US government incapable of securing US borders - protecting Americans


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
Each day, thousands of illegal immigrants pour across the US border. Many innocent people coming from very bad situations in their own countries. For those I wish we could do more to help them at their home. But the US has neither the resources nor will to Police the world and care for all the world's population.
We have decaying infrastructure here at home, record numbers of homeless Americans, American children needing healthcare but can't get assistance even while illegal immigrant's children enjoy free medical care.

Report: Illegal Immigrant Births costs more than Border wall

Report: Illegal immigrant births cost more than border wall

No nation on Earth can remain a nation for long doing what the US is allowing.

If the US continues to fail to protect it's borders, it will eventually become another country, which quite literally is already the case in many areas in the US. The US has some of the most generous immigration policies of any nation already.

As such, it is the right over every US citizen to have a LEGAL system of immigration enforced by the government. Many who arrive illegally never intend to follow ANY of our laws and are specifically coming here to exploit the ease of taking advantage of Americans whose government not only fails to protect them, but essentially encourages it through excessively soft and easy policies.

Worst of all, should Americans make any attempt at exercising the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to defend their own nation, it is the government and politicians personally benefiting from illegal immigration who will be there to immediately and severely prosecute ANY AND ALL Americans who attempt to assist in securing our borders.

Instead, these politicians say that our borders don't need securing and that illegal immigrants are welcomed and will quietly blend into our society and make America even greater.

But that is FAR from what is happening. Mostly because of political infighting, the American people are paying a massive price for political and government failures as MS13 gangs proliferate and our taxpayers suffer a heavier and heavier burden to support these illegal immigrants who have already successfully transformed many parts of the USA such as in California and Florida into places where people are proudly proclaiming loyalty to THEIR own nationality of origin, flying their countries flags and in many ways, telling American born citizens to shove it.

Each day, the US government releases thousands of illegal immigrants into our society simply because the system is overwhelmed. Meaning the more that arrive at our borders, the more likely they are to gain total unrestrained, unchecked access to US towns and cities. Many politicians are working very hard to ensure that the US has no borders at all and that the US has no means to enforce illegal immigration. While this costs many American lives....they simply do not care.

ICE forced to release illegal immigrants ‘out of the front door’ in Arizona amid space crunch, migrant surge
ICE forced to release illegal immigrants ‘out of the front door’ in Arizona amid space crunch, migrant surge

Each year, millions of innocent Americans are injured or killed by illegal immigrant drivers, affected by drug activities, robbed, beaten or raped by illegal immigrants.

Our politicians aren't going to do it. The government can't or won't do it. so Americans have a clear choice...

The ONLY way I see this ending is for MILLIONS of Americans to take action and head to the borders in numbers that overwhelm the governments ability to stop them...(nowhere am I advocating violence, but if illegals endanger Americans trying to stop them from illegally entering the US, that would be on them, not Americans) and it is the duty of courts to defend Americans for upholding their Constitutional DUTY to protect the nation.

Or accept that they no longer have a nation of their own. So far, the latter has clearly been the case. And as they continue to have anchor babies who grow up and vote, they will eventually simply VOTE Americans out of their own country.
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Each day, thousands of illegal immigrants pour across the US border. Many innocent people coming from very bad situations in their own countries. For those I wish we could do more to help them at their home. But the US has neither the resources nor will to Police the world and care for all the world's population.
We have decaying infrastructure here at home, record numbers of homeless Americans, American children needing healthcare but can't get assistance even while illegal immigrant's children enjoy free medical care.

Report: Illegal Immigrant Births costs more than Border wall

Report: Illegal immigrant births cost more than border wall

No nation on Earth can remain a nation for long doing what the US is allowing.

If the US continues to fail to protect it's borders, it will eventually become another country, which quite literally is already the case in many areas in the US. The US has some of the most generous immigration policies of any nation already.

As such, it is the right over every US citizen to have a LEGAL system of immigration enforced by the government. Many who arrive illegally never intend to follow ANY of our laws and are specifically coming here to exploit the ease of taking advantage of Americans whose government not only fails to protect them, but essentially encourages it through excessively soft and easy policies.

Worst of all, should Americans make any attempt at exercising the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS to defend their own nation, it is the government and politicians personally benefiting from illegal immigration who will be there to immediately and severely prosecute ANY AND ALL Americans who attempt to assist in securing our borders.

Instead, these politicians say that our borders don't need securing and that illegal immigrants are welcomed and will quietly blend into our society and make America even greater.

But that is FAR from what is happening. Mostly because of political infighting, the American people are paying a massive price for political and government failures as MS13 gangs proliferate and our taxpayers suffer a heavier and heavier burden to support these illegal immigrants who have already successfully transformed many parts of the USA such as in California and Florida into places where people are proudly proclaiming loyalty to THEIR own nationality of origin, flying their countries flags and in many ways, telling American born citizens to shove it.

Each day, the US government releases thousands of illegal immigrants into our society simply because the system is overwhelmed. Meaning the more that arrive at our borders, the more likely they are to gain total unrestrained, unchecked access to US towns and cities. Many politicians are working very hard to ensure that the US has no borders at all and that the US has no means to enforce illegal immigration. While this costs many American lives....they simply do not care.

ICE forced to release illegal immigrants ‘out of the front door’ in Arizona amid space crunch, migrant surge
ICE forced to release illegal immigrants ‘out of the front door’ in Arizona amid space crunch, migrant surge

Each year, millions of innocent Americans are injured or killed by illegal immigrant drivers, affected by drug activities, robbed, beaten or raped by illegal immigrants.

Our politicians aren't going to do it. The government can't or won't do it. so Americans have a clear choice...

The ONLY way I see this ending is for MILLIONS of Americans to take action and head to the borders in numbers that overwhelm the governments ability to stop them...(nowhere am I advocating violence, but if illegals endanger Americans trying to stop them from illegally entering the US, that would be on them, not Americans) and it is the duty of courts to defend Americans for upholding their Constitutional DUTY to protect the nation.

Or accept that they no longer have a nation of their own. So far, the latter has clearly been the case. And as they continue to have anchor babies who grow up and vote, they will eventually simply VOTE Americans out of their own country.

The GOP is promising action on the border wall after the election, though I wonder where they've been the last year. If they lose the House and the Senate, I wonder how they will get it done? Or perhaps it is just more talk to get us to vote for them one more time.
Well we sure need to build that wall.

Get rid of the illegals here and the wall will prevent more from coming in.

That will save we the taxpayer billions. That will pay for the wall.
It seems money is the biggest problem second only to political tug of war.

Congress critters see their own special interests as more important than national interests so they never seem to be inclined to allocate funds that won't directly help them get re-elected or help themselves in some other way.

Congress is a disastrous failure to the American people as a collective in so many ways.

Yet I understand they vote to gift themselves HUGE lifelong perks like free healthcare not only for themselves, but also their entire well as taxpayer funded education for their children.

They are truly voting themselves into Royalty, elitist, privileged status.

Saddest of all....We The People Do have the power to change things, but collectively we're as dumb as a sack of potatoes and are kept vigilantly at each others throats precisely so that we don't collectively realize the fraud and get together to make changes.

It's a sham from top to bottom all designed to further divide us into those that have (the 1%) and those that don't (the other 99%)

Just recently congress ROYALLY screwed the American people to the tune of TRILLIONS and yet only about 1 in 100,000 people have any clue whatsoever.

The Big Bank Bailout
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