Updated July 5th-Joe Biden is still worse than Trump for people looking to retire

Well, it all boils down to his mentor, Obama. Obama's presidency started on top of a mountain and he left standing in the bottom of a valley. Biden kinda did the same, but he just dug quicker. He's still digging, whilst telling his staff, "Dig up stupid".
You haten on Biden ? LOL... When did the change happen ? Maybe I'm thinking of someone else, so if I am then disregard..
You guy's eh ? If you think for one second I'm a Biden supporter, then you must of fell and bumped your head while playing with your blonde hairy legged Biden doll. ROTFLMBO.
You guys as in, those who wanted him and those who didn't want him but are stuck with him. Did I really have to explain that ??

So get up off the floor and give yourself a shake.
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 0.85% compared to Trump at 20.89% a difference of -20.04%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at -14.21% compared to Trump at 36.94% a difference of -51.14%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 0.12% compared to Trump at 23.44% a difference of -23.31%.

Joe Biden - the gift that keeps taking. This photo sums up Joe Biden:

View attachment 667033
Did you see the tidbit where Joe Biden would be voted in over tramp, no Fox doesn't have that news.
How does Biden compare to Trump in the stock market? We share the facts on cumulative and annualized performance between Biden and Trump in the stock market. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Biden is at 0.85% compared to Trump at 20.89% a difference of -20.04%. On the NASDAQ, Biden is at -14.21% compared to Trump at 36.94% a difference of -51.14%. Finally, on the DOW Jones, Biden is at 0.12% compared to Trump at 23.44% a difference of -23.31%.

Joe Biden - the gift that keeps taking. This photo sums up Joe Biden:

View attachment 667033
Irony in spades.Since most weekends Biden retires early from the
White House for his Delaware residences.Remember a couple weekend ago
we Saw Joe actually galavanting into a jog across the White House
lawn in fast retreat mode to catch Marine One.This was on a friday
I didn't lose my shirt, I aint crying. I been down this road before, when I did lose my shirt, and I didn't cry then.

You are the type of person who likes to cry. So cry me a river, Geezer.
Please stop sending me messages offering to blow me for comfort
You're a clown, geezer.

Do keep crying, your tears are refreshing. :laugh:
If you think this country is going to allow you knuckleheads to make us poor, then you gotta another thought coming.

Biden and company are toast in the coming election's, and if the rhino's try to help him and his gang, then they are going to be politically unelectable toast also. Enough of this idiocy already.

Debunk the video if you can....
Who cares about whatever else he may have done? It was a crowning achievement.
Well, this is thing with politics. You pick a guy on character, but he can't deliver results. He's the captain of your ship, and as you sink, you salute him saying, "What a bloody nice chap". As that is going on, a ship steams past you where the crew say, "Our elected captain is an asshole, but he steered the ship past the iceberg".

So if you enjoy drowning in misery, you've picked the guy for the job.

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