US Military can’t meet its recruitment goals, 40% of target for the year.

Excuse me if I laugh.

Maybe because I am "old", but that kind of conversation is 100% not appropriate in a workplace. But I saw nothing "anti-gay" in what he said, he was stating his opinion.

And that a person stating their own opinion is "anti-gay" to you, that screams much more about your beliefs. Which obviously includes absolutely no tolerance to anybody that does not share your views.

You are right.. I have no tolerance for racists, misogynists, homophobes or other people who hate, particularly the ones who think their magic sky pixie approves

Besides, they are a protected class. I always found it funny how many classes are now protected by law, and yet many are not. For example, do you know that Veterans are not a protected class? I have been denied employment or terminated for that, and it is perfectly legal.

Uh, what planet are you on. Most companies can't wait to hire veterans. I can say that in my career, being a veteran was the deciding factor in getting several jobs I've held.
Troll someone else.
YOur concession is duly noted.

Our mountain-monkey allies are totally responsible for the withdrawal disaster. It is a sign of how ignorant and unrealistic the anti-racism of our united ruling class is. Big Brotherhood is a dangerous fantasy that has crippled both our domestic and foreign policies.

Um... this is just weird.

The Third World War Needs to Be Fought Against the Third World, Which the Other Two White-on-White Wars Empowered

Americans were the ones fighting for those corrupt, incompetent, and cowardly bandit leaders, most of whom the Taliban have beheaded by now.

Except we never really did. The window to win in Afghanistan was very narrow, probably lost by 2003, when Bush shifted all our resources to a bigger mess in Iraq. That gave the Taliban time to regroup and our allies time to fail miserably.
You are right.. I have no tolerance for racists, misogynists, homophobes or other people who hate, particularly the ones who think their magic sky pixie approves

I do not either. But I also do not scream at somebody just because their beliefs are not my own.

But I also do not believe in persecution of people for their own beliefs.

Uh, what planet are you on. Most companies can't wait to hire veterans. I can say that in my career, being a veteran was the deciding factor in getting several jobs I've held.

Well, I have actually been fired from not one but two different jobs because they felt that my service in the Reserves took me away from work so much that it was a distraction (and that is illegal, but good luck most times getting that through the courts).

And on at least two different interviews, I was told that they thought I would not be a "proper fit" for the company, as I was a "Veteran", and they were an "LGBT+ friendly company". So they did not think I would be a good fit for their "environment".

But here is the thing, being a Veteran is not a "protected class". And while a lot of them pay lip service to "hiring vets", most of it is just that and nothing else. I often look at the postings on "Veteran Job Boards", and laugh. Because unless you have some highly needed job skill like HVAC, literally what you see is jobs for washing trucks or something like that at minimum wage. Somebody can actually put in a hiring notice that they would not hire veterans, and that is perfectly legal. You can't sue a company for that, or if they fire you because they later learn you are a veteran.

Interestingly enough, I just finished a 4 month temp job at a company that I interviewed for 9 months ago. I was not hired then, but was brought in as part of a crew to help them shut down as they were moving the facility to Oklahoma. And the manager actually apologized to me two months ago, as he thought my being a veteran and a disabled veteran would make it so I could not do my duties. And that he wished he had hired me the year before.

The funny thing is, his saying he would not hire me because of my disabled status actually was illegal, and I could have sued them for that as discrimination against that is in violation of the ADA.

I have had my veteran status make a difference, but almost as often it has been a detriment.
I do not either. But I also do not scream at somebody just because their beliefs are not my own.

But I also do not believe in persecution of people for their own beliefs.

It would kind of depend on how disruptive those beliefs are. Clearly, if you had iamwhatiseem going into the office and screaming the homophobic shit he screams here safely hiding behind a screen name, his gay coworkers would be pretty uncomfortable and

Well, I have actually been fired from not one but two different jobs because they felt that my service in the Reserves took me away from work so much that it was a distraction (and that is illegal, but good luck most times getting that through the courts).

Well, that's kind of different. The problem there (and I saw it a lot when I was in the Guard) was that if the employer can't count on you two weeks in the summer and some weekends, then it's not a good hire. I had a similar problem when I was in college and worked two minimum wage jobs, but we found ways to work around it.

