US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

It's a fiasco because we, with a little help from NATO, left a massive power vacuum that was never filled when we illegally executed Momar Q. So now the savages are on the loose. They need dictators.

Hillary was so excited about her little hit job on TV. Probably the first orgasm she's had in years.

If you're a leader of a country on the fringes, and you hug Obama or shake his hand then you're likely to get whacked.

Gaddafi was assassinated because he was about to dump the almighty, U.S. Dollar. How can we allow other nations an inch of sovereignty as long as the Dollar-god rules the globe?

I see that you lap up the crazy at the most extreme fringes of society. Only the wacko birds try to peddle this bullshit. :lol:
Gaddafi was assassinated because he was about to dump the almighty, U.S. Dollar. How can we allow other nations an inch of sovereignty as long as the Dollar-god rules the globe?

Gaddafi planned, financed and ordered the bombing of a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland that was filled with American passengers.

Reagan, Bush, Bush II looked the other way.


Not so much.

Gaddafi got a well earned dirt nap that should have happened decades ago.

Looked the other way?

Fired up the PR department, like always? Make a speech, look stern, then don't do shit?

That's the Reagan Method:

Gassing of Kurds
Soviet shoot down of Korean jet carrying US Congressman

Reagan was a weak, feckless president who liked to look and talk tough.
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US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

What terrible news, all the foreign embassies in Libya are being closed down.
Hang on, only the US embassy is shutting shop.

Why is that?

Ah, because US government foreign policy leave US citizens at far greater risk than people from any other western nation.

I travel in areas known to harbour extremists, possibly even active terrorists, and always get asked the same question.
Are you American?
When I explain I'm not, the questioner's voice softens, and I'm made welcome.

People often hate Americans because your governments since WWII have invaded, destroyed, murdered, interfered and attacked.
You guys need to fuck your foreign policy off, and stop being put in danger because your politicians get paid to make daft foreign policy that benefits your arms and oil industries, but fucks average Joe American..
Gaddafi planned, financed and ordered the bombing of a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland that was filled with American passengers.

Reagan, Bush, Bush II looked the other way.


Not so much.

Gaddafi got a well earned dirt nap that should have happened decades ago.

Obama never mentioned Locker as a justification for attacking Libya. All he did was lie about what Qaddafi said figuring that the idiots, like you, wouldn't care about the truth. By the way, Reagan reacted to Lockerbie the same way Obama is reacting to the plane shot down over the Ukraine, why is he smarter than them when he is doing the same thing? Is the answer to that that you are a hack?



Going after a tin horn terrorist in Libya is comparable to starting WWIII, because that is what would happen if the US attacked Ukraine.

By the way, Reagan started shit with Gaddafi by blaming them for the bombing of a German disco that Libyans probably had nothing to do with. He did so by bombing Tripoli.

Then after he got busted in the puss? He ran like a little girl.

If Reagan had invaded Libya you would still be complaining about it, and blaming everything that happened after that on him.

In other words, I am not falling into your hack trap.
US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

ya evacuatedThe United States shut down its embassy in Libya on Saturday and evacuated its diplomats to neighboring Tunisia under U.S. military escort amid a significant deterioration in security in Tripoli as fighting intensified between rival militias, the State Department said.

"Securing our facilities and ensuring the safety of our personnel are top department priorities, and we did not make this decision lightly," Harf said. "Security has to come first. Regrettably, we had to take this step because the location of our embassy is in very close proximity to intense fighting and ongoing violence between armed Libyan factions."

The evacuation was accompanied by the release of a new State Department travel warning for Libya urging Americans not to go to the country and recommending that those already there leave immediately.

US evacuates embassy in Libya amid clashes in Tripoli | Fox News

Obama is learning from Benghazi. But shouldn't he be thinking about the American citizens in Libya and escorting them out? He's leaving them to their own devices, it appears.
Did the asshole have to leave the golf course?
I can see your reasoning for doing that, especially after Benghazi, but one of their purposes is to aid American citizens in that country. Where would citizens go when in the country if they needed help, as they do now?

How many American citizens are there right now?

I don't know. The administration just advised them to get out instead of making planes available to them to help them get out which is what has happened in the past.

Maybe there wasn't a need for those planes because most of the Americans there were related to the embassy workers and subsequently left. Have you seen any reports stating that Americans were stranded there and wanted to leave? With Twitter/FB, etc I'm sure that we have heard something by now.
Obama is learning from Benghazi.

