US Military Discriminates as Matter of Policy


May 23, 2014
US Army Male Height and Weight Standards
Personnel in US Armed Forces must keep height and weight standards, physical fitness standards, marksmanship standards, drug policy standards, entrance test standards, mental health standards, etc. The military is discriminatory for professional reasons. If LGBT troops are's nothing unusual.
So short fat insane drug addicted gays who can't shoot straight should be disqualified?

Those who do not meet anyone of the military standards do should and are disqualified. Been going on since the inception of US Armed Forces.
At one time "discrimination" was a positive term. The qu33rs hijacked the word.

In order to carry out its mission to protect the United States standards must be kept. That includes moral and disruptive activity.
An oft-forgotten definition of "discrimination"...

"Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. The ability to discern what is of high quality; good judgment or taste."

See? Discrimination is sometimes a good thing. :biggrin:
Yeah, it discriminates against the dumb and the weak. How could that be... damn racists!
That includes moral and disruptive activity.

Goodness knows the military is all about moral activities ...

US Army Male Height and Weight Standards
Personnel in US Armed Forces must keep height and weight standards, physical fitness standards, marksmanship standards, drug policy standards, entrance test standards, mental health standards, etc. The military is discriminatory for professional reasons. If LGBT troops are's nothing unusual.

This just in people, there are minimum standards to be met for everything. It's the reason IMO, men don't marry men, have kids & use the women's bathroom. The reason you cannot buy alcohol until you're 21, drive until you're 16, obtain a senior discount at the local, or qualify for a discount for insurance. That's how shit works. Turn-genders are a cost to the military, not a benefit. And for us to accept gender re-arrangement on the tax-payer's dime............... that's the definition of lunacy.
I've always been confused about this stuff.

I read in the paper that we need more women in combat and we need more women firefighters and cops. I read that women are equal. Then I turn to the
Sports page and I read about Title IX and read that women's teams must be
given the same benefits as men's teams. I still don't know why it is against
the law not to have just one team. The State Basketball team. All can apply.
US Army Male Height and Weight Standards
Personnel in US Armed Forces must keep height and weight standards, physical fitness standards, marksmanship standards, drug policy standards, entrance test standards, mental health standards, etc. The military is discriminatory for professional reasons. If LGBT troops are's nothing unusual.

It should be done by the military after a careful consideration of the results so far. Politicians need to stay out of it. You are no different than Obama because you want to foster your beliefs on the military. Why are you so afraid to let the military decide?
Considering the shit one has to put up with in the military, they should be thankful they can get anyone to join up at all.
Considering the shit one has to put up with in the military, they should be thankful they can get anyone to join up at all.
Some people are up to the challenge and can conform to standards.
US Army Male Height and Weight Standards
Personnel in US Armed Forces must keep height and weight standards, physical fitness standards, marksmanship standards, drug policy standards, entrance test standards, mental health standards, etc. The military is discriminatory for professional reasons. If LGBT troops are's nothing unusual.

It should be done by the military after a careful consideration of the results so far. Politicians need to stay out of it. You are no different than Obama because you want to foster your beliefs on the military. Why are you so afraid to let the military decide?
Military was "politicized" by Obama and now it's time to roll it back. POTUS is Commander in Chief and that office has been held by generals in our history second only to governors. Military engages n political process on Capitol Hill all the time especially with the budget. Others...such as Grant and Westmoreland...had to play the political game all the time.
I've always been confused about this stuff.

I read in the paper that we need more women in combat and we need more women firefighters and cops. I read that women are equal. Then I turn to the
Sports page and I read about Title IX and read that women's teams must be
given the same benefits as men's teams. I still don't know why it is against
the law not to have just one team. The State Basketball team. All can apply.
Progressives do not like competitive sports. They want participation trophies.

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