USA Ranks 27th in Social Justice

Well, since we are talking about property and such.

How do we own cows, pigs, horses and so forth?

If you actually think about it, we kidnapp them from their natural habitat and enslave them. Think about it, if you were a pig, would you happily go to Old McDonald's farm to sing "E-I-E-I-O"? Heck no. The squelling of pigs and the fresh smell of bacon would tell you to run and hide from the farmers!

How about trees, like orange trees, Applae trees and so forth? How did we come to own them? It seems like that we ar plant-nappers as well. Growing trees and lining them up so we can take their fruitbabies and dine on them at our leasisure.

It is not surprising that slavery existed in Human history. The way we treat other living things as tools for our survival, it is no shock that we will treat our fellow man as such. I think this is due to the failure of the old religions actually. The old religions faulty basis and the lack of understanding of a living organisms nature has allowed the flourishing of our sociopathic nature.
How can you have theft if property doesn't exist? To steal means to take something that doesn't belong to you. That implies it must belong to someone.
Did the first property "owner" commit theft?


"The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground...saying 'This is mine,' and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society..."

Property is theft! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pierre-Joseph Proudhon is the author of that idiocy. If you don't recall, he's the guy who inspired the French Revolution which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Are you simple enough to ignore the "many crimes, wars, and murders" that have been legally committed since that first property owner's theft?"

There was no theft, since no one owned property prior to that. Most of the crimes and murders in the world have been committed against property owners, not by them.

"Beware...if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."

More idiocy. The Earth produces virtually nothing without the addition of human effort. Corn, wheat and apple orchards do not grow naturally.
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey.

"Actually, three of those countries performed better than ours in the education of pre-schoolers, and Greece did better than the United States on the prevention of poverty."

Another example of the economic and political inequality built into this system that won't change by "choosing" between Mitt and Mutt next November.

US Ranks 27th in Social Justice | Truthout
Who cares. Time we stop worrying about the other cry baby countries that call for help when they need it and criticize us the rest of the time.
How can you have theft if property doesn't exist? To steal means to take something that doesn't belong to you. That implies it must belong to someone.
Did the first property "owner" commit theft?


Pierre-Joseph Proudhon is the author of that idiocy. If you don't recall, he's the guy who inspired the French Revolution which led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

Are you simple enough to ignore the "many crimes, wars, and murders" that have been legally committed since that first property owner's theft?"

There was no theft, since no one owned property prior to that. Most of the crimes and murders in the world have been committed against property owners, not by them.

"Beware...if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."

More idiocy. The Earth produces virtually nothing without the addition of human effort. Corn, wheat and apple orchards do not grow naturally.

Umm... you're an idiot(note bold). Do you really think that Man invented corn, wheat and apples? They definitely DO grow naturally. We just learned how to exploit those and other food sources for our gain.
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey.

"Actually, three of those countries performed better than ours in the education of pre-schoolers, and Greece did better than the United States on the prevention of poverty."

Another example of the economic and political inequality built into this system that won't change by "choosing" between Mitt and Mutt next November.

US Ranks 27th in Social Justice | Truthout
Who cares. Time we stop worrying about the other cry baby countries that call for help when they need it and criticize us the rest of the time.

Funny... those countries are our competitors. Competitors that don't have to deal with supplying their employees with health insurance.... HUGE advantage for them. Employees that don't have to worry about finding the money to cover their families' health insurances if the employer doesn't supply it for them... once again... huge advantage for our competition.
"Beware...if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."

More idiocy. The Earth produces virtually nothing without the addition of human effort. Corn, wheat and apple orchards do not grow naturally.

Umm... you're an idiot(note bold). Do you really think that Man invented corn, wheat and apples? They definitely DO grow naturally. We just learned how to exploit those and other food sources for our gain.

The amount of wheat, corn and apples that grew naturally on the Earth before the invention of agriculture wouldn't feed the population of New York city. Human effort is what makes the Earth abundant. Since the beginning of agriculture the only thing that made a piece of land valuable is the fact that some farmer is tilling the soil and producing a crop on it. The claim that everything we consume is the result of "natural abundance" is so absurd that only turds like you are stupid enough to believe it.
How many of those countries wallowing in social justice would have any justice whatever if it weren't in part for the assistance of a not quite so socially oriented U.S.?
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey."

Whatever sacrifices the US made in the past for European "freedom" doesn't change where we stand today in terms of child poverty, healthcare, and income inequality.

I'll be happy when we are dead last. Fuck all that infantile social justice bullshit. Social justice is for losers.
Wall Street appreciates your ignorance.

"Wall Street's outsized political influence is no secret, but some new data shows just how much it's ballooned. According to the Sunlight Foundation, campaign spending by elite Wall Street donors has jumped 700 percent in the past two decades, far outpacing individual donations from all other industries.

"Sunlight found that donors who give more than $10,000 to candidates, parties, and outside spending groups—the 'political one percent of the one percent'—account for 25 percent of total individual contributions.

