Understanding and Respect one another


May 21, 2015
without bring the religion-conflict, racist, insult, point finger or any B******t. Let us understand and respect one another.
Explain without offending. is it that hard?
Considering that a majority of posters listen to hate-radio or regularly visit hyper-partisan blogs and that's how they develop their opinions, without checking the entire picture.This habit has led them to be pretty set in their ways to hate the other side. Heck, there are some that also hate the middle and associate the middle with the other side that they hate so much.
Yeah, it would be refreshing but I'm afraid it's a lost cause.
To be honest, it just on keeps on getting worse. :cry:
Sadly too many are involved in the conflict which makes it even more tangled...but I do believe there is hope just like the Gordian Knot it's divide and conquer sooner or later as many predicted there would be a world scale war of the two largest ideologies when Islam would play a major part, I humbly believe it, that's the thing about wars and large crises - they simply kill small disagreements.
It isn't hard, it's impossible.

Progressives do not care about facts, or logic, or law, or anything other than winning. Win at all costs, no matter the consequences. This spans from the top of the party, all the way down to the lefties here arguing at USMB. All that matters is the win. They will lie, deflect, troll, and whatever else it takes EXCEPT listen. that they will not do.

Think that is just a right winger hating on the left and exaggerating? Well, consider the cases of Trayvon Martin and Robert Brown. The progressives argued relentlessly, without knowing any facts in the case, without caring about the law, that George Zimmerman was guilty and Darren Wilson too. Dozens of threads later, after they all swore that Trayvon was shot for no reason, and that Wilson shot a fleeing Brown in the back, they trials are over and we know that nothing they claimed was true. Did any of them acknowledge that they were wrong? No. In fact many are still maintaining that Zimmerman and Wilson are guilty to this day. Despite the fact that our own Justice Department, run by a black man with a huge chip on his shoulder, couldn't find a case to charge either of them with ANY crime at all, they still are too immature to admit error.

If you do try to discuss anything with them they will try to drag you off topic, they will ask for links and proof that when you provide it, they will call it bogus. And even if they are so totally off base that dozens of people show them to be wrong in one thread, they will disappear and show up in some other thread at a later time saying the exact thing that you just debunked.

Discussing anything with a progressive is a waste of time. I have no respect for them because respect is earned and they have only earned disgust.
It isn't hard, it's impossible.

Progressives do not care about facts, or logic, or law, or anything other than winning. Win at all costs, no matter the consequences. This spans from the top of the party, all the way down to the lefties here arguing at USMB. All that matters is the win. They will lie, deflect, troll, and whatever else it takes EXCEPT listen. that they will not do.

Think that is just a right winger hating on the left and exaggerating? Well, consider the cases of Trayvon Martin and Robert Brown. The progressives argued relentlessly, without knowing any facts in the case, without caring about the law, that George Zimmerman was guilty and Darren Wilson too. Dozens of threads later, after they all swore that Trayvon was shot for no reason, and that Wilson shot a fleeing Brown in the back, they trials are over and we know that nothing they claimed was true. Did any of them acknowledge that they were wrong? No. In fact many are still maintaining that Zimmerman and Wilson are guilty to this day. Despite the fact that our own Justice Department, run by a black man with a huge chip on his shoulder, couldn't find a case to charge either of them with ANY crime at all, they still are too immature to admit error.

If you do try to discuss anything with them they will try to drag you off topic, they will ask for links and proof that when you provide it, they will call it bogus. And even if they are so totally off base that dozens of people show them to be wrong in one thread, they will disappear and show up in some other thread at a later time saying the exact thing that you just debunked.

Discussing anything with a progressive is a waste of time. I have no respect for them because respect is earned and they have only earned disgust.

I know that this is the Israel board, but since you mentioned those other matters, I'd like to comment on them. I didn't follow the Robert Brown case so I can't comment on that, but the Martin case infuriated me. Why did a young man of 19 have to die just because he took a walk to a convenience store to buy a candy bar or a can of soda? Why did that nutcase Zimmerman have to follow him and provoke him into a fight? I don't know what happened in the fight--it could be that Martin, being younger and stronger, got the upper hand. But the point is that he shouldn't have been followed in the first place. Martin didn't commit any kind of crime to warrant being followed by Zimmerman, who wasn't even a cop. And Zimmerman has been in several brushes with the law since that time. Zimmerman should at least have been charged in that case of violating Martin's civil rights. How? By following him in the first place. No one should have to die in America for buying a can of soda.
It isn't hard, it's impossible.

Progressives do not care about facts, or logic, or law, or anything other than winning. Win at all costs, no matter the consequences. This spans from the top of the party, all the way down to the lefties here arguing at USMB. All that matters is the win. They will lie, deflect, troll, and whatever else it takes EXCEPT listen. that they will not do.

Think that is just a right winger hating on the left and exaggerating? Well, consider the cases of Trayvon Martin and Robert Brown. The progressives argued relentlessly, without knowing any facts in the case, without caring about the law, that George Zimmerman was guilty and Darren Wilson too. Dozens of threads later, after they all swore that Trayvon was shot for no reason, and that Wilson shot a fleeing Brown in the back, they trials are over and we know that nothing they claimed was true. Did any of them acknowledge that they were wrong? No. In fact many are still maintaining that Zimmerman and Wilson are guilty to this day. Despite the fact that our own Justice Department, run by a black man with a huge chip on his shoulder, couldn't find a case to charge either of them with ANY crime at all, they still are too immature to admit error.