And on at least two different interviews, I was told that they thought I would not be a "proper fit" for the company, as I was a "Veteran", and they were an "LGBT+ friendly company". So they did not think I would be a good fit for their "environment".

Not sure how those things were incompatible, but okay.

But here is the thing, being a Veteran is not a "protected class". And while a lot of them pay lip service to "hiring vets", most of it is just that and nothing else. I often look at the postings on "Veteran Job Boards", and laugh. Because unless you have some highly needed job skill like HVAC, literally what you see is jobs for washing trucks or something like that at minimum wage. Somebody can actually put in a hiring notice that they would not hire veterans, and that is perfectly legal. You can't sue a company for that, or if they fire you because they later learn you are a veteran.

Well, you'd be wrong.


As a protected veteran under VEVRAA, you have the right to work in an environment free of discrimination. You cannot be denied employment, harassed, demoted, terminated, paid less or treated less favorably because of your veteran status.

Interestingly enough, I just finished a 4 month temp job at a company that I interviewed for 9 months ago. I was not hired then, but was brought in as part of a crew to help them shut down as they were moving the facility to Oklahoma. And the manager actually apologized to me two months ago, as he thought my being a veteran and a disabled veteran would make it so I could not do my duties. And that he wished he had hired me the year before.

Okay, a couple of things here. it kind of sounds like you are having a hard time marketing yourself as an employee. As someone who does resume writing, you might want to consider contracting a resume writer who has experience dealing with veterans to get the most out of your experience.

The funny thing is, his saying he would not hire me because of my disabled status actually was illegal, and I could have sued them for that as discrimination against that is in violation of the ADA.

I have had my veteran status make a difference, but almost as often it has been a detriment.

It seems like you have the added wrinkle of having a disability. The problem with the ADA is that while it is a well-meaning law, it's probably done more harm to people with disabilities than good. The hitch is the term "reasonable accommodation". Well, what is a reasonable accommodation? What might be reasonable to you isn't necessarily reasonable to me. And, yes, too many employers will just try to avoid the whole subject by not hiring someone at all.
It would kind of depend on how disruptive those beliefs are. Clearly, if you had iamwhatiseem going into the office and screaming the homophobic shit he screams here safely hiding behind a screen name, his gay coworkers would be pretty uncomfortable and

Well, that's kind of different. The problem there (and I saw it a lot when I was in the Guard) was that if the employer can't count on you two weeks in the summer and some weekends, then it's not a good hire. I had a similar problem when I was in college and worked two minimum wage jobs, but we found ways to work around it.

Not sure how those things were incompatible, but okay.

Well, you'd be wrong.


As a protected veteran under VEVRAA, you have the right to work in an environment free of discrimination. You cannot be denied employment, harassed, demoted, terminated, paid less or treated less favorably because of your veteran status.

Okay, a couple of things here. it kind of sounds like you are having a hard time marketing yourself as an employee. As someone who does resume writing, you might want to consider contracting a resume writer who has experience dealing with veterans to get the most out of your experience.

It seems like you have the added wrinkle of having a disability. The problem with the ADA is that while it is a well-meaning law, it's probably done more harm to people with disabilities than good. The hitch is the term "reasonable accommodation". Well, what is a reasonable accommodation? What might be reasonable to you isn't necessarily reasonable to me. And, yes, too many employers will just try to avoid the whole subject by not hiring someone at all.
READ: "Homophobic shit" = being upset that parents take their children here and all over Canada/Amarica:

LGBTQ Pride Parade Toronto 2018 1.jpg

JoeB thinks if you don't like this - you are homophobic. Because he has been mind fucked into thinking this is normal behavior in front of children.

That is the "homophobic shit" I have posted.
READ: "Homophobic shit" = being upset that parents take their children here and all over Canada/Amarica:

View attachment 665075

JoeB thinks if you don't like this - you are homophobic. Because he has been mind fucked into thinking this is normal behavior in front of children.

That is the "homophobic shit" I have posted.
Probably the Folsum Street Fair in SanFranSicko. What they do on the streets is sickening. And in front of kids. And these fuckers will defend it.

