Union members more productive than NonUnion Scabs

Yeah, and they are working and scabs are getting laid off in droves. Tsk! Generally we hire a wino from off the street to do our jobs and pay them minimum wages, so we can go down to the bar and drink & snort coke all day. When you are making $275. and hour, what is a lil minimum wage off the top.

And the lazy union workers are getting laid off in droves too. Ask the auto workers.

And they are only scabs because they don't pay dues. You do know you can work and pay the extortion..oops sorry dues.. and NOT be part of the unions dont you.

Yeah, I will have to ask about that, as it is my understanding it is only the winos we had standing for us. Unions are still making cars, so why could there possibly be any lay offs?? LMAO!! Think logically now.

No, they are scabs because they are always doing something they should not be doing and either get hurt & disabled, or disable of kill someone else on the job site. You ever see a scab filled with pus? That is a nonunion worker seeking medical assistance.

Go look up what you are paying in disability for these wino clowns messing up on a job site. They are not worth hiring, just like the article states.

Funny that. The ONLY reason union workers are making cars is because the the car company CANT fire them all and hire non union workers.
The union itself has no problem hiring lower cost non-union workers:

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Union Hires Non-Union Workers at Minimum Wage to Protest a Company Hiring Non-Union Workers

Union Hires Non-Union Workers at Minimum Wage to Protest a Company Hiring Non-Union Workers

Once again truth is funnier and stranger than fiction. Please consider To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets

Billy Raye, a 51-year-old unemployed bike courier, is looking for work.

Fortunately for him, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council of Carpenters is seeking paid demonstrators to march and chant in its current picket line outside the McPherson Building, an office complex here where the council says work is being done with nonunion labor.

"For a lot of our members, it's really difficult to have them come out, either because of parking or something else," explains Vincente Garcia, a union representative who is supervising the picketing.

In California, one group is offering to pay $10 and up per hour to activists to hold signs in demonstrations against foam cups and plastic bags.

In Atlanta, Timothy Baker, a 40-year-old unemployed warehouse worker, says his money-making strategy has been to walk picket lines for $8.50 an hour for the Southeastern Carpenters Regional Council. "It's something to do until you find something better."

The union's Mr. Garcia sees no conflict in a union that insists on union labor hiring nonunion people to protest the hiring of nonunion labor.

He says the pickets are not only about "union issues" but also about fair wages and benefits for American workers. By hiring the unemployed, "we are also giving back to the community a bit," he says.​

Look at the gall of these unions, hiring non-union picketers while cannibalizing members of their own union.

Read that hypocrite's last statement again "by hiring the unemployed we are giving back to the community".

We would not have as many pending state layoffs if the hypocrites were truly interested in helping unemployment or helping the community instead of preying on communities, incessantly whining for higher taxes.

Dont you just love that? The union thinks union wages are to high. :lol::lol::lol:
Now I know this will all come at a great shock for the cons, but this exaplains by going Union is superior to hiring wino scabs. I just keep blowing those con-myths!

"Productivity is a term most people throw around pretty freely these days. But when we use it, we back it up with proof," said Steve Lamb, executive vice president of MCA Chicago. "Union workers receive extensive training and so incur fewer injuries and lawsuits. Their quality workmanship results in greater productivity and timely results, and that adds up to savings.":clap2:

According to the study, the average Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) apprenticeship program:

-registers relatively few apprentices,
-produces more cancellations than graduations,
-enrolls a small proportion of female and minority apprentices, and
-provides training in a narrower range of crafts.
-Union apprenticeship programs, on the other hand, enroll and graduate the majority of
-construction apprentices, including the majority of female and minority apprentices.

The study states: "The hundreds of millions of dollars the union sector spends annually on apprenticeship and training programs produces the skilled workers vital to the construction industry's future."

Department of Labor records from 36 states show that union programs have enrolled 72 percent of construction apprentices since 1989, and have enrolled almost three times as many minorities and over four times as many women as non-union programs.

