US , F35 planes already obsolete .Implications a disaster for NATO


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2022

The reported downing of Ukey planes has hugely increased in the last fortnight according to Russian Defence Ministry reports .
Over time these reports have .shown to be highly believable and , as agreed by a consensus of respected commentators , are far more reliable and honest than equivalent Kyiv reports which often appear to be just plain goofy .

Since the middle of October Russia claims to have shot down
17 Ukrainian Mig-29 fighter aircraft
2 Ukrainian SU-24 tactical bombers
3 Ukrainian SU-25 close air support jets
1 Ukrainian L-39 fighter jet trainer
3 MI-8 transport helicopters
A total of 26 air assets over just 9 days!
If this is even near to the truth it is a catastrophic loss rate for the Ukrainian air force

The typical Ukrainian air-force loss rate over the first three quarters of this year was one to three air planes or helicopters per week.

Moreover, all of these recent "Kills " were shot down far from the front line and outside the radius of Russian air defense systems, as well as outside the standard radius of Russian fighter missiles.
Those pilots who were able to eject reported that until the moment their planes were hit, they did not receive warning information about the attack from the appropriate warning systems.
The Americans believe that the Russian Aerospace Forces have acquired new missiles capable of not only hitting targets at a great distance, but also, after launch, independently pursuing a target without illuminating it from the aircraft’s radar, using a radio signature to guide it (the target).
Americans have carefully checked this information and consider it critically important. Since, if it is confirmed, it means that the Russians have acquired a weapon that will neutralize all the advertised advantages of their new main fighter, the F-35.

In a separate paper I will show that the promised F16s would suffer as awful fate but for quite different reasons , though this Russian spurt of new technology would itself spell out their certain very fast exit .

Main information source cribbed from Bertrand at where real info about the Russian obliteration of the Kyiv third army is ongoing , plus tip top commentary on matters involving those nice Hamas fighters and the nasty Israelis in their False Flag saga which threatens to escalate .
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US , F35 planes already obsolete​

Dd you know that U.S. and us is spelled the same?
I just figured that out
I bet you didn’t know that

The reported downing of Ukey planes has hugely increased in the last fortnight according to Russian Defence Ministry reports .
Over time these reports have .shown to be highly believable and , as agreed by a consensus of respected commentators , are far more reliable and honest than equivalent Kyiv reports which often appear to be just plain goofy .

Since the middle of October Russia claims to have shot down
17 Ukrainian Mig-29 fighter aircraft
2 Ukrainian SU-24 tactical bombers
3 Ukrainian SU-25 close air support jets
1 Ukrainian L-39 fighter jet trainer
3 MI-8 transport helicopters
A total of 26 air assets over just 9 days!
If this is even near to the truth it is a catastrophic loss rate for the Ukrainian air force

The typical Ukrainian air-force loss rate over the first three quarters of this year was one to three air planes or helicopters per week.

Moreover, all of these recent "Kills " were shot down far from the front line and outside the radius of Russian air defense systems, as well as outside the standard radius of Russian fighter missiles.
Those pilots who were able to eject reported that until the moment their planes were hit, they did not receive warning information about the attack from the appropriate warning systems.
The Americans believe that the Russian Aerospace Forces have acquired new missiles capable of not only hitting targets at a great distance, but also, after launch, independently pursuing a target without illuminating it from the aircraft’s radar, using a radio signature to guide it (the target).
Americans have carefully checked this information and consider it critically important. Since, if it is confirmed, it means that the Russians have acquired a weapon that will neutralize all the advertised advantages of their new main fighter, the F-35.

In a separate paper I will show that the promised F16s would suffer as awful fate but for quite different reasons , though this Russian spurt of new technology would itself spell out their certain very fast exit .

Main information source cribbed from Bertrand at where real info about the Russian obliteration of the Kyiv third army is ongoing , plus tip top commentary on matters involving those nice Hamas fighters and the nasty Israelis in their False Flag saga which threatens to escalate .
Too much emphasis on which side has the better platform from which to have a dogfight. It's enough to just make the point that Russia and China have equally sophisticated weaponry as the US and will be fully capable of fighting the war that should be coming.

More important is America's choice to place so much faith in it's navy and aircraft carriers that could turn out to be easily eliminated sitting ducks.
More important is America's choice to place so much faith in it's navy and aircraft carriers that could turn out to be easily eliminated sitting ducks.

