Unfit For Office: Thomas Perez As Labor Secretary


Senior Member
May 22, 2012

A secretary of labor's job is to be a fair arbiter between workers and employers. But Thomas Perez, now shortlisted for the job, is so radical he makes the last labor secretary, Hilda Solis, look like Ayn Rand. Just say no.

Make a list of all the most outrageous, extremist and divisive acts of the Obama administration and odds are they will intersect in the person of Assistant U.S. Attorney General Thomas Perez, who's run the Department of Justice's troubled civil rights division since 2009.

• The Black Panthers voter intimidation case — where goons from that hate group were filmed with truncheons at the polls to intimidate voters into voting for their candidate. Perez's DOJ dropped the case.

• The Obama administration's lawsuit to stop Florida from purging its voter rolls of 182,000 non-citizens — a move so outrageous it was thrown out by a Clinton-appointed federal judge in June 2012.

• Race-baiting lawsuits against municipalities to force them to scrap written tests for police and firefighters for affirmative action hiring. According to the American Spectator's Quin Hillyer, Perez argued that black firefighter applicants who flunked 70% of their entrance exams should get a free pass to the New York firefighters academy, public safety be damned.

• Military ballots — and the federal efforts to delay those serving in harm's way overseas from exercising their right to vote — more of Perez's handiwork.

• The civil rights harassment suits against Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose only "crime" was trying to enforce existing U.S. immigration law — again, Perez's work.​

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Unfit For High Office: Partisan Thomas Perez As Labor Secretary - Investors.com

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