Union vs. Non-Union: Training Is Key Factor to Worker Productivity

You're obviously out of touch or better yet know nothing about this subject, we spent 5 to 10 times as much in the Chicago market for the same quality work we had in Texas.....

Find something you know more about, because on this subject you're out of your league.....

Oh, another know it all from texas, who has sunbleached scalp and boiled brains, talking about how he planted a rose in Texas and had to break the ice in Chicago. Typical dumb ass and should be ignored. Continues....................:lol:

There you have it folks, the scabs couldn't find an argument against Union being more productive. They were all Losers, and can't say it wasn't fun burning their ass in the flames. Now what you see in common here is everyone was spouting some kind of bullshit, and didn't have a clue what they were talking about, could not provide a reference, could not add a citation, nada. That is typical of cons because they are Losers.

Hey Shit for Brains, worked for the largest private home builder from '93 to '04, they where HQ in Chicago......

Guess what housing market is still number one in America???? It dam sure isn't Chicago, I'll give you a clue, it is in Texas, you know that right to work state, the best economy in all 50 states.....

Like I said, you know nothing about this subject.....
Ok, I guess we are never going to agree on unions, I can only speak from my experience, and the city I worked in. I'm not trying to blow smoke up anyones butt. That's not me, but you don't know me, so you'll just have to take my word for it, or not.. I worked in an office that worked only with business customers, so when we worked though our lunch, or stayed over our tour working with the outside techs to get the customer back in service, we were given commendations by that customer frequently. They appreciated that fact that we went "beyond the call of duty", and didn't leave when we could have, and make them wait until the next day. You can say that we were just doing our job, but no one forced us to work without pay to get a customer back in service, we did it because of our "work ethics". I'm not saying every employee did this, but quite a few in my office did. I'm sure there are some disgruntled customers, name any business that doesn't have some. As far as hidden fees, I didn't work in the business office, or the billing portion, had nothing to do with that, and neither did the union.. As I said earlier, if you are not satisfied with your service, go somewhere else, you have a choice. We got a quarterly report, and customer satisfaction was always high. Gosh, we must have been doing something right, gasp, even though we are union. My point was, we were never told by the union (CWA) to not work, or slow production. If others say that is true, fine, but not where I worked. Nor, was anyone forced to join the union. They were asked when they were employed, but never forced. Maybe a fourth of my office was non union, and they enjoyed the same benefits and the same representation we did because of the right to work law in Virginia. The union, by law, has to represent them the same as they do the union workers. The only difference is they don't pay union dues, and we do (or did, since I'm retired).

I really don't know how many members CWA has now, if you say 700,000, ok, I was wondering more about the number 1.

I have no idea where you are, so if my "rosey colored story" doesn't match up to yours, I can't help it. I was 16 when I started working, and became a union member, have never worked anywhere else, so really can't compare it to a non union job. I just know that everytime contract time came around, the company tried to take back, or reduce benefits, while making a huge profit off the backs of its workers. If the company was hurting, it would be different, but it isn't now, or hasn't since I worked there. The CEO's salary can attest to that, and it is provided to all shareholders.

First off, hello Vriginia Mom...welcome to the USBM.

Yes you are speaking directly to your experience of your union work ethic, but that is not the experience everyone has with the union. Good or you that you did have a work ethic, many do. In my opinion the VAST majority of union do not.

Since you are CWA you seem to be very ignorant and ill informed about your union, the contract you signed and its methods. You are not 'asked' by your employer to join the union. You are told by you employer that its a union shop. You are told by the union thugs to "join" or you cant work. That is extortion and racketeering.

This is an excerpt from a standard CWA contract, Article 33, page 118. Read it very carefully. You do NOT have to sign up, join the union and be a card carrying member. But if you want to work you better pay the union its dues regardless if you are a "member" or not.

Tell me how do you fail to "voluntarily" acquire anything?