Russia reckons 20 minutes to take out all of the likely fit US aircraft carriers using their Kinzhals .

However , once you start talking about the Avangard range , which Russia demonstrated straight after Biden's Fake nuclear test in Nevada last week -- they will probably nuke the US missile fleet before any US launch buttons have even been pressed !!!
27 times the speed of sound

US , F35 planes already obsolete​

Dd you know that U.S. and us is spelled the same?
I just figured that out
I bet you didn’t know that
Did you know that RW also stands for Ridiculous Wanker ?
Good quiz knowledge
Just to make sure I understand...

Because the Russian's allegedly shot down a bunch of RUSSIAN built airplanes (the 4th generation MIG-29 entered service in the early 1980's), that our second 5th generation fighter (F-25) is obsolete.

Bertrand must be a genius.

Just to make sure I understand...

Because the Russian's allegedly shot down a bunch of RUSSIAN built airplanes (the 4th generation MIG-29 entered service in the early 1980's), that our second 5th generation fighter (F-25) is obsolete.

Bertrand must be a genius.

The 5th generation fighters, while really cool and all with the thrust vectoring, were obsolete the day they were put into service. They are a waste of money. We should have skipped 5th generation fighter production and went straight to 6th generation.
Just to make sure I understand...

Because the Russian's allegedly shot down a bunch of RUSSIAN built airplanes (the 4th generation MIG-29 entered service in the early 1980's), that our second 5th generation fighter (F-25) is obsolete.
.Bertrand must be a genius.
Researching means going to source material via links .
Why not do that instead of scribbling odd conspiracy speculation ?

Try to appreciate that it matters not a jot which generation of plane the enemy is flying if the missile is faster than the target can ever cope with and the missile cannot be identified before striking .
And yes Bertrand is respected world wide and his reputation is gold plated . This has encouraged a very high quality level of article comments --- way , way above anything you will ever see here .
Anything else?
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Researching means going to source material via links .
Why not do that instead of scribbling odd conspiracy speculation ?

Try and get it intoi your head that it matters not a jot which generation of plane the enemy is flying if the missile is faster than the target can ever cope with and the missile cannot be identified before striking .
And yes Bertrand is respected world wide and his reputation is gold plated . This has encouraged a very high quality level of article comments --- way , way above anything you will ever see here .
Anything else?

Just 20 years experience in Naval Aviation with thousands of Flight Hours in Airborne Early Warning, Airborne Command and Control and Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) platforms.

If you didn't know it missiles are pretty much always faster than their target (SR-71 is an example exception) and with US ELINT suites they will know guided missiles are inbound.

The RCS (RADAR Cross Section) of the MIG-29 is about 5 square meters) and that is the smallest one of the platforms you listed. The RCS of the F-35 is about 0.0015 square meters. Imagine if you will a radar reflector the size of a typical home front door compared to that of something the size of a golf ball.

So I'm sorry, I'll take my real world experience over Bernard and internet comments any day.
Oh, and BTW - the US has extensive experience (which we share with allies) on what civilians think of as "Wild Weasel" missions - suppression of anti-air missile systems, so yes please fire up this RADAR to try to get a missile lock the F-35, we have some AGM-88's with their name on it.

Russia reckons 20 minutes to take out all of the likely fit US aircraft carriers using their Kinzhals
Really? That quick?

But is it quick enough? If it's a surprise attack by the US then what do the carriers matter once the planes with bombs are launched and on the way. (Suppose we're talking non-nuclear.)
It would pretty much boil down to a lot of US scrap metal and dead bodies on the bottom of the ocean.
However , once you start talking about the Avangard range , which Russia demonstrated straight after Biden's Fake nuclear test in Nevada last week -- they will probably nuke the US missile fleet before any US launch buttons have even been pressed !!!
27 times the speed of sound
We can be sure that both sides have their plans! Maybe it's all about which side acts first?
Are Russia and China really unstoppable. Do you have an opinion on whether the US knows that or not?

Oh, and how many Kinzhals per carrier would be needed to get one through? Considering we're led to believe that it only takes one well placed hit per carrier?
Just to make sure I understand...

Because the Russian's allegedly shot down a bunch of RUSSIAN built airplanes (the 4th generation MIG-29 entered service in the early 1980's), that our second 5th generation fighter (F-25) is obsolete.

Bertrand must be a genius.

Technical correction, of course it's F-35.

Can't tell if the typo was because I was on my phone...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Or laughing so hard.


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