US to impose visa bans on Israeli extremist settlers for violence against Palestinians

HUH ? OH GOOD----surada has the inside story----the BALESTINIANS are welcomed in
---not just EGYPT----but in all sorts of fancy WEALTHY arab oil places-----like Saudi arabia,
and Kuwait (kuwait is waiting for them) Even IRAN is just DYING to welcome MORE
ARABS-----the Iranians LOVE arabs------ask any Iranian-----try to find an ARAB living in
IRAN ----that person can tell you how LOVED arabs are in Iran. The big ALY K. wants to
KISS all those who pleased ALLAH on October 7 the good news is----IRANIANS CAN SAY "PALESTINE"

Half of Iranians are Arabs.
Half of Iranians are Arabs.
Half of Iranians are ARABS? do the Iranians know that? I have known LOTS of Iranians---
Lots came to my part of the USA way back in the 60s. Way back then educated
Iranians were FLEEING the----on coming smell of islamism.-----not just the JEWS---
but the MUSLIM IRANIANS TOO. . For the record---ethnic arabs are an OPPRESSED MINORITY IN IRAN----Surada is LYING. Well ----anyway, Surada says that "HALF OF IRANIANS ARE ARABS"-----so, of course, they will BE DELIGHTED to welcome their
FELLOW ARAB "palestinians" to Iran-------their BRETHREN could they POSSIBLY

Its a start. The US is finally taking action against these extremist thugs.They should also include the politicians in Israel that cheer this on.

Perhaps the US could take further action to protect Palestinians from Israeli thuggery ?

It is the only country able to do so.
Go Israel, and STFU commie brit.
Half of Iranians are ARABS? do the Iranians know that? I have known LOTS of Iranians---
Lots came to my part of the USA way back in the 60s. Way back then educated
Iranians were FLEEING the----on coming smell of islamism.-----not just the JEWS---
but the MUSLIM IRANIANS TOO. . For the record---ethnic arabs are an OPPRESSED MINORITY IN IRAN----Surada is LYING. Well ----anyway, Surada says that "HALF OF IRANIANS ARE ARABS"-----so, of course, they will BE DELIGHTED to welcome their
FELLOW ARAB "palestinians" to Iran-------their BRETHREN could they POSSIBLY
Yes he’s an idiot, most dembots are, he just really loves to show off hiw dumb he is
Then you didn’t actually read the link it clearly does
Where? All it said was that the Israeli spokesman said it “firmly condemned” it, not that it was taking any action. The US said it had yet to see any prosecution of offenders (unsurprising given The make up of Netanyahu’s cabinet).
It is God's will! And some 7.62 mm!

Like this dude?

Oh gee POOR cnm does not know what "MUSLIM LAND" is ----the property adjacent
to Jerusalem in question was PURCHASED by jews in the 1800s----In the 1940s arabs
enacted a STARVATION SIEGE on the area and stole the land---HOWEVER in islamic law---
(shariah) jews do not own land. actually NO WHERE in the LEVANT---it is MUSLIM
LAND-----thus the bitch in the footage of note is RIGHT -----the land is hers and the
house is hers and that "PURCHASED BY JEWS"" notion has no status. I don't know the
"dude" ----but hubby is sleeping----he was born in a shariah shit hole----and has NO
CLAIM whatsoever in the land of his birth despite the fact that his community lived
in that land for more than 2.5 thousand years-----because less than 1.5 thousand years
ago MUSLIMS INVADED ----so it is MUSLIM LAND. You don't recognize islamo-nazi
propaganda when it hits your retinas and ear drums
Where? All it said was that the Israeli spokesman said it “firmly condemned” it, not that it was taking any action. The US said it had yet to see any prosecution of offenders (unsurprising given The make up of Netanyahu’s cabinet).
the Judiciary is independent of the executive cabinet in Israel
Oh gee POOR cnm does not know what "MUSLIM LAND" is ----the property adjacent
to Jerusalem in question was PURCHASED by jews in the 1800s----In the 1940s arabs
enacted a STARVATION SIEGE on the area and stole the land---HOWEVER in islamic law---
(shariah) jews do not own land. actually NO WHERE in the LEVANT---it is MUSLIM
LAND-----thus the bitch in the footage of note is RIGHT -----the land is hers and the
house is hers and that "PURCHASED BY JEWS"" notion has no status. I don't know the
"dude" ----but hubby is sleeping----he was born in a shariah shit hole----and has NO
CLAIM whatsoever in the land of his birth despite the fact that his community lived
in that land for more than 2.5 thousand years-----because less than 1.5 thousand years
ago MUSLIMS INVADED ----so it is MUSLIM LAND. You don't recognize islamo-nazi
propaganda when it hits your retinas and ear drums
Scrolled by. Too hysterical.
Scrolled by. Too shitty to read easily.
Oh---"too shitty to read" ---If you don't read, you will not KNOW. I have
read lots of shitty stuff in the course of my life. I even read the islamo-nazi
propaganda that you seem to swallow WHOLE-----I read it from about age 8
which was long before I knew the word "propaganda" At age 8, I believed it
How are they going to do that considering that probably half of them are US citizens?

You've got to stop polluting your remaining brain cells with that trash.

A simple question:

Why should American citizens be able to murder with impunity just because they're Jewish?

"Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"​

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.

Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED
Oh---"too shitty to read" ---If you don't read, you will not KNOW. I have
read lots of shitty stuff in the course of my life. I even read the islamo-nazi
propaganda that you seem to swallow WHOLE-----I read it from about age 8
which was long before I knew the word "propaganda" At age 8, I believed it
If you can't present your case rationally, don't cry when your hysterically defensive screed is scrolled by.
A simple question:

Why should American citizens be able to murder with impunity just because they're Jewish?

"Israel Must Loudly Arrest the Murderous West Bank Settlers"​

EXCERPT "Since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, settlers there have killed more than 120 Palestinians and injured at least 2,000. They have forcibly expelled more than 800 Palestinians from their homes, blown up their generators and solar panels, and burned down tents of Bedouin herders.

Again: This has been going on not in Gaza but in the West Bank—which is governed by the Palestinian Authority, not by Hamas." CONTINUED

Grau---try to be at least a bit cogent. Your claims are unverified and completely
unbalanced. Just about the only fact you presented is the FACT that the West Bank
is governed by the PALESTNIAN AUTHORITY. Any argument you have with "LAW AND
From where did you pull----Why should American citizens be able to murder with impunity just because they're Jewish? (from grau) You got that from your
IMAM's ass?
Last edited:
If you can't present your case rationally, don't cry when your hysterical screed is scrolled by.
If you found something "irrational" or "hysterical" in my post, you would be ABLE
to note that which is "irrational" or "hysterical". The female who screamed "my house" --
was hysterical and irrational. and LIED

Its a start. The US is finally taking action against these extremist thugs.They should also include the politicians in Israel that cheer this on.

Perhaps the US could take further action to protect Palestinians from Israeli thuggery ?

It is the only country able to do so.
good idea ---T. Tainted----Ayatoilet Aly Khamenei cheered the heroes who murdered
and kidnapped and mutilated and raped --Oct. 7, ---even expressed his CARNAL
ASPIRATIONS to KISS THEM. He should be prosecuted by the ICC----I am sure you agree
Thank goodness we’re finally safe from the scourge of Israeli extremist immigrants.

All those terrorist attacks perpetrated by Israeli terrorists in American soil will finally come to an end.

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