15 B. For the purposes of this Section, “membership in good standing in the
16 Union” shall consist of payment by the employee of dues (as described
17 herein) for each calendar month not later than the last day of the second
18 following calendar month, as may be levied in accordance with
19 procedures set forth in the Union’s Constitution. Each employee of the
20 Company covered by this Agreement who fails to voluntarily acquire or
21 maintain membership in the Union shall be required, as a condition of
22 employment, beginning sixty (60) days after the effective date of this
23 Agreement or sixty (60) days after the completion of his probationary
24 period, whichever is later, to pay the Union each month a service charge

25 as a contribution for the administration of the Agreement and the
26 representation of such employee. The service charge for the first month
27 shall be in an amount equal to the Union’s regular and usual monthly
28 dues, and for each month thereafter in an amount equal to the regular and
29 usual monthly dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or
30 retaining membership.
First off, hello Vriginia Mom...welcome to the USBM.

Yes you are speaking directly to your experience of your union work ethic, but that is not the experience everyone has with the union. Good or you that you did have a work ethic, many do. In my opinion the VAST majority of union do not.

Since you are CWA you seem to be very ignorant and ill informed about your union, the contract you signed and its methods. You are not 'asked' by your employer to join the union. You are told by you employer that its a union shop. You are told by the union thugs to "join" or you cant work. That is extortion and racketeering.

This is an excerpt from a standard CWA contract, Article 33, page 118. Read it very carefully. You do NOT have to sign up, join the union and be a card carrying member. But if you want to work you better pay the union its dues regardless if you are a "member" or not.

Tell me how do you fail to "voluntarily" acquire anything?


15 B. For the purposes of this Section, “membership in good standing in the
16 Union” shall consist of payment by the employee of dues (as described
17 herein) for each calendar month not later than the last day of the second
18 following calendar month, as may be levied in accordance with
19 procedures set forth in the Union’s Constitution. Each employee of the
20 Company covered by this Agreement who fails to voluntarily acquire or
21 maintain membership in the Union shall be required, as a condition of
22 employment, beginning sixty (60) days after the effective date of this
23 Agreement or sixty (60) days after the completion of his probationary
24 period, whichever is later, to pay the Union each month a service charge

25 as a contribution for the administration of the Agreement and the
26 representation of such employee. The service charge for the first month
27 shall be in an amount equal to the Union’s regular and usual monthly
28 dues, and for each month thereafter in an amount equal to the regular and
29 usual monthly dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or
30 retaining membership.

You're probably right about most of this - but much to the irritation of the unions, VA is a right to work state and being a union member is not a requirement for employment. It's the union goons who do all the threatening. Actually, I think it may be federal law that workers cannot be forced into union membership, but I would have to go back and check on that. That's why unions are so hell-bent on getting card check enacted. They want to know who refused to join the union. Right now voting is a secret ballot type thing.

A real abbreviated explanation: When a union goes into a company with a union membership campaign, the employer has to give the union what is called an "Excelsior List"* of its employees: Name, home address, phone number; twenty names to a page in a two column format and in alphabetical order. Then the union goons go to work trying to "convince" people to join - and defense counsel tells the employees why they should not join the union. When the vote comes, nobody knows who voted how - all they can do is count the votes. Card check will change that so unions are well aware of who voted and how.

* (so-called because of a court ruling on a lawsuit). I can't remember the formal case name, but I think it was a union that sued this company called "Excelsior" something or other.
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First off, hello Vriginia Mom...welcome to the USBM.

Yes you are speaking directly to your experience of your union work ethic, but that is not the experience everyone has with the union. Good or you that you did have a work ethic, many do. In my opinion the VAST majority of union do not.

Since you are CWA you seem to be very ignorant and ill informed about your union, the contract you signed and its methods. You are not 'asked' by your employer to join the union. You are told by you employer that its a union shop. You are told by the union thugs to "join" or you cant work. That is extortion and racketeering.

This is an excerpt from a standard CWA contract, Article 33, page 118. Read it very carefully. You do NOT have to sign up, join the union and be a card carrying member. But if you want to work you better pay the union its dues regardless if you are a "member" or not.

