her child was able to grab it and kill her. She made 3 vital mistakes and paid for it. Hopefully she didnt pass the stupid gene on to her child.

May not have had a safety.
Even more reason to not have it loaded and or within reach of the child. Kids dont understand consequences at that age.

I know. Another reason it is so tragic.

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