US Savage Imperialism


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
In the beginning, there is Chomsky.

"It's tempting to go back to the beginning.

"The beginning goes pretty far back, but it is useful to think about some aspects of American history that bear directly on current U.S. policy in the Middle East.

"The U.S. is a pretty unusual country in many ways.

"It's maybe the only country in the world that was founded as an empire.

"It was an infant empire—as George Washington called it—and the founding fathers had broad aspirations.

"The most libertarian of them, Thomas Jefferson, thought that this infant empire should spread and become what he called the 'nest' from which the entire continent would be colonized.

"That would get rid of the 'Red,' the Indians as they'd be driven away or exterminated.

"The Blacks would be sent back to Africa when we don't need them anymore and the Latins will be eliminated by a superior race."

Does American history, with its settler colonialist mentality, resonate with US support for Israel's current policies in the occupied territories?

Is today's "Iranian Threat" the latest manifestation of John Quincy Adams's grand strategy of security through expansion, the belief "...that you can't really have security until you control everything"?
chomsky's an idiot.

Not entirely.

I don't agree with the guy..indeed I chuckled when he was debating William Buckley and Buckely threatened to punch him in the nose if he called him a nazi, again. But he makes some interesting points here and there.

Definitely not a person to be taken lightly.
There doesn't seem to be any disagreement with the claim that Chomsky is the eighth most widely quoted author in History.

Shakespeare, Freud, Marx, Chaucer, Cicero...Chomsky.

He's the only living member of an all time top ten list that begins with the Bible.

Whether you endorse his politics or not, it's hard to ignore his contributions.
From Wiki:

"Avram Noam Chomsky (pronounced /ˈnoʊm/ or /ˌnoʊ.əm ˈtʃɒmski/; born December 7, 1928) is an American linguist, philosopher,[2][3] cognitive scientist, and political activist. He is an Institute Professor and professor emeritus of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[4]

"Chomsky is well known in the academic and scientific community as one of the fathers of modern linguistics,[5][6][7] and a major figure of analytic philosophy.[2] Since the 1960s, he has become known more widely as a political dissident and an anarchist,[8] referring to himself as a libertarian socialist.

"Chomsky is the author of more than 150 books and has received worldwide attention for his views, despite being typically absent from the mainstream media."

Chomsky hates moral hypocrites and there's no shortage of those among US elites.
Is today's "Iranian Threat" the latest manifestation of John Quincy Adams's grand strategy of security through expansion, the belief "...that you can't really have security until you control everything"?
I figure.....if I was an Iranian....and, someone asked me why I needed nukes....I'd point to Iraq, and say.....

"That's what happens, when you DON'T have nukes."

(...Especially when Chickenhawks know you have no Nukes.)​
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Description of Appeal to Authority

An Appeal to Authority is a fallacy with the following form:

1. Person A is (claimed to be) an authority on subject S.
2. Person A makes claim C about subject S.
3. Therefore, C is true.

This fallacy is committed when the person in question is not a legitimate authority on the subject. More formally, if person A is not qualified to make reliable claims in subject S, then the argument will be fallacious.​
What were his contributions? I've never seen any other than his hatred of America.

1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. Noam Chomsky: Politics or Science?
What were his contributions? I've never seen any other than his hatred of America.

1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. Noam Chomsky: Politics or Science?
In other words, he's a chickenred.
What were his contributions? I've never seen any other than his hatred of America.

1. He has figured out how to make an exceptional fortune while living as a self-described ‘anarchist-socialist’ dissident in a capitalist society he has described as a ‘police state.’

a. He claims to be constantly threatened with censorship, while publishing dozens of books.

b. He denounces the Pentagon as the epitome of evil, while making million from his work for the very same institution. As a tenured MIT professor he actually works for the Research Laboratory of Electronics at MIT, and same is entirely funded by the Pentagon and a few multinational corporations.

c. His first book, “Syntactic Structures,” was written with grants from the US Army (Signal Corp), the Air Force (Office of Scientific Research, Air Research, and Development Command), and Office of Naval Research.

2. A Professor of Linguistics, Chomsky is vital to the air force and others to improve their “increasingly large investment in so-called ‘command and control’ computer systems” that were being used in Vietnam. Since the computer cannot ‘understand’ English, the commanders’ communications must be translated into a language that the computer can use. Noam Chomsky: Politics or Science?

Hey, George, looks like your hero is a war profiteer, making money off dead civilians all over the world.

Will you keep supporting him (silly question...of course you will), and how will you explain that support?
chomsky's an idiot.

Not entirely.

I don't agree with the guy..indeed I chuckled when he was debating William Buckley and Buckely threatened to punch him in the nose if he called him a nazi, again. But he makes some interesting points here and there.

Definitely not a person to be taken lightly.

Only to a douche bag antiamerican communist like yourself he makes sense! To everyone else with common sense he is beyond clueless! But then again you will believe anything as long as its hating on America and/or the Jews does matter how much lack of logic goes into it!
Is today's "Iranian Threat" the latest manifestation of John Quincy Adams's grand strategy of security through expansion, the belief "...that you can't really have security until you control everything"?
I figure.....if I was an Iranian....and, someone asked me why I needed nukes....I'd point to Iraq, and say.....

"That's what happens, when you DON'T have nukes."

(...Especially when Chickenhawks know you have no Nukes.)​

Or they can point to South Korea and say that is what happens when you embrace capitalism and the West and don't have nukes and then you can point to shithole North Korea and say that is what happens when you have nukes, embrace communism/socialism and try to buck the west!
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There doesn't seem to be any disagreement with the claim that Chomsky is the eighth most widely quoted author in History.

Shakespeare, Freud, Marx, Chaucer, Cicero...Chomsky.

He's the only living member of an all time top ten list that begins with the Bible.

Whether you endorse his politics or not, it's hard to ignore his contributions.

people quote humpty dumpty, too... doesn't make it rocket science.

chomsky's an idiot... although i doubt he is as big an anti-semite as you.

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