US introduces $60 LED light bulb LED bulbs should last about 100,000 hours - giving t


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
US introduces $60 LED light bulb LED bulbs should last about 100,000 hours - giving them a life of about 20 years

A prize-winning light bulb that lasts for 20 years is going on sale in the US on Sunday - also known as Earth Day.

Made by Dutch electronics giant Philips, the bulb swaps filaments for light-emitting diodes to provide illumination.

Using LEDs endows the light with a long life and a hefty price tag. The first versions are set to cost $60 (£37).

Philips has arranged discounts with shops that will sell the bulb meaning some could buy it for only $20 (£12).

Production ban

The bulb triumphed in the Bright Tomorrow competition run by the US Department of Energy that aimed to find an energy efficient alternative to the 60-watt incandescent light bulb.

The DoE challenged firms to develop a design that gave out a warm light similar to that from an incandescent bulbs but was much more energy efficient.

Philips was the only entrant for the competition and its design underwent 18 months of testing before being declared a winner.

A cheaper and less efficient version of the LED bulb is already sold by Philips in the US and Europe.

LED bulbs face competition from compact fluorescent lights which are almost as energy efficient and cost a lot less.

Sales of more energy efficient bulbs are being aided by official moves to end production of higher wattage incandescent bulbs.

Production of 100 watt bulbs has ceased in the US and Europe. Production of of 60 watt bulbs has been stopped in Europe and is being phased out in the US. From 2014, incandescent bulbs of 40 watts or above will be banned in the US.
BBC News - US introduces $60 LED light bulb
If this crap keeps up someday people will take their light bulbs with them when they move or landlords will refuse to replace bulbs that weren't screwed in before they were born. Nobody wants to pay $100 including tax for a freaking light bulb.
LOL. A LED bulb is a solid state device. That $60 bulb will be about $20 in five years or less. So strange that 'Conservatives' absolutely cannot stand the idea of something that lasts much longer, uses less enegy for the same result, and results in major savings over the lifetime of the bulb.
LOL. A LED bulb is a solid state device. That $60 bulb will be about $20 in five years or less. So strange that 'Conservatives' absolutely cannot stand the idea of something that lasts much longer, uses less enegy for the same result, and results in major savings over the lifetime of the bulb.

Libs have it bas-ackward as usual. If it costs $20 today it will probably cost $60 five years from now.
I heard they make these special bulbs in another country and GE made their American workers sign a pledge that they would only buy and use these kinds of bulbs.
From the linked article in the OP:

"Philips was the only entrant for the competition and its design underwent 18 months of testing before being declared a winner."

LOL Winner in a one horse race.
Smells like a fishy race.
I read that it can save quite a lot in electricity over it's life, rendering it not only "free" but it will pay dividends. Today, we're twice as energy efficient as we were in the 70's. In 20 years... who knows?

I believe that getting the same things done by using less energy (from any source) is a plus.
From the linked article in the OP:

"Philips was the only entrant for the competition and its design underwent 18 months of testing before being declared a winner."

LOL Winner in a one horse race.
Smells like a fishy race.

Even better,
it took the government 18 months to determine the winner in a one horse race.

Hey, I have an idea,
let's put these same geniuses in charge of health insurance.
I'm sure all of this will be very comforting to freezing chickens huddled around LEDs.
LOL. A LED bulb is a solid state device. That $60 bulb will be about $20 in five years or less. So strange that 'Conservatives' absolutely cannot stand the idea of something that lasts much longer, uses less enegy for the same result, and results in major savings over the lifetime of the bulb.

Because it's "new". That makes is scary and anti "conservative".
My grandparents had incandescent bulbs in their house that were over 40 years old.
How many people here remember those old incandescent bulbs that were yellow? They never burned out, they were only replaced when some kid (like me) broke them from rambunctious behavior or by testing my shooting skills with a BB gun.
100,000 hours?

Well, at least until the teen age kid hits it with a broom handle while sweeping near it.

Nothing is kid proof.
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On the other hand, I know people that paid over $1,000 for HDTV five years ago. It really is a priority issue to an extent isn't it?
I read that it can save quite a lot in electricity over it's life, rendering it not only "free" but it will pay dividends. Today, we're twice as energy efficient as we were in the 70's. In 20 years... who knows?

I believe that getting the same things done by using less energy (from any source) is a plus.

The lifetime savings is amortized over an anticipated 10 years. Which makes spending $60.00 on a lightbulb today as much sense as buying a Volt that won't show a benefit for 27 years.
On the other hand, I know people that paid over $1,000 for HDTV five years ago. It really is a priority issue to an extent isn't it?

I suppose it is. I paid over $1000 for one just last year. The one I got 5 years ago was $2400.

They key issue being that it was my choice, of course.
Market driven really is the point. Strange turn of events, but about four or five weeks ago I participated in an online energy audit of my home. It was sponsored by our local utility and the mailman delivered two boxes today. One box was full of compact flourescents, two LED night lights and energy saving tips. The other has weather stripping, flow restrictors and a shower head. F-r-double e!

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