More violent palestinian-Arab attacks on Israelis ("settlers")


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Will Biden dennounce and or act on non Israeli violence?

Palestinian rioters clash with Israeli shepherds in Samaria,” Israel National News, December 3, 2023:

A violent confrontation broke out between Palestinian Authority Arabs and Israelis in a farm near the Samaria town of Havot Yair during Shabbat (Sabbath). The Samaria Regional Council reported that dozens of PA Arabs gathered in the vicinity of the farm and threw rocks at Israeli shepherds….
The owner of the farm, who is currently drafted into the IDF, commented: “At approximately 4:00 my shepherds were on the hilltop opposite my farm with the flock, four shepherds and a flock of goats. A group of 30 to 40 terrorists started pelting them with rocks. One shepherd was lightly injured in the arm and leg. We tried to push them back until the army arrived at the scene.”

Judea, Samaria leaders bash US visa bans on ‘extremist settlers.’ Washington wants to present itself as even-handed and so has adopted a false narrative of "settler violence," say settlement leaders.... The number of acts committed by Jewish extremists in Judea and Samaria is minuscule..


Shomron [Samaria]: Again, Arabs Under Guise of Olive Harvest Attack Jews; One ...

Arabs throw rocks at Jews while behind a police car..

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Well that that debunks the Biblical myth about the "good Samaritan."

I won't be visiting Samaria anytime soon.

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