I like this movie.
READ: "Homophobic shit" = being upset that parents take their children here and all over Canada/Amarica:

JoeB thinks if you don't like this - you are homophobic. Because he has been mind fucked into thinking this is normal behavior in front of children.

That is the "homophobic shit" I have posted.

How is that any worse than the stuff they might see at Mardis Gras in NOLA?


Or on a public beach, for that matter.

Personally, I wouldn't take children to either...
How is that any worse than the stuff they might see at Mardis Gras in NOLA?

View attachment 665082

Or on a public beach, for that matter.

Personally, I wouldn't take children to either...
Have you been to Mardi Gras?
There are two Mardi Gras.... so to speak.
Daytime Mardi Gras, and nightime Mardi Gras anywhere near Bourbon Street.
A parent who takes their child to after hours Mardi Gras is an idiot who should be fined for doing so.
But yes, I noticed you did not address the topic
Have you been to Mardi Gras?
There are two Mardi Gras.... so to speak.
Daytime Mardi Gras, and nightime Mardi Gras anywhere near Bourbon Street.
A parent who takes their child to after hours Mardi Gras is an idiot who should be fined for doing so.
But yes, I noticed you did not address the topic

I talked to a firefighter who used to work in NOLA.... he said the bad behavior happens all day.

He told one story about a woman who handcuffed herself to a lamppost and anyone who wanted to have at her could. Ick.

I mean, you get hung up about the leather dudes, I just can't get worked up about it.
I talked to a firefighter who used to work in NOLA.... he said the bad behavior happens all day.

He told one story about a woman who handcuffed herself to a lamppost and anyone who wanted to have at her could. Ick.

I mean, you get hung up about the leather dudes, I just can't get worked up about it.
Yes I noticed again you avoid what I said, and keep trying to redirect it.
What part of any parent who takes their child to the "adult Mardi Gras areas" is an idiot do you not understand??
I even said they should be fined for doing so.
Mardi Gras has numerous parades/events for children. No drunk topless girls getting money thrown at them there.
But no doubt you will respond to this with yet another attempt to distract and deflect what I said.
Yes I noticed again you avoid what I said, and keep trying to redirect it.
What part of any parent who takes their child to the "adult Mardi Gras areas" is an idiot do you not understand??
I even said they should be fined for doing so.

Have you considered sending a resume to the Taliban? You'd fit right in.

Mardi Gras has numerous parades/events for children. No drunk topless girls getting money thrown at them there.
But no doubt you will respond to this with yet another attempt to distract and deflect what I said.

And pride parades have family friendly events. Look, man, I get it... you are insecure...
This shill MSM report struggles to find why no one wants to join Biden’s Army.

Is it that young people are too emotionally unstable and afraid?
They are too out of shape? No land whales allowed?

Maybe it’s because so few young people have parents that were in the military (thanks rampant immigration)?

But the article doesn’t touch the fact that the military leadership and the Biden Regime have gone out of its way to demonize the largest recruiting demographic: cornbread white boys from the south and Midwest. Their Generals are very concerned about “white rage” and transgender pronouns. Then of course there is the elephant in the room, the mandatory experimental vaccines no one wants.
Offer free gender reset. The place will be full up
Yes I noticed again you avoid what I said, and keep trying to redirect it.
What part of any parent who takes their child to the "adult Mardi Gras areas" is an idiot do you not understand??
I even said they should be fined for doing so.
Mardi Gras has numerous parades/events for children. No drunk topless girls getting money thrown at them there.
But no doubt you will respond to this with yet another attempt to distract and deflect what I said.
What have you got against drunk topless girls?
Well duh!
You would think.
But JoeB being JoeB - tried to deflect the OBVIOUS wrong of taking small children to Pride Parades, and say what about kids at Mardi Gras. To which, he obviously has never been. People don't take their small kids to the adult Mardi Gras areas/events - and if they did they are just as asininely stupid as parents taking their kids to pride parades.
You would think.
But JoeB being JoeB - tried to deflect the OBVIOUS wrong of taking small children to Pride Parades, and say what about kids at Mardi Gras. To which, he obviously has never been. People don't take their small kids to the adult Mardi Gras areas/events - and if they did they are just as asininely stupid as parents taking their kids to pride parades.

Somehow, I don't think you've ever been to a pride parade...

But you act like you have.

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