US deploying troops to Afghanistan to help evacuate Americans


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

US military to help evacuate Americans from embassy in Kabul: officials

One official described images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan as 'demoralizing'

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Lucas Y. Tomlinson
The U.S. military will help evacuate Americans from the embassy in Kabul as the security situation deteriorates across Afghanistan, two officials confirmed Thursday to Fox News.
The plans to evacuate the Americans were briefed to President Biden earlier Thursday in order to get his approval, one official added. The military will evacuate "thousands" of American citizens and Afghan interpreters from Kabul.
"Things are moving," one official said.
A senior White House official told Fox News that President Biden held a meeting about the move Wednesday night, tasking his principals and then meeting with them again Thursday morning. The defense secretary and National Security Agency (NSA) also briefed Biden Thursday morning, and he gave the order. Biden separately engaged the secretary of state Thursday morning to discuss diplomatic strategy, the official said.
Earlier today, Afghanistan’s third largest city, Herat, located on the border with Iran, fell to the Taliban. The Taliban have also claimed to have seized Kandahar City, the country’s second-largest and the Taliban’s spiritual home.
With no U.S. military forces on the ground and very little assets overhead, the Pentagon cannot confirm Kandahar has fallen but officials acknowledge "it doesn’t look good."
U.S. military officers at the Pentagon tell Fox News the images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan are "demoralizing."
"This is all melting down in a short period of time," one U.S. military officer described what is happening right now in Afghanistan.
While the capital of Kabul itself has not been directly threatened in the advance, the stunning speed of the offensive raises questions about how long the Afghan government can maintain control of the slivers of the country it has left.


If they don't tow the line they get forced into retirement, i.e. Petraeus, Flynn, Mattis, McChrystal, etc. And this is just recent. McChrystal should know this well....
I was apprehensive when Trump said that he knows more than the generals. Trump knows nothing about military strategy. The generals do and he should never have insulted them like that and should have taken their warnings about Afghanistan seriously. While Bai Dung has continued to should the apex of incompetency in all he has done so far.
Well so much for Joey Xi's announcement yesterday that the Afghani government needs to fight for themselves and now the US military is going back into Afghanistan. Maybe Joey Xi should have thought this out before acting, but that would require someone in Bai Dung's administration to speak up and of course we can all see there is no one doing that.
Joey did a terrible thing. As soon as the Taliban started moving we needed to destroy them from the air. We have satellites watching everything over there. Trump warned the Taliban not to do it. Bai Dung has allowed them do it. I hope all of America sees now Joey Xi has exposed his incompetency further and along with his incompetent domestic and foreign policies.
Satellites have been "watching everything" since 2001 and the US has had complete control of the air...the Taliban are still here.
Your faith in the military to carry out foreign policy might be misguided.

US military to help evacuate Americans from embassy in Kabul: officials

One official described images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan as 'demoralizing'

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Lucas Y. Tomlinson
The U.S. military will help evacuate Americans from the embassy in Kabul as the security situation deteriorates across Afghanistan, two officials confirmed Thursday to Fox News.
The plans to evacuate the Americans were briefed to President Biden earlier Thursday in order to get his approval, one official added. The military will evacuate "thousands" of American citizens and Afghan interpreters from Kabul.
"Things are moving," one official said.
A senior White House official told Fox News that President Biden held a meeting about the move Wednesday night, tasking his principals and then meeting with them again Thursday morning. The defense secretary and National Security Agency (NSA) also briefed Biden Thursday morning, and he gave the order. Biden separately engaged the secretary of state Thursday morning to discuss diplomatic strategy, the official said.
Earlier today, Afghanistan’s third largest city, Herat, located on the border with Iran, fell to the Taliban. The Taliban have also claimed to have seized Kandahar City, the country’s second-largest and the Taliban’s spiritual home.
With no U.S. military forces on the ground and very little assets overhead, the Pentagon cannot confirm Kandahar has fallen but officials acknowledge "it doesn’t look good."
U.S. military officers at the Pentagon tell Fox News the images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan are "demoralizing."
"This is all melting down in a short period of time," one U.S. military officer described what is happening right now in Afghanistan.
While the capital of Kabul itself has not been directly threatened in the advance, the stunning speed of the offensive raises questions about how long the Afghan government can maintain control of the slivers of the country it has left.


