USMB Micro #1: Vengeful Mafia


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2014
Game Rules
All USMB rules should be followed, along with the following rules.

Game Timeline
  • Day phases will last 4 days.
  • Night phases will last 1 day.

General Rules
  • Do not quote your role PM or any other PM/QT communication from the mod.
  • Do not contact any player in or outside of the game about the game.
  • Do not use encrypted or hard-to-see text (including "invisible" text, text below the 50% text size option, or text hidden via BBCode (not including spoilered text)).
  • Do not edit or delete posts in this thread.
  • Don't accuse other players of cheating openly. Please PM the host your suspicions instead.
  • Also, pretending to break a rule to fake or psyche out other players is the same as rulebreaking. You can lie and bluff all you want, otherwise.

  • If a player doesn't post in-game after a period of 48 hours, other players may request a prod of that player.
  • If a player doesn't post in-game after a period of 72 hours and another player hasn't made a request, I will prod that player.
  • If a player is prodded, that player has 24 hours to make an in-game post before a replacement will be found.
  • If a player receives multiple prods and/or prod-dodges excessively, that player will be subject to a force-replace.
  • If you are going to be absent for a specific period of time, please let me know ahead of time!

Votes and Lynching
  • Votes must be in the format of VOTE: Player Name. Abbreviations, missing punctuation, and misspellings will be accepted as long as it is obvious to me who is being voted for. If I perceive it as a vote, it will count as a vote.
  • Unvotes are not necessary to change a vote.
  • A player will be lynched if a majority of the players have voted for that player.
  • You may vote for a No Lynch. If a majority of players vote for a No Lynch, the game will proceed to Night without a lynch.
  • All living players, including the lynchee, may continue to post until the thread is locked.
  • Once I have posted your death scene, you may not post.
  • You may change your vote as many times as you wish.

Setup-Specific Rules
  • The mafia can't kill at all. There is essentially no Night phase.
  • If the godfather is lynched at any point, the town immediately wins. (This is the only special quality of the godfather.)
  • If, on Day 1 only, one of the townies is lynched, this townie immediately gets to make a vigilante kill. (See Vengeful Townie)
  • The town does not automatically win by having the godfather killed in this way.
  • Mafia wins when there are at least as many mafia as townies, and the town doesn't have a vengeance kill to use.
  • Vengeful Townie: A Vengeful player is a one that, when lynched, is awarded the ability to kill any other player as they die.

  • Harassment of an individual player is NOT permitted. While this is a competitive game, no personal attacks will be tolerated.
  • Always play to your win condition.
  • Do not discuss this game anywhere else with anyone else unless your role allows you to.
  • Please don't discuss pets or family in these games. You may mention them briefly if that is why you aren't posting much.

Sample Role PMs:

Role PM: Vanilla Town said:
You're a Vanilla Townie.

1. You have no special abilities except using your vote and your voice.
2. If you are lynched on Day One, you may make a vengeful kill. If this occurs, you have 48 hours to send me your target or to tell me that you don't want to kill anyone.

Win condition - You win if:

a) The Mafia Godfather is lynched


b) All threats to the town have been eliminated.

Please confirm in thread.


Role PM: Mafia Goon said:
You're a Mafia Goon, and along with your partner, XXX, you make up the Mafia faction.

1. You have no special abilities except using your vote and your voice.
2. If at any time, your partner, XXX, is lynched, you will lose the game.
3. You can talk to your partner at any time using this QuickTopic[linked].

Win Condition - You win if:

a) There are at least as many Mafia as there are Townies, and Town cannot use their Vengeful shot.

Please confirm in thread


Role PM: Mafia Godfather said:
You're a Mafia Godfather, and along with your partner, YYY, you make up the Mafia faction.

1. You have no special abilities except using your vote and your voice.
2. If at any time you are lynched by the town, you will lose the game.
3. You can talk to your partner at any time using this QuickTopic[linked].

Win Condition - You win if:

a) There are at least as many Mafia as there are Townies, and Town cannot use their Vengeful shot.

Please confirm in thread.
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5 slots for a brand new game.

Take'em while they're hot, folks. :D

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I'd like to but I doubt I could handle two games and the USMB ones.


  • $goat.gif
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Thanks for the invite, Wake, but it wouldn't be fair to the others if I took one of the slots. I wouldn't be able to dedicate the time at the moment. :)
That's kind of a shame. This is a 3 day game, meaning at maximum it will take a little longer than 2 weeks (15 days or so)
Sweet. I'm gonna watch this. It is a spectator sport too....

imo, it's only gonna grow.

No moonie, not your grass. ;)

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