US to become biggest oil producer before 2020


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
U.S. to become biggest oil producer and energy independent - Nov. 12, 2012

We had eight years with an oil man in the WH. But Obama and technology have made the oil a major oil producer.

The U.S. is experiencing an oil boom, in large part thanks to high world prices and new technologies, including hydraulic fracking, that have made the extraction of oil and gas from shale rock commercially viable.

From 2008 to 2011, U.S. crude oil production jumped 14%, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Natural gas production is up by about 10% over the same period.

Related: the facts about oil and gas under Obama

According to the IEA, U.S. natural gas prices will rise to $5.5 per million British thermal units (MBtu) in 2020, from around $3.5 per MBtu this year, driven by rising domestic demand rather than a forecast increase in exports to Asia and other markets.

"In our projections, 93% of the natural gas produced in the United States remains available to meet domestic demand," it said. "Exports on the scale that we project would not play a large role in domestic price setting."

North America's new role in the world energy markets will accelerate a change in the direction of international oil trade toward Asia, and underscore the importance of securing supply routes from the Middle East to China and India.
U.S. to become biggest oil producer and energy independent - Nov. 12, 2012

We had eight years with an oil man in the WH. But Obama and technology have made the oil a major oil producer.

The U.S. is experiencing an oil boom, in large part thanks to high world prices and new technologies, including hydraulic fracking, that have made the extraction of oil and gas from shale rock commercially viable.

From 2008 to 2011, U.S. crude oil production jumped 14%, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Natural gas production is up by about 10% over the same period.

Related: the facts about oil and gas under Obama

According to the IEA, U.S. natural gas prices will rise to $5.5 per million British thermal units (MBtu) in 2020, from around $3.5 per MBtu this year, driven by rising domestic demand rather than a forecast increase in exports to Asia and other markets.

"In our projections, 93% of the natural gas produced in the United States remains available to meet domestic demand," it said. "Exports on the scale that we project would not play a large role in domestic price setting."

North America's new role in the world energy markets will accelerate a change in the direction of international oil trade toward Asia, and underscore the importance of securing supply routes from the Middle East to China and India.

Or it would have happened anyway.
Either way, O ain't stopping it.
U.S. to become biggest oil producer and energy independent - Nov. 12, 2012

We had eight years with an oil man in the WH. But Obama and technology have made the oil a major oil producer.

Obama had nothing to do with it, otherwise that increased production would be coming from federal lands. It isn't, it comes from private property mostly. As far as technology, do you mean the 90 year old horizontal drilling or the 60 year old hydraulic fracturing? They weren't invented, researched, subsidized or encouraged by him either.
U.S. to become biggest oil producer and energy independent - Nov. 12, 2012

We had eight years with an oil man in the WH. But Obama and technology have made the oil a major oil producer.

The U.S. is experiencing an oil boom, in large part thanks to high world prices and new technologies, including hydraulic fracking, that have made the extraction of oil and gas from shale rock commercially viable.

From 2008 to 2011, U.S. crude oil production jumped 14%, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Natural gas production is up by about 10% over the same period.

Related: the facts about oil and gas under Obama

According to the IEA, U.S. natural gas prices will rise to $5.5 per million British thermal units (MBtu) in 2020, from around $3.5 per MBtu this year, driven by rising domestic demand rather than a forecast increase in exports to Asia and other markets.

"In our projections, 93% of the natural gas produced in the United States remains available to meet domestic demand," it said. "Exports on the scale that we project would not play a large role in domestic price setting."

North America's new role in the world energy markets will accelerate a change in the direction of international oil trade toward Asia, and underscore the importance of securing supply routes from the Middle East to China and India.

Seems to be happening in spite of his policies.

Fact check: Oil and natural gas production under Obama -
One Thing Obama Can Do: Decide The Fate Of The Keystone Pipeline : NPR
GreenLaw » Blog Archive » Deepwater drilling moratorium ruled unconstitutional by District Court Judge
:lol: What the fuck did Obama do? Or Bush for that matter?

Jim, ever the tool.

Bush was leasing land to oil companies whether they actually drilled for oil or not. In fact, not drilling keeps oil prices artificially high. Remember Obama's "use it or lose it"?

25 percent of the oil currently produced in the Gulf of Mexico is not subject to royalty payments. It says more than 100 oil and gas companies fully or partially own more than 200 royalty-free leases for deep-water drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. And they could pump enough oil and gas from those wells over the next 10 years to generate $15.5 billion more in royalties — if they owed them.