If they don't tow the line they get forced into retirement, i.e. Petraeus, Flynn, Mattis, McChrystal, etc. And this is just recent. McChrystal should know this well....
I was apprehensive when Trump said that he knows more than the generals. Trump knows nothing about military strategy. The generals do and he should never have insulted them like that and should have taken their warnings about Afghanistan seriously. While Bai Dung has continued to should the apex of incompetency in all he has done so far.
Well so much for Joey Xi's announcement yesterday that the Afghani government needs to fight for themselves and now the US military is going back into Afghanistan. Maybe Joey Xi should have thought this out before acting, but that would require someone in Bai Dung's administration to speak up and of course we can all see there is no one doing that.
Joey did a terrible thing. As soon as the Taliban started moving we needed to destroy them from the air. We have satellites watching everything over there. Trump warned the Taliban not to do it. Bai Dung has allowed them do it. I hope all of America sees now Joey Xi has exposed his incompetency further and along with his incompetent domestic and foreign policies.
Maybe Boosh jr should have thought this out before acting, but that would require someone in Boosh Jr's administration to speak up and of course we can all see there is no one doing that.
Maybe Boosh jr should have thought this out before acting, but that would require someone in Boosh Jr's administration to speak up and of course we can all see there is no one doing that.
Once again trolling the OP...

Biden’s Afghanistan Blunder​

11 Aug 2021
President Biden is trying to put window dressing on the ongoing catastrophe in Afghanistan.
His envoy is working around the clock to get the Taliban to negotiate a political settlement to its military campaign, but what possible incentive does it have?
Only a few hundred Americans remain in the country, and without the recently evacuated Bagram airbase, the air strikes carried out by coalition forces come from locations far afield, limiting their reach. Now, the inevitable consequences of this withdrawal have crashed down on Afghanistan, bringing on a human tragedy of epic proportions and perhaps a resurgence of international jihadism.
Last month, Biden asserted,Do I trust the Taliban? No. But I trust the capacity of the Afghan military, who is better trained, better equipped, and more re- — more competent in terms of conducting war.” Yet since Friday, the Taliban has won control of well over half of the country, including nine of its 34 provincial capitals — a number expected to rise in the coming days. The Taliban stepped up its attacks after Biden announced the plan to withdraw in April, but it has only started to retake major cities, such as Kunduz, as the August 31 deadline for completion of the U.S. exit approaches. The Washington Post reported that the Pentagon assesses Kabul could fall within 90 days; some officials predict that’ll happen within a month — which would coincide with the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks.
On top of this humanitarian debacle, it’s hard to see how the emergence of a new Islamic caliphate in Afghanistan won’t result in a renewed threat to the U.S. and its interests. It’s widely acknowledged that the Taliban has not broken ties with al-Qaeda, and it will surprise no one that the group has broken its commitment to do so that it made at Doha. Afghanistan might soon again become the launchpad of a global movement that had for years been kept at bay by the presence of U.S. forces — most recently a small, relatively low-cost contingent that served as bulwark against the Taliban sweeping to power again.
It never made sense to believe, and here the Trump administration was the main offender, that the Taliban could be negotiated with. This week, Zalmay Khalilzad, Biden’s special representative (a Trump-era holdover from the Taliban negotiations, as well as George Bush’s ambassador to Afghanistan), delivered the group a warning in Doha. All he could do, though, was say that Washington would prevent any government that comes to power by force from receiving international recognition, a meaningless gesture compared to the U.S. pullout that has constituted a green light to the restoration of the caliphate.
Administration officials insist that the U.S. won’t be drawn back in and that this withdrawal is final. Sadly, everyone on the ground appears to believe them.

