US marshals providing ‘around-the-clock security’ at Supreme Court justices' homes

Maybe the experience of having angry people at their houses will make the supremes think twice before they remove another right from the American people.
Abortion isn't a "right". It's legal, but because something is legal doesn't make it a "right". That's where you creatures miss it. Kinda like when you miss it every time you cry that "democracy is being attacked". Emotional hysterics.
Abortion isn't a "right". It's legal, but because something is legal doesn't make it a "right". That's where you creatures miss it. Kinda like when you miss it every time you cry that "democracy is being attacked". Emotional hysterics.
These same evangelical assholes have a long list of sins they are looking to ban with a compliant SC standing ready to make it all kosher. Eventually they will get around to something you like.
These same evangelical assholes have a long list of sins they are looking to ban with a compliant SC standing ready to make it all kosher. Eventually they will get around to something you like.
More emotional hysterics. Grow up. Evangelical assholes have Constitutional rights. It's called "democracy". Aren't you one of those leftists that love democracy?
My mistake. Lets see if they all recuse themselves from the inevitable challenges should the goon squad come in to squash the first amendment.
You're confused about who is attacking free speech.
You jerks ransacked the capital building and called it free speech. Don't lecture me on what proper protests are because you have no idea. All you know is you want to see some leftists get a good old fascist beatdown for getting uppity.
You jerks ransacked the capital building and called it free speech. Don't lecture me on what proper protests are because you have no idea. All you know is you want to see some leftists get a good old fascist beatdown for getting uppity.
And your point is......................................?????????????
You jerks ransacked the capital building and called it free speech. Don't lecture me on what proper protests are because you have no idea. All you know is you want to see some leftists get a good old fascist beatdown for getting uppity.
No one on the right condoned the riot on January 6th. Clean up BLM and antifa before you lecture us. They did billions in damage to the American people. You're very confused.
No one on the right condoned the riot on January 6th. Clean up BLM and antifa before you lecture us. They did billions in damage to the American people. You're very confused.
Man, you really don't pay attention to your own fringe whackadoodles do you? That's pretty sad because by the time you do it will be too late.
The supremes ought to be hounded day and night and where ever they go. These are the guys that ruled that corporations are citizens and money is speech.
I hate what brainless popular culture has done to our language. "The Supremes" are a Motown girl group. I believe that you are attempting to refer to the Justices of the United States Supreme Court. If you're too fucking lazy to type out something a bit more respectful than "The Supremes", please just shut the fuck up and stay in the sixth grade forever.

Jesus H, you ignorant, lazy leftist motherfuckers just take the prize.

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