Tell me how do you fail to "voluntarily" acquire anything?


15 B. For the purposes of this Section, “membership in good standing in the
16 Union” shall consist of payment by the employee of dues (as described
17 herein) for each calendar month not later than the last day of the second
18 following calendar month, as may be levied in accordance with
19 procedures set forth in the Union’s Constitution. Each employee of the
20 Company covered by this Agreement who fails to voluntarily acquire or
21 maintain membership in the Union shall be required, as a condition of
22 employment, beginning sixty (60) days after the effective date of this
23 Agreement or sixty (60) days after the completion of his probationary
24 period, whichever is later, to pay the Union each month a service charge

25 as a contribution for the administration of the Agreement and the
26 representation of such employee. The service charge for the first month
27 shall be in an amount equal to the Union’s regular and usual monthly
28 dues, and for each month thereafter in an amount equal to the regular and
29 usual monthly dues uniformly required as a condition of acquiring or
30 retaining membership.

You're probably right about most of this - but much to the irritation of the unions, VA is a right to work state and being a union member is not a requirement for employment. It's the union goons who do all the threatening. Actually, I think it may be federal law that workers cannot be forced into union membership, but I would have to go back and check on that. That's why unions are so hell-bent on getting card check enacted. They want to know who refused to join the union. Right now voting is a secret ballot type thing.

A real abbreviated explanation: When a union goes into a company with a union membership campaign, the employer has to give the union what is called an "Excelsior List"* of its employees: Name, home address, phone number; twenty names to a page in a two column format and in alphabetical order. Then the union goons go to work trying to "convince" people to join - and defense counsel tells the employees why they should not join the union. When the vote comes, nobody knows who voted how - all they can do is count the votes. Card check will change that so unions are well aware of who voted and how.

* (so-called because of a court ruling on a lawsuit). I can't remember the formal case name, but I think it was a union that sued this company called "Excelsior" something or other.

As is said, they dont care of you are a member or not. They would prefer you were a card carrying member because they can FORCE you to strike, but all they want is the dues. You don't have to join but you do have to pay the dues. Its in the contract they sign with the employer.
While you "anti-union" folks keep bashing unions I hope you're also thanking them at the same time. Why?

States with higher rates of unionization have lower rates of poverty, crime, and failing schools.

In partnerships with employers, community organizations, and local governments, unions have helped revitalize local economies by saving and expanding family-supporting jobs.

Studies show that a large union presence in an industry or region can raise wages even for non-union workers.

In 2008 the AFL-CIO and the United Food and Commercial Workers sued to get employers to provide personal protective equipment. Now, workers in hazardous jobs which require safety gear—like hard hats or protective glasses—must be provided this equipment, instead of being asked to buy it themselves.

Unions have been instrumental in efforts to increase the federal minimum wage, state minimum wages and in the successful living wage movement which has already resulted in over 150 local living wage laws nationwide.

Unions raise wages the most for low- and middle-wage workers and workers without college degrees.

Unions were also crucial in passing legislation benefiting all workers, including:

Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2007, providing an increase in the federal minimum wage.

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, a comprehensive federal law ensuring safety in the workplace.

Workers' compensation laws, giving workers injured on the job medical coverage and compensation for lost time.

Mine safety laws strengthening mine safety standards and protecting the rights of mine workers.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, creating the 40-hour work week and the first minimum wage.

The Social Security Act of 1935, providing benefits to unemployed and retired workers.

American Rights at Work
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There is a website called National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation that can give you lots of information about union membership or refusal thereof.

I tried to cut & paste the site info but it wouldn't let me ... maybe because of copyrights or "read only" reasons.

Pasco Tyson Plant Workers Force Secret Ballot Vote to Remove Unwanted Union from Workplace

Union bosses conspired to block employee vote after cutting backroom deal

Wallula, WA (November 16, 2010) – After receiving free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a group of Wallula-based Tyson Foods Inc. employees prevailed in a protracted legal battle to have a secret ballot vote to remove a local union from their workplace.

