US Compaines Banned – But Cuba Will Begin Drilling Off Florida Coast By December


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Does Obama want American jobs ?while he panders to the leftist eviromental wakos other counties will be drilling 59 miles off our shores.:cuckoo:

Drilling off Keys to begin by December


A giant, semi-submersible oil rig en route from Singapore will probably be drilling in the Florida Straits between Key West and Cuba in mid-December. The rig could arrive earlier, but Repsol, the Spanish oil company, wants to wait until after hurricane season ends before it begins drilling.

This latest report on the progress of the Italian-made Scarabeo 9 oil rig comes from Lee Hunt, the chief executive of the International Association of Drilling Contractors, who just returned from a trip to Cuba last week as part of a joint delegation with the environmental group, the Environmental Defense Fund.

Hunt also said that Repsol plans on having one well drilled by the end of the year.

Read more: Drilling off Keys to begin by December - Florida Keys -
This is destined to be a lesson learned.

Reminds me of when I was strolling the beach at the Ritz Carlton in Naples, FLA. I was chatting with an attendant, mareling at the view. I said "y'know- something's missing out there". He's like "and how could you improve on this view?".

I said "drilling rigs- lots of them".

He turned on his heel and left.

The irony of that linked story is so sweet, it brings tears to my eyes.
The environmental wackos don't want us drilling anywhere really, and we have the most advanced methods and companies to do it here, Americans need jobs, energy production could create 100's of thousands of jobs and bring in billions to the treasury. Nope… can't have that "tax the rich":cuckoo:
Does Obama want American jobs ?while he panders to the leftist eviromental wakos other counties will be drilling 59 miles off our shores.:cuckoo:

But we are safer now :confused:

If not, we can pay folks to clean up the mess.... after all, the Cubans have a great track record of environmentalism.
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did you actually read the article? because nowhere does it talk about going to cuba to drill because the us won't.

actually, the article makes a strong case for normalization of relations with cuba.
did you actually read the article? because nowhere does it talk about going to cuba to drill because the us won't.

actually, the article makes a strong case for normalization of relations with cuba.

The point is other countries are drilling, we put restictions on it. Get a clue, I could give a shit about Cuba. we need to do whats good for this country and energy production is one important part of a recovery.
did you actually read the article? because nowhere does it talk about going to cuba to drill because the us won't.

actually, the article makes a strong case for normalization of relations with cuba.

The point is other countries are drilling, we put restictions on it. Get a clue, I could give a shit about Cuba. we need to do whats good for this country and energy production is one important part of a recovery.

So does all the oil drilled by US companies end up in the US?
This is actually ingenious. We let them build it, claim they are violating our sovereignty, and claim it for ourselves!

Maybe Obama knows what he is doing this time!
did you actually read the article? because nowhere does it talk about going to cuba to drill because the us won't.

actually, the article makes a strong case for normalization of relations with cuba.

The point is other countries are drilling, we put restictions on it. Get a clue, I could give a shit about Cuba. we need to do whats good for this country and energy production is one important part of a recovery.

So does all the oil drilled by US companies end up in the US?

Does it matter?
I love the structural way this thread is couched.

It could ALSO have read

US Compaines Banned – But Cuba Will Begin Drilling Off The Cuban Coast By December?

Of course that headline wouldn't have appeared so outrageous, would it?
did you actually read the article? because nowhere does it talk about going to cuba to drill because the us won't.

actually, the article makes a strong case for normalization of relations with cuba.

The point is other countries are drilling, we put restictions on it. Get a clue, I could give a shit about Cuba. we need to do whats good for this country and energy production is one important part of a recovery.

So does all the oil drilled by US companies end up in the US?
No. It ends up in the port of the highest bidder. That's summa that thar kaptalizm the trailer trash waves their flag ( made in Bangladesh) to every time that word is uttered.
did you actually read the article? because nowhere does it talk about going to cuba to drill because the us won't.

actually, the article makes a strong case for normalization of relations with cuba.

The point is other countries are drilling, we put restictions on it. Get a clue, I could give a shit about Cuba. we need to do whats good for this country and energy production is one important part of a recovery.

So does all the oil drilled by US companies end up in the US?

American Jobs are created the taxes are paid here get a clue.:eusa_eh:
The point is other countries are drilling, we put restictions on it. Get a clue, I could give a shit about Cuba. we need to do whats good for this country and energy production is one important part of a recovery.

So does all the oil drilled by US companies end up in the US?
No. It ends up in the port of the highest bidder. That's summa that thar kaptalizm the trailer trash waves their flag ( made in Bangladesh) to every time that word is uttered.

This has been discussed before and you know it. You're talking nonsense, as usual.

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