Unions Upset with Obama


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2011
The Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said he was “disappointed and angry” that the bill received so much support. “This is a vote against investors in the real economy and for Wall Street speculators,” he said in a scorching statement after the bill passed in late March. “When the next bubble bursts, Americans will know who to blame.
Labor Unions Upset With Obama For Supporting Eric Cantor’s JOBS Act | TPMDC

Upset Unions to Boycott, Picket DNC’s Charlotte Convention
Upset Unions to Boycott, Picket DNC’s Charlotte Convention*|*LaborUnionReport.com

On the other side, labor looks at the convention — with delegates staying in non-union hotels and dining at non-union restaurants, and Obama accepting his nomination at a football stadium built with non-union workers — as a poke in the eye. *As a result, many in labor will boycott the convention outright. *The AFL-CIO, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Laborers International Union of North America and others have withheld an estimated $10 million in contributions that would have helped pay for the convention — a radical change from 2008, when unions helped pitch in more than $8 million to help the DNC pay for its national convention in Denver.
url=http://www.independentsentinel.com/2012/09/unions-upset-with-obama-withholding-support-for-convention/]Unions Upset With Obama – Withholding $$ Support For Convention | Independent Sentinel[/url]

The Unions do not have the balls to withdraw their support for Obama and not support
either candidate.
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