Universe might be 2 billion years younger, shocking study says

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
wish these guys would make up their minds

The universe is assumed to be roughly 13.7 billion years old, but a stunning new study says it could be significantly younger than that — by a couple of billion years.

According to the study, researchers used new calculations that took different approaches to figure out just how old the universe really is.

Universe might be 2 billion years younger, shocking study says
wish these guys would make up their minds

The universe is assumed to be roughly 13.7 billion years old, but a stunning new study says it could be significantly younger than that — by a couple of billion years.

According to the study, researchers used new calculations that took different approaches to figure out just how old the universe really is.

Universe might be 2 billion years younger, shocking study says
Great! That means we have an extra 2B years before we have to worry about the end of the universe!!
wish these guys would make up their minds

The universe is assumed to be roughly 13.7 billion years old, but a stunning new study says it could be significantly younger than that — by a couple of billion years.

According to the study, researchers used new calculations that took different approaches to figure out just how old the universe really is.

Universe might be 2 billion years younger, shocking study says
Great! That means we have an extra 2B years before we have to worry about the end of the universe!!
thats assuming you know what the expiration date is
God or no God...where did the universe come from? And in recent decades there are theories of multiple parallel universes. As if one was not enough.
13.7 BILLION vs 11.7 BILLION
a .1+ ''''''difference'''..............??
not much at all
that's like saying 8 years is GROSSLY different from 10 years = you are wrong
  1. 1.
    in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention.
13.7 BILLION vs 11.7 BILLION
a .1+ ''''''difference'''..............??
not much at all
that's like saying 8 years is GROSSLY different from 10 years = you are wrong
  1. 1.
    in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention.

Why not 6,000 years old? It was eternal before and we find it's going down :2up:. The real evidence is the temperature is the same everywhere around 2.7K. Oops.
But this gooober will deny the mountains of studies supporting AGW and evolution

Given that the Universe is between 12 and 14 Billion Years old, and hominids have been on this planet for only 6 million (.04% of that total time) I'm not sure how the age of the Universe provides any evidence on human induced climate change.
But this gooober will deny the mountains of studies supporting AGW and evolution

Given that the Universe is between 12 and 14 Billion Years old, and hominids have been on this planet for only 6 million (.04% of that total time) I'm not sure how the age of the Universe provides any evidence on human induced climate change.
What an odd, irrelevant post.
But this gooober will deny the mountains of studies supporting AGW and evolution. Then sieze upon a single study as fact. He's a fraud, pay no mind.

I can tell that you're becoming an old geezer like Al Gore. This is so 2016. One of the reasons Hillary lost was AGW. It got Obama elected, but she went to the pseudoscience well once too often. Instead, we now know there are periods of global warming and cooling. Thus, it is part of the climate change cycle. What is more important with climate change is to control the air and water pollution which Trump has focused on. Our economy still depends on fossil fuels, so we will still go to war over it. Maybe the electric car will make an impact on fossil fuels (source of pollution), but the batteries need to be properly disposed of and it still uses a lot of plastic, another waste that is causing pollution problems. Even the end of the world scenarios have abandoned AGW and have gone to the huge asteroid threat.
I can tell that you're becoming an old geezer like Al Gore. This is so 2016. One of the reasons Hillary lost was AGW.
Because there are a lot of stupid people in this country that operate from politics and superstition. Your comment has exactly jack shit to do with the truth of AGW theory.

Instead, we now know there are periods of global warming and cooling
Are you sure? Who taught you that? Climate scientists taught you that. Sorry ya fraud, you dont get to simultaneously cite their authority and work AND call them all incompetent liars. Duh. What an embarrassing display. You are babbling incoherently and know less than nothing about any of this.
13.7 BILLION vs 11.7 BILLION
a .1+ ''''''difference'''..............??
not much at all
that's like saying 8 years is GROSSLY different from 10 years = you are wrong
  1. 1.
    in a sufficiently great or important way as to be worthy of attention.
Tell that to a 10 year old!
wish these guys would make up their minds

The universe is assumed to be roughly 13.7 billion years old, but a stunning new study says it could be significantly younger than that — by a couple of billion years.

According to the study, researchers used new calculations that took different approaches to figure out just how old the universe really is.

Universe might be 2 billion years younger, shocking study says
I thought it was a computer simulation now

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