USMB Moderation Staff Approves 4 New Moderators.

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The guy who stands hip-deep in the sewer grabbing all the used condoms out of the water before they go into the filter and jam it is a worse job than being moderator.


Me thinks you're exaggerating just a bit there.
But idaknoe....have you done that job?
I am not exaggerating. The job of moderator is like taking raw sewage and filtering so it is slightly less toxic sewage.
It's not an easy job, that's for sure. And they don't get paid least, they used to not get paid. Maybe the board owners finally decided to cough up some moola. Or not.

Anyway....I'm not here as often as I used to be, biggie. I like all the mods, actually. Just kinda iffy on the one.
I've only been here at this new apt complex 2 weeks tomorrow, and they are already making noises about me being a ROC (Resident On Call). And it pays VERY well. I said not only no, but HAYELL no. Money or not.
Long story, but nope. I am retired from property management and whiney tenants. Nope nope and double nope.

I can imagine mods dealing with whiney posters and NOT being paid. *shudder*
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I've been getting a lot more partisan over the last year due to the rioting, looting, and monument destruction to consider being a moderator. The Portland and Denver shooting didn't help.



I've had some professional interactions with him, but it was the early 2000s and he was a drunk. Don't know if he has cleaned up his act. If he did hopefully it improved his personality. Of course, I'm not saying anything different than anyone else who has dealt with him, even his friends.
One of the new one's posting history is disturbing.

We'll see.

Friends list is a great indicator.

But, hey, you never know. Might work out just fine. As long as he doesn't act like some of em. As it is, they're extremely poor advocates for their own cause, destructive even, and set very poor examples of how to lead fruitful, civil discussion. That kind of flotsam and jetsam should always be discouraged rather than encouraged.
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