But not nearly as much as the Hildabeast. Kerry is showing the world what an incompetent SoS she was. She should have evacuated her embassy staff due to the poor security situation her ambassador warned her about and especially after the Brits and the Red Cross pulled out. If Kerry and the Hildabeast face off in a primary, Kerry will wipe the floor with her on the grounds that he protected his embassy staff while her callous incompetence killed hers.

But Oh, what a bad azz she was when "she" had Gaddafi whacked.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTube[/ame]

Three years after Gaddafi, Libya is imploding into chaos and violence

World View: Its government has no real power; militias are ever more entrenched, and now the state itself is under threat

A striking feature of events in Libya in the past week is how little interest is being shown by leaders and countries which enthusiastically went to war in 2011 in the supposed interests of the Libyan people. President Obama has since spoken proudly of his role in preventing a "massacre" in Benghazi at that time. But when the militiamen, whose victory Nato had assured, opened fire on a demonstration against their presence in Tripoli in November last year, killing at least 42 protesters and firing at children with anti-aircraft machine guns, there was scarcely a squeak of protest from Washington, London or Paris.

Three years after Gaddafi, Libya is imploding into chaos and violence - Commentators - Voices - The Independent
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US Embassy in Libya Evacuated!

What terrible news, all the foreign embassies in Libya are being closed down.
Hang on, only the US embassy is shutting shop.

Why is that?

Ah, because US government foreign policy leave US citizens at far greater risk than people from any other western nation.

I travel in areas known to harbour extremists, possibly even active terrorists, and always get asked the same question.
Are you American?
When I explain I'm not, the questioner's voice softens, and I'm made welcome.

People often hate Americans because your governments since WWII have invaded, destroyed, murdered, interfered and attacked.
You guys need to fuck your foreign policy off, and stop being put in danger because your politicians get paid to make daft foreign policy that benefits your arms and oil industries, but fucks average Joe American..

Wait a minute...I thought these were murderous thugs who will kill everyone who isn't Muslim?

Surely, the Germans and the Canadians and the Belgians and the Japanese are in grave danger, right?
Obama never mentioned Locker as a justification for attacking Libya. All he did was lie about what Qaddafi said figuring that the idiots, like you, wouldn't care about the truth. By the way, Reagan reacted to Lockerbie the same way Obama is reacting to the plane shot down over the Ukraine, why is he smarter than them when he is doing the same thing? Is the answer to that that you are a hack?



Going after a tin horn terrorist in Libya is comparable to starting WWIII, because that is what would happen if the US attacked Ukraine.

By the way, Reagan started shit with Gaddafi by blaming them for the bombing of a German disco that Libyans probably had nothing to do with. He did so by bombing Tripoli.

Then after he got busted in the puss? He ran like a little girl.

If Reagan had invaded Libya you would still be complaining about it, and blaming everything that happened after that on him.

In other words, I am not falling into your hack trap.
Reagan never invaded anything except little Grenada, that pussy.
[ame=]Hillary Clinton on Gaddafi: We came, we saw, he died - YouTube[/ame]

Hitlery has a Vini Vidi Vichi moment!

Useless whore.
I can see your reasoning for doing that, especially after Benghazi, but one of their purposes is to aid American citizens in that country. Where would citizens go when in the country if they needed help, as they do now?

How many American citizens are there right now?

Few, and the unrest began right after the US invasion of Iraq.

The far left will rewrite history to suit their own needs..
Oh nooooooooooo, another place where Muslims are not happy ?

Really ? Are you sure ? They're not happy in Lebanon ?

They're not happy in Gaza .

They're not happy in Egypt .

They're not happy in Libya .

They're not happy in Morocco.

They're not happy in Iran .

They're not happy in Iraq .

They're not happy in Yemen .

They're not happy in Afghanistan.

They're not happy in Pakistan.

They're not happy in Syria .

So, where are they happy?

They're happy in the U.S.

They're happy in Canada.

They're happy in Australia.

They're happy in England.

They're happy in France.

They're happy in Italy.

They're happy in Germany.

They're happy in Sweden.

They're happy in Norway.

They're happy in every country that is not dominated by Muslims and Islam.

And who do they blame?

Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.




Fucking amazing, ehh ?

Well, excuuuuuuse me, but how stupid can you get !!

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