Last year, Tyson (NYSE: TSN) recognized the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1439 union as the employees’ monopoly bargaining agent after a controversial “card check” union organizing campaign. Union officials then gave employees only 24 hours to vote on whether or not to ratify the union’s contract with the company. They also required employees to sign union dues deduction authorizations in order to vote – discouraging many employees from voting. Only 61 of the facility’s 1,177 employees actually voted.​
Unions can't exist without thuggery.
There is a website called National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation that can give you lots of information about union membership or refusal thereof.

I tried to cut & paste the site info but it wouldn't let me ... maybe because of copyrights or "read only" reasons.

Pasco Tyson Plant Workers Force Secret Ballot Vote to Remove Unwanted Union from Workplace

Union bosses conspired to block employee vote after cutting backroom deal

Wallula, WA (November 16, 2010) – After receiving free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a group of Wallula-based Tyson Foods Inc. employees prevailed in a protracted legal battle to have a secret ballot vote to remove a local union from their workplace.

Last year, Tyson (NYSE: TSN) recognized the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1439 union as the employees’ monopoly bargaining agent after a controversial “card check” union organizing campaign. Union officials then gave employees only 24 hours to vote on whether or not to ratify the union’s contract with the company. They also required employees to sign union dues deduction authorizations in order to vote – discouraging many employees from voting. Only 61 of the facility’s 1,177 employees actually voted.​
Unions can't exist without thuggery.

I agree. Union brass are nothing more then the mob with a different more palatable name.
There is a website called National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation that can give you lots of information about union membership or refusal thereof.

I tried to cut & paste the site info but it wouldn't let me ... maybe because of copyrights or "read only" reasons.

Pasco Tyson Plant Workers Force Secret Ballot Vote to Remove Unwanted Union from Workplace

Union bosses conspired to block employee vote after cutting backroom deal

Wallula, WA (November 16, 2010) – After receiving free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a group of Wallula-based Tyson Foods Inc. employees prevailed in a protracted legal battle to have a secret ballot vote to remove a local union from their workplace.

Last year, Tyson (NYSE: TSN) recognized the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1439 union as the employees’ monopoly bargaining agent after a controversial “card check” union organizing campaign. Union officials then gave employees only 24 hours to vote on whether or not to ratify the union’s contract with the company. They also required employees to sign union dues deduction authorizations in order to vote – discouraging many employees from voting. Only 61 of the facility’s 1,177 employees actually voted.​
Unions can't exist without thuggery.

I agree. Union brass are nothing more then the mob with a different more palatable name.
It's legal extortion -- nothing more.
Pasco Tyson Plant Workers Force Secret Ballot Vote to Remove Unwanted Union from Workplace

Union bosses conspired to block employee vote after cutting backroom deal

Wallula, WA (November 16, 2010) – After receiving free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Foundation, a group of Wallula-based Tyson Foods Inc. employees prevailed in a protracted legal battle to have a secret ballot vote to remove a local union from their workplace.

Last year, Tyson (NYSE: TSN) recognized the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1439 union as the employees’ monopoly bargaining agent after a controversial “card check” union organizing campaign. Union officials then gave employees only 24 hours to vote on whether or not to ratify the union’s contract with the company. They also required employees to sign union dues deduction authorizations in order to vote – discouraging many employees from voting. Only 61 of the facility’s 1,177 employees actually voted.​
Unions can't exist without thuggery.

I agree. Union brass are nothing more then the mob with a different more palatable name.
It's legal extortion -- nothing more.

Yes it is. It is also organized extortion which falls under racketeering.
I agree. Union brass are nothing more then the mob with a different more palatable name.
It's legal extortion -- nothing more.

Yes it is. It is also organized extortion which falls under racketeering.

If I do that, I go to jail. If a union does it, they're hailed for "standing up for the working man".

I wish white conservative Christian military members were a Democrat special interest group.
I agree. Union brass are nothing more then the mob with a different more palatable name.
It's legal extortion -- nothing more.

