*USA's Silver Hammer Comes Crashing Down on Iran!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

  1. Just wait for it, just a the smallest little thing will reveal the Silver Hammer!
  2. And when it happens it will be LONG over due.
  3. Anyone see one reason the Silver Hammer should not drop on Iran?
Sorry bout that,

  1. Just wait for it, just a the smallest little thing will reveal the Silver Hammer!
  2. And when it happens it will be LONG over due.
  3. Anyone see one reason the Silver Hammer should not drop on Iran?

Ah, because Big Silver Hammers are expensive? And they can often bounce back and fall on your own foot. Sometimes a simple little Termite can work much better. He's cheap, silent, unseen, builds in number, and one day your house just crashes down around your head!
Sorry bout that,

  1. Just wait for it, just a the smallest little thing will reveal the Silver Hammer!
  2. And when it happens it will be LONG over due.
  3. Anyone see one reason the Silver Hammer should not drop on Iran?
Is that like Arm and Hammer?
Why do average Americans give two shits about Iran?

Because the Oligarchy tells them to care and those of feeble mind believe the Oligarchy, even though it’s against their interests.
Sorry bout that,

1. Silver Hammer is the military Drones with 52 pre-targeted sites which likely include any significant targets on the way to Iran's seats of power.
2. Its more likely now then any other time.

Sorry bout that,

1. Silver Hammer is the military Drones with 52 pre-targeted sites which likely include any significant targets on the way to Iran's seats of power.
2. Its more likely now then any other time.

Yeah kill those Iranian women and children. They’re nothing but animals.
Why do average Americans give two shits about Iran?

Because the Oligarchy tells them to care and those of feeble mind believe the Oligarchy, even though it’s against their interests.

The Oligarchy could live with the Mullahs - provided they get access to crude contracts. Rather...

Israel advocated for cutting off the head of the Snake (Iran) for many years.

Saudi Arabia advocated for cutting off the head of the Snake (Iran) for many years.

Trump let it be known the U.S. military is for hire - and the mercenaries are in search of a new job after the fall of the caliphate. And so it all falls into place.

Also, and not to forget, it is an unforgivable sin to throw out the autocrat the U.S.-imposed on the country. Lest you forget...
Why do average Americans give two shits about Iran?

Because the Oligarchy tells them to care and those of feeble mind believe the Oligarchy, even though it’s against their interests.

The Oligarchy could live with the Mullahs - provided they get access to crude contracts. Rather...

Israel advocated for cutting off the head of the Snake (Iran) for many years.

Saudi Arabia advocated for cutting off the head of the Snake (Iran) for many years.

Trump let it be known the U.S. military is for hire - and the mercenaries are in search of a new job after the fall of the caliphate. And so it all falls into place.

Also, and not to forget, it is an unforgivable sin to throw out the autocrat the U.S.-imposed on the country. Lest you forget...
The head of the snake is not Iran.
Yeah kill those Iranian women and children. They’re nothing but animals.

President Trump doesn't do it that way.

He will target the guilty...not the innocent bystanders! In fact...Trump will go WAY out of his way to not harm the innocent! We've already seen it many times.
Sorry bout that,

  1. What do we compare muslims with any kind of non muslim?
  2. The best comparison in regards to what muslims act like as far as spiritually and mystically is muslims are known as a Goat kind of sub human.
  3. In league with satan the goat worldly god, the little god of this world, they as a people jumped into bed with satan, and have knowningly turned their collective backs, away from, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the only Son of the Real God, Jesus of Nazareth.
  4. The Real God, is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
  5. There is a reason that the old testament spoke of the prophet, or man who would come and suffer for the Jews, in Jewish scriptures, redeem the Jews, and then would overflow into the gentiles, which took place.
  6. The New Testament was written by the Jews, for the Jews, but after the message was left unclaimed towards the Jews, it was then presented to the Gentiles, which the gentiles scooped it up and understood the meaning of, Jesus of Nazareth, and the gentiles not knowing the God of Abraham Isaac, and Jacob, which that is now coming to light, and the world of gentiles are learning this fact.
  7. This was never come to light on the many many year of Popes, till now is that light come to be revealed.
  8. Research the Vatican and you will see that this church has always kept this truth in darkness.
  9. Not no more.
  10. And here is truth, this Pope, identifies with the goat people, muslims, and the leader of that church is in great peril, a wolf in sheeps clothing, the people of that church should scatter and not follow this Pope.
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