"Among those elite donors who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector, contributions have risen from $15.4 million in 1990 to $178.2 million in 2010. (Not surprisingly, a significant chunk of 2012's biggest super-PAC donors are current or former Wall Street execs.)"

Charts: Wall Street Blows All Other Political Donors Away | Mother Jones
What is the definition of "Social Justice"?

Because if it means "How socialistic a nation is" then I wish to be 31!
"Social justice generally refers to the idea of creating a society or institution that is based on the principles of equality and solidarity, that understands and values human rights, and that recognizes the dignity of every human being.[1][2][3]

"The term and modern concept of 'social justice' was coined by the Jesuit Luigi Taparelli in 1840 based on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and given further exposure in 1848 by Antonio Rosmini-Serbati.[1][2][4][5][6]

"The word has taken on a very controverted and variable meaning, depending on whom it is used. The idea was elaborated by the moral theologian John A. Ryan, who initiated the concept of a living wage. Father Coughlin also used the term in his publications in the 1930s and the 1940s.

"It is a part of Catholic social teaching, the Episcopalians' Social Gospel, and is one of the Four Pillars of the Green Party upheld by green parties worldwide. Social justice as a secular concept, distinct from religious teachings, emerged mainly in the late twentieth century, influenced primarily by philosopher John Rawls. Some tenets of social justice have been adopted by those on the left of the political spectrum."

Social justice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What's you definition of "socialism?"
How can you have theft if property doesn't exist? To steal means to take something that doesn't belong to you. That implies it must belong to someone.
Did the first property "owner" commit theft?

"The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground...saying 'This is mine,' and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society..."

Property is theft! - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Are you simple enough to ignore the "many crimes, wars, and murders" that have been legally committed since that first property owner's theft?

"Beware...if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."

yes, we are indeed all equal...

but I'm too socially retarded to buy into what you're selling...

so you're more equal than me...
Do you think the first private fortunes required chattel slavery to come into existence?
Well, since we are talking about property and such.

How do we own cows, pigs, horses and so forth?

If you actually think about it, we kidnapp them from their natural habitat and enslave them. Think about it, if you were a pig, would you happily go to Old McDonald's farm to sing "E-I-E-I-O"? Heck no. The squelling of pigs and the fresh smell of bacon would tell you to run and hide from the farmers!

How about trees, like orange trees, Applae trees and so forth? How did we come to own them? It seems like that we ar plant-nappers as well. Growing trees and lining them up so we can take their fruitbabies and dine on them at our leasisure.

It is not surprising that slavery existed in Human history. The way we treat other living things as tools for our survival, it is no shock that we will treat our fellow man as such. I think this is due to the failure of the old religions actually. The old religions faulty basis and the lack of understanding of a living organisms nature has allowed the flourishing of our sociopathic nature.
"In the spring of 1457, a gruesome murder took place in the French village of Savigny-sur-Etang. A five-year-old boy had been killed and his body partially consumed. A local family was accused of this frightful crime by local residents who claimed to have witnessed the murder. The seven suspects, a mother and her six children, were soon tracked down by local authorities, who discovered them still stained by the boyÂ’s blood. They were arrested, indicted on charges of infanticide and held in the local jail for trial.

"The defendants were indigent and the court appointed a lawyer to represent them. A few weeks later a trial was convened in SavignyÂ’s seigneurial court. Before a crowded room, witnesses were called.

"Evidence was presented and legal arguments hotly debated.

"The justices considered the facts and the law and rendered a verdict and a sentence. The mother was pronounced guilty and ordered to be hanged to death by her legs from the limb of the gallows tree.

"Her six children, however, received a judicial pardon. The court accepted the defense lawyerÂ’s argument that the youngsters lacked the mental competence to have committed a crime in the eyes of the law.The orphaned children were sent into custodial care at the expense of the state.

"This is an interesting case to be sure, featuring important lessons about the legal rights of the poor and the historic roots of juvenile justice in western jurisprudence, lessons that seem entirely lost on our current 'tradition-obsessed' Supreme Court. But hereÂ’s the kicker: the defendants in these proceedings were not members of our species.

"They were, it must be said, a family of pigs."

I'm thinking the three "great" religions were designed to enhance the private wealth of the most psychopathic among us.

Let Us Now Praise Infamous Animals » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"A foundation in Germany has analyzed the social justice records of all 31 members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), ranking each nation in such categories as health care, income inequality, pre-school education, and child poverty.

"The overall performance by the United States — which boasts of being an egalitarian society — outranks only Greece, Chile, Mexico, and Turkey."

Whatever sacrifices the US made in the past for European "freedom" doesn't change where we stand today in terms of child poverty, healthcare, and income inequality.

I'll be happy when we are dead last. Fuck all that infantile social justice bullshit. Social justice is for losers.
Wall Street appreciates your ignorance.

"Wall Street's outsized political influence is no secret, but some new data shows just how much it's ballooned. According to the Sunlight Foundation, campaign spending by elite Wall Street donors has jumped 700 percent in the past two decades, far outpacing individual donations from all other industries.