Lawmaker attacks oil companies, "free" drilling in gulf

You know you people sit in front of the Internet. You could look up what happened under Bush using Google. Bush was an oil man. All his friends were in oil. He did everything he could to help them. Whether oil Sheikhs he was kissing or oil men here.

Bush fucked up everything he touched. No one can name anything he did right. I can't.
Eastern Gulf of Mexico - off limits.
Atlantic OCS - ditto.
Pacific OCS - likewise.
ANWR - fergeddaboudit.

Billions given to the Brazilian Government owned Petrobras

Billions were NOT given to Petrobras.. They were given a line of credit to be spent in the US for goods, technologies and services provided by US companies.

This negotiation began under the Bush Administration ... and the members were Bush appointees.
Obama had shit to do with it. All this push started under Bush who also had shit to do with it. Even if we do become the largest it won't do a damn thing for our prices because they'll keep selling it offshore just like now. But go on living that pipe dream.
U.S. to become biggest oil producer and energy independent - Nov. 12, 2012

We had eight years with an oil man in the WH. But Obama and technology have made the oil a major oil producer.

The U.S. is experiencing an oil boom, in large part thanks to high world prices and new technologies, including hydraulic fracking, that have made the extraction of oil and gas from shale rock commercially viable.

From 2008 to 2011, U.S. crude oil production jumped 14%, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Natural gas production is up by about 10% over the same period.

Related: the facts about oil and gas under Obama

According to the IEA, U.S. natural gas prices will rise to $5.5 per million British thermal units (MBtu) in 2020, from around $3.5 per MBtu this year, driven by rising domestic demand rather than a forecast increase in exports to Asia and other markets.

"In our projections, 93% of the natural gas produced in the United States remains available to meet domestic demand," it said. "Exports on the scale that we project would not play a large role in domestic price setting."

North America's new role in the world energy markets will accelerate a change in the direction of international oil trade toward Asia, and underscore the importance of securing supply routes from the Middle East to China and India.

Energy independent? Ya right. What a load of...Crude. :) But since the USA has been the world's leader in consumption of energy at about 25% (despite just 4 or 5% of the population,) seems sensible to ramp up production. But energy independent, no more imports? Not in our lifetime.
I wonder what the authors mean by "biggest oil producer". It seems to me that even at the volumes projected by the EIA, Russia and Saudi Arabia will still be making more…are doing so today.

What does appear to be happening is that the EIA is signaling that the US might be able to achieve the same levels of oil production they once did in the early 70's.

This actually does have its own importance. Such increased production is currently negating the value of Hubbert's bell shaped curve profile in its entirety, in such a way that even the moronic peak oilers would understand, and should US production achieve the levels last seen in the early 70's it would take down his last standing prediction from his 1956 paper (the others having already been dispatched by reality).

Those who have noted that a commodity like oil, sold on a global market, will not change the prices Americans pay for their products manufactured from crude oil, are probably right. America could produce 15 million a day, and as long as the global demand was there, the price probably wouldn't move much at all for anyone.

The US and Canada produce the marginal barrels of oil on the planet, and therefore the cost of that production will set the global price for as long as they are needed.
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I wonder what the authors mean by "biggest oil producer". It seems to me that even at the volumes projected by the EIA, Russia and Saudi Arabia will still be making more…are doing so today.

What does appear to be happening is that the EIA is signaling that the US might be able to achieve the same levels of oil production they once did in the early 70's.

This actually does have its own importance. Such increased production is currently negating the value of Hubbert's bell shaped curve profile in its entirety, in such a way that even the moronic peak oilers would understand, and should US production achieve the levels last seen in the early 70's it would take down his last standing prediction from his 1956 paper (the others having already been dispatched by reality).

Those who have noted that a commodity like oil, sold on a global market, will not change the prices Americans pay for their products manufactured from crude oil, are probably right. America could produce 15 million a day, and as long as the global demand was there, the price probably wouldn't move much at all for anyone.

The US and Canada produce the marginal barrels of oil on the planet, and therefore the cost of that production will set the global price for as long as they are needed.

But unless more mid-stream infrastructure is built out to accommodate, the spread between WTI and Brent could only worsen.

Americans have been paying a discount for crudes for some time now. Upwards to $25/barrel discount to Brent. It's a shame as industry could be reinvesting even more capital here at home.

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