Updated Presidents ranking

Best Presidents Since WWII


Worst Presidents since WWII

Bush 43
Lincoln didn't want to free slaves and said so 1,000 times. Jefferson signed the 1807 slave trade ban. Lincoln only did something after a huge war broke out and he needed support to continue his tyrant fight.

So, who was the better advocate?

You know the fucking answer. You just hate liberty.
Jefferson was a slave raper who bought and sold slaves
Lincoln freed the slaves
That is a primary problem with 'best president' lists. Historians cannot rate recent presidents, they are outside their expertise there and it is almost impossible to see the forest when you are in the trees. We have no idea how these people will impact future generations.

It does surprise me that anyone places Obama so high, there is almost nothing you can point to as a good reason for it. He is only placed there because he made history by being the first black president.
I disagree. I knew halfway through Carter's admin that he was a lousy president. I'll grant you, I believe he was an honest man (probably the last one) and his heart was good, but he was a lousy president. W was a lousy, no good, lying POS, Obama was a lying, racist, globalist, anti-American POS as well. After Biden, W and Obama will go down as the worst. Carter is probably breathing a sigh of relief.
I like him also. Some of it boils down to bad luck, on his part and at that time. It is a leadership position, the leadership position of the US and to an extent, the free world. I like him, and he was and is a smart man. That said, I don't think Jimmy could get luck in a two bit whore house with a tow-sack full of quarter.
Remember he only lusts in his heart.
Notice how criminal trump is almost at the bottom of the list, while President Obama is at the top 10 in history...

2021 Presidential Historians Survey



President2021 Final ScoreOverall Rankings
Abraham Lincoln8971111
George Washington8512223
Franklin D. Roosevelt8413332
Theodore Roosevelt7854444
Dwight D. Eisenhower7345589
Harry S. Truman7136655
Thomas Jefferson7047777
John F. Kennedy6998868
Ronald Reagan681991011
Barack Obama6641012NANA
Lyndon B. Johnson65411101110
James Monroe64312131514
Woodrow Wilson617131196
William McKinley61214161615
John Adams60915191716
James Madison60416172018
John Quincy Adams60317211919
James K. Polk59918141212
William J. Clinton59419151421
Ulysses S. Grant59020222333
George H. W. Bush58521201820
Andrew Jackson56822181313
William Howard Taft54323242424
Calvin Coolidge53524262627
Grover Cleveland52325232117
Jimmy Carter50626272522
James A. Garfield50627292829
Gerald R. Ford49828252223
George W. Bush495293336NA
Chester A. Arthur47230353232
Richard M. Nixon46431282726
Benjamin Harrison46232303031
Rutherford B. Hayes45633313325
Martin Van Buren45534343130
Zachary Taylor44935322928
Herbert Hoover39636363434
Warren G. Harding38837403838
Millard Fillmore37838373735
John Tyler35439393536
William Henry Harrison35440383937
Donald J. Trump31241NANANA
Franklin Pierce31242414039
Andrew Johnson23043424140
James Buchanan22744434241
Neither Reagan or Obama belong on the top 10. I'll have to read up on Pierce and Johnson to see what they did that was worse than trying to end Democracy and the union.
The one who started the nation, the one who saved it, or the one that made us a superpower?
The one who sat his ass in thr white house 10x longer than previous presidents. They one who was such a dick they made a term limits constitutional amendment. The racist motherfucker who did unthinkable shit to non-whites a d pht Japanes people in prison solely because of their national origin.

Man, you are tyrant dick sucking useless twat.
The one who sat his ass in thr white house 10x longer than previous presidents. They one who was such a dick they made a term limits constitutional amendment. The racist motherfucker who did unthinkable shit to non-whites a d pht Japanes people in prison solely because of their national origin.

Man, you are tyrant dick sucking useless twat.
The one that beat the Nazi's. Got it. A lot of you hate Lincoln a lot more, so I wasn't sure.

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