Sadly Joey Xi's mental acuity, judgement and common sense are taking a huge blow. In reality, he’s totally hollowed out and depends on the advice and counsel of his advisors and senior military officers. The military comes off looking particularly bad. The military has had 20 years to train the Afghan army and I bet they assured Biden that their army would be effective in holding the Taliban at bay. They’re just like a lot of politicians: say whatever makes them look good.
The way in which Bai Dung has cut and run so quickly is going to lead to a total collapse of the country. Expect a remake of the scenes from Saigon in 75 only this time in Afghanistan. And already we know what to expect in terms of the inhumanity the Taliban will wreak on the civilian population.
This didn't have to be. Joey Xi is a dementia riddled imbecile and a dangerous one at that.
The choice was either withdrawal or dig in for another 50 yrs. We should never have been there for this long to begin with.
Bush '43' originally planned to occupied the country strictly to find Osama Bin Laden and failing that our military advisors to the president should have left it to the tribes and clans, which is happening now anyway.
Tonight there are thousands of former and active military members who are questioning the wisdom of the politicians in Washington and the officer Corps that led them through these tumulus years of fighting, the numbers of wounded, maimed and dead.
Today according to ret Adm. J. Kirby the president has ordered three (3) brigades one Marine MEU and two airborne Brigade to Kabul.
Initially that would be more than the number of military units that have bee removed since Bai Dung took office.
The next question is where do they land since Joey Xi has already abandoned Bagram AFB.
The only consistent thing that be said about Joey Xi Bai Dung is that he is always on the wrong on every foreign policy and nation security issue and history.
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For every action, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction force.
Isaac Newton

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
George Santayana
Well you certainly can't remember the past... You continue to allow Democrats attempt to destroy America.
When we go to war we need to crush the enemy and impose civilization on them or stay the hell out. It's gonna be very bad for anyone who worked with the Americans.
Conan the Destroyer said it well, "Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women."
Definitely not part of the U.S. military doctrine..
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US military to help evacuate Americans from embassy in Kabul: officials

One official described images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan as 'demoralizing'

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Lucas Y. Tomlinson
The U.S. military will help evacuate Americans from the embassy in Kabul as the security situation deteriorates across Afghanistan, two officials confirmed Thursday to Fox News.
The plans to evacuate the Americans were briefed to President Biden earlier Thursday in order to get his approval, one official added. The military will evacuate "thousands" of American citizens and Afghan interpreters from Kabul.
"Things are moving," one official said.
A senior White House official told Fox News that President Biden held a meeting about the move Wednesday night, tasking his principals and then meeting with them again Thursday morning. The defense secretary and National Security Agency (NSA) also briefed Biden Thursday morning, and he gave the order. Biden separately engaged the secretary of state Thursday morning to discuss diplomatic strategy, the official said.
Earlier today, Afghanistan’s third largest city, Herat, located on the border with Iran, fell to the Taliban. The Taliban have also claimed to have seized Kandahar City, the country’s second-largest and the Taliban’s spiritual home.
With no U.S. military forces on the ground and very little assets overhead, the Pentagon cannot confirm Kandahar has fallen but officials acknowledge "it doesn’t look good."
U.S. military officers at the Pentagon tell Fox News the images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan are "demoralizing."
"This is all melting down in a short period of time," one U.S. military officer described what is happening right now in Afghanistan.
While the capital of Kabul itself has not been directly threatened in the advance, the stunning speed of the offensive raises questions about how long the Afghan government can maintain control of the slivers of the country it has left.


If they don't tow the line they get forced into retirement, i.e. Petraeus, Flynn, Mattis, McChrystal, etc. And this is just recent. McChrystal should know this well....
I was apprehensive when Trump said that he knows more than the generals. Trump knows nothing about military strategy. The generals do and he should never have insulted them like that and should have taken their warnings about Afghanistan seriously. While Bai Dung has continued to should the apex of incompetency in all he has done so far.
Well so much for Joey Xi's announcement yesterday that the Afghani government needs to fight for themselves and now the US military is going back into Afghanistan. Maybe Joey Xi should have thought this out before acting, but that would require someone in Bai Dung's administration to speak up and of course we can all see there is no one doing that.
Joey did a terrible thing. As soon as the Taliban started moving we needed to destroy them from the air. We have satellites watching everything over there. Trump warned the Taliban not to do it. Bai Dung has allowed them do it. I hope all of America sees now Joey Xi has exposed his incompetency further and along with his incompetent domestic and foreign policies.
The correct usage is "toe the line" unless you are pulling a barge.

