US: More work needed to stop youth tobacco use


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011
US: More work needed to stop youth tobacco use | Health Headlines | Comcast

More work needs to be done to keep young Americans from using tobacco, including creating smoking bans and increasing taxes on tobacco products, the U.S. Surgeon General's office said in a report released Thursday.

Almost one in five high school-aged teens smokes, down from earlier decades, but the rate of decline has slowed, the report said.

It says it's particularly important to stop young people from using tobacco because those who start smoking as teenagers can increase their chances of long-term addiction. They also quickly can experience reduced lung function, impaired lung growth, early heart disease and other health problems like asthma.

Government could give a rats ass ,its just lip service,the taxes from liquor and tobacco is a cash cow, they would like to see you smoke even more :eusa_whistle:
Education of the people is the responsibility of We, the People - and that's where government responsibility ends.

Once the customers are educated, let the owners of each individual bar decide whether or not a ban is necessary.

Property owners should also be able to choose WHAT is smoked on their property, but that's just me being a big ol' liberal.

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