US moves up it's Jerusalem embassy launch to next year!

You know, when they move the embassy to Jerusalem, it will become one of the more dangerous ambassadorships that we have.
Hardly, the homicide rate in Israel is less than half the homicide rate in the US even when the Palestinians are rioting.
The only reason i care about this is because it sends the palestinian terrorists and the american palestinian terrorist supporters into a frenzy
It's always entertaining watching IslamoNazis threaten Jihad against the infidel Americans and the evil Jooos, for the millionth time!

Yes but look at all the wonderful improvements for their people that has resulted from their mentality?
You know, when they move the embassy to Jerusalem, it will become one of the more dangerous ambassadorships that we have.
Not anymore dangerous than the Israeli Knesset or other high profile Israeli govt. offices, which Israelis have successfully protected!
Promises made, promises kept. US now opening its US embassy two years ahead of schedule. It's probably because its a huge sell to the American public ahead of the 2020 elections, who are overwhelmingly pro Israel.

Can we hear a praise to the Allah and God Bless the USA and Israel?

Mike Pence Says U.S. Embassy Will Open in Jerusalem Next Year

About time! It should be built next to the Western Wall !!
They'll have to level the Dome of Crock, but that's the kind of thing Muslims are known to do.

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