Mattis was Secretary of Defense, unlike the others.
The evacuation of Americans has stopped. Any remaining Americans have been abandoned and told to shelter in place. Complete disaster is the term being used.

US military to help evacuate Americans from embassy in Kabul: officials

One official described images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan as 'demoralizing'

12 Aug 2021 ~~ By Lucas Y. Tomlinson
The U.S. military will help evacuate Americans from the embassy in Kabul as the security situation deteriorates across Afghanistan, two officials confirmed Thursday to Fox News.
The plans to evacuate the Americans were briefed to President Biden earlier Thursday in order to get his approval, one official added. The military will evacuate "thousands" of American citizens and Afghan interpreters from Kabul.
"Things are moving," one official said.
A senior White House official told Fox News that President Biden held a meeting about the move Wednesday night, tasking his principals and then meeting with them again Thursday morning. The defense secretary and National Security Agency (NSA) also briefed Biden Thursday morning, and he gave the order. Biden separately engaged the secretary of state Thursday morning to discuss diplomatic strategy, the official said.
Earlier today, Afghanistan’s third largest city, Herat, located on the border with Iran, fell to the Taliban. The Taliban have also claimed to have seized Kandahar City, the country’s second-largest and the Taliban’s spiritual home.
With no U.S. military forces on the ground and very little assets overhead, the Pentagon cannot confirm Kandahar has fallen but officials acknowledge "it doesn’t look good."
U.S. military officers at the Pentagon tell Fox News the images of the Taliban taking over Afghanistan are "demoralizing."
"This is all melting down in a short period of time," one U.S. military officer described what is happening right now in Afghanistan.
While the capital of Kabul itself has not been directly threatened in the advance, the stunning speed of the offensive raises questions about how long the Afghan government can maintain control of the slivers of the country it has left.


If they don't tow the line they get forced into retirement, i.e. Petraeus, Flynn, Mattis, McChrystal, etc. And this is just recent. McChrystal should know this well....
I was apprehensive when Trump said that he knows more than the generals. Trump knows nothing about military strategy. The generals do and he should never have insulted them like that and should have taken their warnings about Afghanistan seriously. While Bai Dung has continued to should the apex of incompetency in all he has done so far.
Well so much for Joey Xi's announcement yesterday that the Afghani government needs to fight for themselves and now the US military is going back into Afghanistan. Maybe Joey Xi should have thought this out before acting, but that would require someone in Bai Dung's administration to speak up and of course we can all see there is no one doing that.
Joey did a terrible thing. As soon as the Taliban started moving we needed to destroy them from the air. We have satellites watching everything over there. Trump warned the Taliban not to do it. Bai Dung has allowed them do it. I hope all of America sees now Joey Xi has exposed his incompetency further and along with his incompetent domestic and foreign policies.
It's obvious military intelligence on the strength of the Taliban was way off. After being pounded by the strongest military in the world for 20 years you would have thought their ranks would be decimated. Amazing how this decimated enemy was able to march through provincial capitals and finally Kabul so fast.
It's obvious military intelligence on the strength of the Taliban was way off. After being pounded by the strongest military in the world for 20 years you would have thought their ranks would be decimated. Amazing how this decimated enemy was able to march through provincial capitals and finally Kabul so fast.

You can thank Pakistan for that.... The Taliban have had aid, funding and safe areas in Pakistan for decades. The Ammonium Nitrate used to make IED's is manufactured in the main fertilizer plant in Pakistan.
Many of the "Taliban" are Pakistani's.

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