"Sunlight found that donors who give more than $10,000 to candidates, parties, and outside spending groups—the 'political one percent of the one percent'—account for 25 percent of total individual contributions.

"Among those elite donors who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector, contributions have risen from $15.4 million in 1990 to $178.2 million in 2010. (Not surprisingly, a significant chunk of 2012's biggest super-PAC donors are current or former Wall Street execs.)"

Charts: Wall Street Blows All Other Political Donors Away | Mother Jones

Yes, well we don't see the unions being talked about in there, do we ?
You are studiously avoiding the post where I showed that the claim that the abundance we enjoy is the result of human effort and not a natural product of the Earth.

It pretty much shoots your theory of "social justice" to hell if you can't show that everyone is entitled to the stuff you want the government to take from the people who own it.

Wall Street appreciates your ignorance.

"Wall Street's outsized political influence is no secret, but some new data shows just how much it's ballooned. According to the Sunlight Foundation, campaign spending by elite Wall Street donors has jumped 700 percent in the past two decades, far outpacing individual donations from all other industries.

"Sunlight found that donors who give more than $10,000 to candidates, parties, and outside spending groups—the 'political one percent of the one percent'—account for 25 percent of total individual contributions.

"Among those elite donors who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector, contributions have risen from $15.4 million in 1990 to $178.2 million in 2010. (Not surprisingly, a significant chunk of 2012's biggest super-PAC donors are current or former Wall Street execs.)"

Charts: Wall Street Blows All Other Political Donors Away | Mother Jones
I'll be happy when we are dead last. Fuck all that infantile social justice bullshit. Social justice is for losers.
Wall Street appreciates your ignorance.

"Wall Street's outsized political influence is no secret, but some new data shows just how much it's ballooned. According to the Sunlight Foundation, campaign spending by elite Wall Street donors has jumped 700 percent in the past two decades, far outpacing individual donations from all other industries.

"Sunlight found that donors who give more than $10,000 to candidates, parties, and outside spending groups—the 'political one percent of the one percent'—account for 25 percent of total individual contributions.

"Among those elite donors who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector, contributions have risen from $15.4 million in 1990 to $178.2 million in 2010. (Not surprisingly, a significant chunk of 2012's biggest super-PAC donors are current or former Wall Street execs.)"

Charts: Wall Street Blows All Other Political Donors Away | Mother Jones

Yes, well we don't see the unions being talked about in there, do we ?
Possibly because unions didn't bankrupt Lehman Brothers?
You are studiously avoiding the post where I showed that the claim that the abundance we enjoy is the result of human effort and not a natural product of the Earth.

It pretty much shoots your theory of "social justice" to hell if you can't show that everyone is entitled to the stuff you want the government to take from the people who own it.

Wall Street appreciates your ignorance.

"Wall Street's outsized political influence is no secret, but some new data shows just how much it's ballooned. According to the Sunlight Foundation, campaign spending by elite Wall Street donors has jumped 700 percent in the past two decades, far outpacing individual donations from all other industries.

"Sunlight found that donors who give more than $10,000 to candidates, parties, and outside spending groups—the 'political one percent of the one percent'—account for 25 percent of total individual contributions.

"Among those elite donors who work in the finance, insurance, and real estate sector, contributions have risen from $15.4 million in 1990 to $178.2 million in 2010. (Not surprisingly, a significant chunk of 2012's biggest super-PAC donors are current or former Wall Street execs.)"

Charts: Wall Street Blows All Other Political Donors Away | Mother Jones
All your human effort wouldn't accomplish much without the earth, would it?
Or do corn stalks sprout from your navel?

"Social Justice" believes everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Why don't you?

Everyone is entitled to reclaim what the rich have stolen from society.
Democratic government is the most useful tool for accomplishing that task.
All your human effort wouldn't accomplish much without the earth, would it? Or do corn stalks sprout from your navel?

That's true, but idiotic, and it doesn't support your claim that the Earth provides the abundance we enjoy. It doesn't. The simple irrefutable fact is that corn wouldn't exist without human effort. Neither would cars, computers, flat screen TVs, cell phones or clothing. Your belief that the people who produce these things aren't entitled to be compensated for them is absurd and anti-social. You are endorsing robbery.

"Social Justice" believes everyone deserves equal economic, political, and social rights and opportunities. Why don't you?

What you really mean is that it's goofball adherents believe that people are entitled to stuff they haven't earned. So called "social justice" is an excuse for robbery.

Everyone is entitled to reclaim what the rich have stolen from society. Democratic government is the most useful tool for accomplishing that task.

There you go. The bottom line: social justice means looting what others have earned.

The rich haven't stolen diddly squat. Everything the rich have the received as the result of a voluntary exchange. They have wealth because they produce wealth. Henry Ford produced a cheap affordable motor car. Because of him millions of people could afford an efficient means of transportation. Henry Ford improved the lives of millions of people. He didn't steel a thing.