Yes it is. It is also organized extortion which falls under racketeering.

God bless the progress the average worker has made because of Unions. If it wasn't for Unions there would be no middle class. Of course, on the other hand we would be more competitive with the workers in third world nations.
You're obviously out of touch or better yet know nothing about this subject, we spent 5 to 10 times as much in the Chicago market for the same quality work we had in Texas.....

Find something you know more about, because on this subject you're out of your league.....

Oh, another know it all from texas, who has sunbleached scalp and boiled brains, talking about how he planted a rose in Texas and had to break the ice in Chicago. Typical dumb ass and should be ignored. Continues....................:lol:

There you have it folks, the scabs couldn't find an argument against Union being more productive. They were all Losers, and can't say it wasn't fun burning their ass in the flames. Now what you see in common here is everyone was spouting some kind of bullshit, and didn't have a clue what they were talking about, could not provide a reference, could not add a citation, nada. That is typical of cons because they are Losers.

Hey Shit for Brains, worked for the largest private home builder from '93 to '04, they where HQ in Chicago......

Guess what housing market is still number one in America???? It dam sure isn't Chicago, I'll give you a clue, it is in Texas, you know that right to work state, the best economy in all 50 states.....

Like I said, you know nothing about this subject.....

Like I said, you should be ignored. :cuckoo: You are a liar. Under every Texas hat is a load of cow road apples, and yours must be doubly stuffed. Texas is number 10 in the housing market, and if Chicago home values are down, we should look at the guy that "claims" he built them. LMAO!! You stupid fool!!! Go back to Texas you idiot!!

You seem to be the one who knows nothing about the subject, so go ask your crack dealer about who is number one again.:lol::lol:
It's legal extortion -- nothing more.

Yes it is. It is also organized extortion which falls under racketeering.

God bless the progress the average worker has made because of Unions. If it wasn't for Unions there would be no middle class. Of course, on the other hand we would be more competitive with the workers in third world nations.

Fuck the unions they have out lived their usefullness.
Oh, another know it all from texas, who has sunbleached scalp and boiled brains, talking about how he planted a rose in Texas and had to break the ice in Chicago. Typical dumb ass and should be ignored. Continues....................:lol:

There you have it folks, the scabs couldn't find an argument against Union being more productive. They were all Losers, and can't say it wasn't fun burning their ass in the flames. Now what you see in common here is everyone was spouting some kind of bullshit, and didn't have a clue what they were talking about, could not provide a reference, could not add a citation, nada. That is typical of cons because they are Losers.

Hey Shit for Brains, worked for the largest private home builder from '93 to '04, they where HQ in Chicago......

Guess what housing market is still number one in America???? It dam sure isn't Chicago, I'll give you a clue, it is in Texas, you know that right to work state, the best economy in all 50 states.....

Like I said, you know nothing about this subject.....

Like I said, you should be ignored. :cuckoo: You are a liar. Under every Texas hat is a load of cow road apples, and yours must be doubly stuffed. Texas is number 10 in the housing market, and if Chicago home values are down, we should look at the guy that "claims" he built them. LMAO!! You stupid fool!!! Go back to Texas you idiot!!

You seem to be the one who knows nothing about the subject, so go ask your crack dealer about who is number one again.:lol::lol:

Like I said, you should be ignored

Thats a matter of opinion.
And for the other shit I will add look it up any democratic controlled city has the worst economy.
I was a union meatcutter and know the union apprenticeship program, a two year program, always turned out the best meatcutters. Does this matter to the public? You never heard of people getting sick form E-coli when you had union trained butchers in the packing plants. The union trained butchers could process cattle to ground beef without bursting an intestine or other organs and getting cow shit in the meat. When the packing plants went non-union was when you heard you had to cook all hamburger well done. I never eat ground beef now unless I grind it myself of an sure it is made out of store generated block trim. The beef they process for block cuts is processed differently that beef for ground beef.

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