Uninformed Voter Joke


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010

One Friday afternoon an older gentleman walks into a upscale jewelry store with this gorgeous female uninformed voter on his arm, and tells the jeweler that they are interested in a diamond ring

. The jeweler removes a tray of jewelry from the display case and places it in front of the couple.

The female uninformed voter, giddy with excitement, tries on several. The older gentleman frowns and says, “We were looking for something more exquisite. Larger. Unique. Do you have anything else?”

The jeweler asks the couple to wait, and walk into the back room, opens a safe, and returns with another tray of jewelry.

In the center of the tray is a stunning diamond ring, with the stone dwarfing everything else the couple has looked at.

The female uninformed voter is hyper-ventilating.

The older gentleman picks up the setting, and hands it to the female uninformed voter, who nearly faints as she puts it on.

The older gentleman looks at the jeweler and says, “We’ll take it”.

The jeweler asks, “And how would you like to pay for this today?”

The older gentleman says, “I’ll give you a personal check. And I do understand that you’ll want to confirm that I have funds to cover the purchase.

So, I’ll give you the check now, you can cash the check Monday morning and I’ll pick up the setting Monday afternoon.” The jeweler nods in acceptance.

Monday morning, the jeweler phones the older gentleman, saying, “Sir, I am afraid you have virtually nothing in your account, are you aware of this?”

The older gentleman replies, “Yeah, I know. But let me tell you about my weekend!”

Grouchy Old Cripple | tagline
Last edited:
"A woman voting for a republican, is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders."-bumper sticker
"woman" can be substituted with ELDERLY, POOR, STUDENT, MIDDLE CLASS WORKER, ILL PERSON, GOVERNMENT WORKER, or just about anyone that isn't in the top 1%.

One Friday afternoon an older gentleman walks into a upscale jewelry store with this gorgeous female uninformed voter on his arm, and tells the jeweler that they are interested in a diamond ring

. The jeweler removes a tray of jewelry from the display case and places it in front of the couple.

The female uninformed voter, giddy with excitement, tries on several. The older gentleman frowns and says, “We were looking for something more exquisite. Larger. Unique. Do you have anything else?”

The jeweler asks the couple to wait, and walk into the back room, opens a safe, and returns with another tray of jewelry.

In the center of the tray is a stunning diamond ring, with the stone dwarfing everything else the couple has looked at.

The female uninformed voter is hyper-ventilating.

The older gentleman picks up the setting, and hands it to the female uninformed voter, who nearly faints as she puts it on.

The older gentleman looks at the jeweler and says, “We’ll take it”.

The jeweler asks, “And how would you like to pay for this today?”

The older gentleman says, “I’ll give you a personal check. And I do understand that you’ll want to confirm that I have funds to cover the purchase.

So, I’ll give you the check now, you can cash the check Monday morning and I’ll pick up the setting Monday afternoon.” The jeweler nods in acceptance.

Monday morning, the jeweler phones the older gentleman, saying, “Sir, I am afraid you have virtually nothing in your account, are you aware of this?”

The older gentleman replies, “Yeah, I know. But let me tell you about my weekend!”

Grouchy Old Cripple | tagline

And, the old man is the GObP.


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