If you do try to discuss anything with them they will try to drag you off topic, they will ask for links and proof that when you provide it, they will call it bogus. And even if they are so totally off base that dozens of people show them to be wrong in one thread, they will disappear and show up in some other thread at a later time saying the exact thing that you just debunked.

Discussing anything with a progressive is a waste of time. I have no respect for them because respect is earned and they have only earned disgust.

I know that this is the Israel board, but since you mentioned those other matters, I'd like to comment on them. I didn't follow the Robert Brown case so I can't comment on that, but the Martin case infuriated me. Why did a young man of 19 have to die just because he took a walk to a convenience store to buy a candy bar or a can of soda? Why did that nutcase Zimmerman have to follow him and provoke him into a fight? I don't know what happened in the fight--it could be that Martin, being younger and stronger, got the upper hand. But the point is that he shouldn't have been followed in the first place. Martin didn't commit any kind of crime to warrant being followed by Zimmerman, who wasn't even a cop. And Zimmerman has been in several brushes with the law since that time. Zimmerman should at least have been charged in that case of violating Martin's civil rights. How? By following him in the first place. No one should have to die in America for buying a can of soda.

I'm sorry, I got to this thread through the "New Posts" header. I didn't realize it was in the religion section. Then why did the OP say to leave religion out of it?

I'm not going to argue the Martin/Zimmerman case here. It's been argued to death already and I only used it to demonstrate how immature and stubborn the left is and how it is useless to discuss anything with them.
Considering that a majority of posters listen to hate-radio or regularly visit hyper-partisan blogs and that's how they develop their opinions, without checking the entire picture.This habit has led them to be pretty set in their ways to hate the other side. Heck, there are some that also hate the middle and associate the middle with the other side that they hate so much.
Yeah, it would be refreshing but I'm afraid it's a lost cause.
To be honest, it just on keeps on getting worse. :cry:
That's not the point. The question is, will "you" do it? Will you even "try" to understand the other side? That seems to be the underlying point of this thread.

Just because someone else "won't" do it, "I" won't do it either? Is that what you're saying? Is that your point? If I'm wrong, then tell me. I'm all ears.
Religious lunatics have been murdering each other there for thousands of years. It's best to just leave them to it. Many have thought they could stop it, but they can't.
Okay, so you can't stop religious lunatics.

What's stopping you from understanding them?
I understand them just fine. They each believe their religion entitles them to a few acres of sand, and they'll fight to the death over it. It's best to just let them.
Sadly too many are involved in the conflict which makes it even more tangled...but I do believe there is hope just like the Gordian Knot it's divide and conquer sooner or later as many predicted there would be a world scale war of the two largest ideologies when Islam would play a major part, I humbly believe it, that's the thing about wars and large crises - they simply kill small disagreements.
You're making excuses not to understand and I know you're a better person than that.

Despite our differences and the vitriol we've thrown at each other, I know you're not like the trolls that are starting to populate this thread with their own brand of hate. They have no intention of understanding anything. You, on the other hand, whether you'll admit it or not, does try to understand things and this thread is a good opportunity to show that side of you.
Sadly too many are involved in the conflict which makes it even more tangled...but I do believe there is hope just like the Gordian Knot it's divide and conquer sooner or later as many predicted there would be a world scale war of the two largest ideologies when Islam would play a major part, I humbly believe it, that's the thing about wars and large crises - they simply kill small disagreements.
You're making excuses not to understand and I know you're a better person than that.

Despite our differences and the vitriol we've thrown at each other, I know you're not like the trolls that are starting to populate this thread with their own brand of hate. They have no intention of understanding anything. You, on the other hand, whether you'll admit it or not, does try to understand things and this thread is a good opportunity to show that side of you.

Yes, you especially you, aren't a troll, nor do you spread hate or vitriol, yes, you "does try". :lmao:

And here's an example of you doing it!

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Fuck the Right! Fuck you warmongering mother-fuckers. You bitchy little lying ass pricks will say anything to get us into another war. Well, fuck you for that! You'll lie out your assholes to scare this country into doing something militarily somewhere for whatever reason is up your butt. Well, guess what?




So fuck the scumbag right! You can tongue my balls, for all I care.
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I understand them just fine. They each believe their religion entitles them to a few acres of sand, and they'll fight to the death over it. It's best to just let them.
I agree. Why would anyone think God would actually "choose" someone for a few particular acres of sand?
Because they've never been exposed to anything else, and their leaders prevent/discourage/demonize anyone who disagrees.
without bring the religion-conflict, racist, insult, point finger or any B******t. Let us understand and respect one another.
Explain without offending. is it that hard?
For some, it is that hard. For me, it's too easy to offend the offenders. That's a problem I am constantly working on.

It's strange, but have you noticed threads like these, don't last very long. Whereas all the vitriolic threads, seem to go on forever.

What I understand, is that for some, they have so much invested in their hatred of "the other", that they are actually afraid to understand why they hate. For some, that hatred has become so familiar to them, it's become their friend. A friend to use like a crutch, whenever they're in danger of losing some of that hate.
Yes, you especially you, aren't a troll, nor do you spread hate or vitriol, yes, you "does try". :lmao:

And here's an example of you doing it!

Error US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Fuck the Right! Fuck you warmongering mother-fuckers. You bitchy little lying ass pricks will say anything to get us into another war. Well, fuck you for that! You'll lie out your assholes to scare this country into doing something militarily somewhere for whatever reason is up your butt. Well, guess what?




So fuck the scumbag right! You can tongue my balls, for all I care.
That was one of my better ones, wasn't it?

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