Use pedophiles to patrol schools

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Daily Kos: Sherriff Joe's Armed School Protection "Posse" includes Convicts & Sex Offenders

This is the same sheriff, KKK, asshole who refused to investigate child molestation cases.

So, like many rw's, he's against basic freedoms but now he wants to surround grade schools with armed child molesters in parked cars.

The article didn't mention the coats over their laps.

Well, yeah. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone surprised? I heard this on the radio news this morning and can hardly wait for the list of excuses from the rw's here.

Sheriff's posse members to start patrolling schools this week | Phoenix

Criminal pasts don't disqualify members of Arp - CBS 5 - KPHO
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Daily Kos: Sherriff Joe's Armed School Protection "Posse" includes Convicts & Sex Offenders

This is the same sheriff, KKK, asshole who refused to investigate child molestation cases.

So, like many rw's, he's against basic freedoms but now he wants to surround grade schools with armed child molesters in parked cars.

The article didn't mention the coats over their laps.

Well, yeah. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone surprised? I heard this on the radio news this morning and can hardly wait for the list of excuses from the rw's here.

Yes, TSA paedophiles approved by Obama Admin and HLS are now inside our schools. Get your facts straight, fellow.

The same hysterical left that supports NAMBLA and boycotted the Boy Scouts for winning a court battle not to be forced to hire homosexual pedophiles is now falsely accusing Maraicopa County Az. of using pedophiles to patrol schools. Make up your mind lefties.
luddly you are misinformed. I just put up a link to PoliceOne.

His posse includes Steven Seagal for crying out loud.

Arpaio said no taxpayer money would be spent on the patrols and volunteers will be supervised by radio or phone by deputies.

Joselyn Wells, the mother of three children at a school in suburban Anthem, where Arpaio's posse members have begun patrolling, said she was excited to hear about the initiative.

"A lot of people sit around and watch these things happen, watch key signs and no one wants to do anything about it," she said. "Nobody wants conflict, nobody wants to be out in the limelight. And he doesn't care. He wants to do the right thing."

Arpaio has relied heavily on his posse, which consist of about 3,000 unpaid civilians, including action-film star Steven Seagal.

Sheriff Joe launches 'posse' to patrol schools
You rw's just get sicker and sicker every day.

READ the links for christs sake.

Steven Seagal? Who the fuck cares what some has been-never was jerk off is doing to make a buck?

You're completely ignorant about arpaio and when you get facts, you make up shit that let's you pretend he's not the sickest fuck that ever refused to do his job while attending KKK meetings. No wonder you like this sick fuck arpaio.

Meanwhile, another shooting today but wtf do you care?
You rw's just get sicker and sicker every day.

READ the links for christs sake.

Steven Seagal? Who the fuck cares what some has been-never was jerk off is doing to make a buck?

You're completely ignorant about arpaio and when you get facts, you make up shit that let's you pretend he's not the sickest fuck that ever refused to do his job while attending KKK meetings. No wonder you like this sick fuck arpaio.

Meanwhile, another shooting today but wtf do you care?
Still the posse will NOT be patrolling schools....they well not even enter school grounds.

You got it wrong.
If a lib says something it's a lie. What libs hate is the will of the people who elect Joe time after time. What gives libs fits is that every time the libs go after Joe they have to withdrw any lie they come up with. GO JOE?
where is the proof. your left winger kos site says only REPORTEDLY

does this troll ever tell the truth?

i predict ludley will be scared to death of answering

Daily Kos: Sherriff Joe's Armed School Protection "Posse" includes Convicts & Sex Offenders

This is the same sheriff, KKK, asshole who refused to investigate child molestation cases.

So, like many rw's, he's against basic freedoms but now he wants to surround grade schools with armed child molesters in parked cars.

The article didn't mention the coats over their laps.

Well, yeah. What could possibly go wrong?

Anyone surprised? I heard this on the radio news this morning and can hardly wait for the list of excuses from the rw's here.

We could get Pedophile Ted Nugent on the case.

luddly you are misinformed. I just put up a link to PoliceOne.

His posse includes Steven Seagal for crying out loud.

Arpaio said no taxpayer money would be spent on the patrols and volunteers will be supervised by radio or phone by deputies.

Joselyn Wells, the mother of three children at a school in suburban Anthem, where Arpaio's posse members have begun patrolling, said she was excited to hear about the initiative.

"A lot of people sit around and watch these things happen, watch key signs and no one wants to do anything about it," she said. "Nobody wants conflict, nobody wants to be out in the limelight. And he doesn't care. He wants to do the right thing."

Arpaio has relied heavily on his posse, which consist of about 3,000 unpaid civilians, including action-film star Steven Seagal.

Sheriff Joe launches 'posse' to patrol schools
Right, because pedos can be stopped by phone or radio.
It might help if you read the links you provide. They will not be "patrol[ing] schools".
What will they be doing?
From the second link Luddly provided: "The patrols will not be on the campuses, but rather in the area surrounding the schools. The idea is to have a visible law-enforcement presence around the schools."

And this is what I wrote:

So, like many rw's, he's against basic freedoms but now he wants to surround grade schools with armed child molesters in parked cars.

The article didn't mention the coats over their laps.

And, if " the idea is to have a visible law-enforcement presence around the schools", he would not be using known criminals and child molesters.

Is there ANYTHING you rw's won't lie about, make excuses for? Do you have any ethics or morals?

Can any of you approach this with an open mind? Can any of you imagine being told that your child is being watched by child molesters and that it was arranged by the very people who are charged with protecting them from the people they are surrounding the schools with.

Maricopa County Sheriff's Posse members wear uniforms, have badges, drive county vehicles and some even carry guns. And some of them also have criminal records.

"They have as much power as the deputy wants to give them, including the power to arrest under the supervision of that deputy," said Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

We teach our children to obey the law and, thanks to this stinking low life KKK asshole, uniformed criminals and child molesters will have the same power as "the law".

Try as you might, you just cannot excuse this violation of trust and you sure as hell can't excuse putting child molesters around schools.

JEEEZUS fucking christ. You people are beyond help.

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