Uncovered Military Treason


Dec 20, 2016
What is the U.S. military's mission. To kill those who threaten the U.S. In that, they have failed. First in Vietnam, they learned that an enemy can lose the battles, but still win the war. The same thing is replaying itself with the West's war against islam. Though I am sure the military is well aware of what is really going on. But their hands are tied. Tied by the REAL traitorous scum. YOU! (At least 90% of you that is)

I am sure that the military is well aware that it is a mistake to underestimate the intelligence of the enemy. Such as what they are up to with their terrorist kamikaze attacks. They know that they can't win that way on a military front. But they sure as hell can win in the long run through the battlefield of public opinion. All they have to do is patiently wear us down. Using our "freedoms" and "democracy" as a weapon against us. They know that Americans would rather see their women get their clits cut off and be forced to wear burkas (or at least rags on their heads) rather than give up the things I mentioned.

Like it or not, the military's job is to KILL! But how many of you bleeding heart, liberal, politically correct traitorous scum out there would rather submit to islam. Rather than kill all those whos religion-political structure is opposed to your way of life. Most of you I think. Who will be the first brainwashed fool to tell me some politically correct bullshit philosophy like, "If you use the same methods against your enemy that they use against you, then you are no better than they are." You stupid ass scum! You moronic filthy slime! USMB, make YOUR treason complete. Ban me for speaking these truths. Show your treason.
You should be watching the commie army that is setting up in the bush..wearing brownshirt forest service, fbi, state parks, and bureau of land management uniforms.

They're the ones that we need to be worrying about right now. Because they haven't sworn an oath to uphold the constitution. They are committed to subverting it. Their very agencies exist in direct opposition to the constitution.
The country is seen as weak. From Clinton and especially through Obama, we have gotten weaker and deeper in debt. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us. This is what happens when you elect people who have no spine and grovel instead of stand up.
The country is seen as weak. From Clinton and especially through Obama, we have gotten weaker and deeper in debt. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us. This is what happens when you elect people who have no spine and grovel instead of stand up.
Reagan had no lack of enemies to wrestle either...
The military does what the president tells them to do. New president coming...new orders....kill them.

The military "should" do what the Constitution "should" tell them to do. Protect our country and its population.
The country is seen as weak. From Clinton and especially through Obama, we have gotten weaker and deeper in debt. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us. This is what happens when you elect people who have no spine and grovel instead of stand up.

We are weak because our leaders' sold out the country to globalism in order to personally enrich themselves, to the point that we no longer trust them or ourselves; and the bad news is, that we elected them and are not without responsibility. With that being said, Trump needs all the support he can get to turn around the US Titanic. Will he get enough support?
The country is seen as weak. From Clinton and especially through Obama, we have gotten weaker and deeper in debt. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us. This is what happens when you elect people who have no spine and grovel instead of stand up.

We are weak because our leaders' sold out the country to globalism in order to personally enrich themselves, to the point that we no longer trust them or ourselves; and the bad news is, that we elected them and are not without responsibility. With that being said, Trump needs all the support he can get to turn around the US Titanic. Will he get enough support?

The Titanic was a British ship.
Ahhh suicide by moderator call out. This definitely screams of a sock puppet that has been banned before.

Is that all you have to say about my thread? Apparently you are one of the filthy scum traitors tying the hands of the military.
What is the U.S. military's mission. To kill those who threaten the U.S. In that, they have failed. First in Vietnam, they learned that an enemy can lose the battles, but still win the war. The same thing is replaying itself with the West's war against islam. Though I am sure the military is well aware of what is really going on. But their hands are tied. Tied by the REAL traitorous scum. YOU! (At least 90% of you that is)

I am sure that the military is well aware that it is a mistake to underestimate the intelligence of the enemy. Such as what they are up to with their terrorist kamikaze attacks. They know that they can't win that way on a military front. But they sure as hell can win in the long run through the battlefield of public opinion. All they have to do is patiently wear us down. Using our "freedoms" and "democracy" as a weapon against us. They know that Americans would rather see their women get their clits cut off and be forced to wear burkas (or at least rags on their heads) rather than give up the things I mentioned.

Like it or not, the military's job is to KILL! But how many of you bleeding heart, liberal, politically correct traitorous scum out there would rather submit to islam. Rather than kill all those whos religion-political structure is opposed to your way of life. Most of you I think. Who will be the first brainwashed fool to tell me some politically correct bullshit philosophy like, "If you use the same methods against your enemy that they use against you, then you are no better than they are." You stupid ass scum! You moronic filthy slime! USMB, make YOUR treason complete. Ban me for speaking these truths. Show your treason.
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Damn! Now I find out I'm part of a group of bleedin' heart liberals. My family and friends will be pissed.
The president should tell the military to kill who needs to be killed. The military will do just that. I was trained to launch a 9 megaton bomb to a target in Russia. The president never told me to do it. Had he, I would have executed the checklist without error and killed millions who needed to be killed. God bless America!
The country is seen as weak. From Clinton and especially through Obama, we have gotten weaker and deeper in debt. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us. This is what happens when you elect people who have no spine and grovel instead of stand up.

We are weak because our leaders' sold out the country to globalism in order to personally enrich themselves, to the point that we no longer trust them or ourselves; and the bad news is, that we elected them and are not without responsibility. With that being said, Trump needs all the support he can get to turn around the US Titanic. Will he get enough support?

The Titanic was a British ship.

:lame2: deflection, f^ckstick!
The country is seen as weak. From Clinton and especially through Obama, we have gotten weaker and deeper in debt. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies don't trust us. This is what happens when you elect people who have no spine and grovel instead of stand up.

We are weak because our leaders' sold out the country to globalism in order to personally enrich themselves, to the point that we no longer trust them or ourselves; and the bad news is, that we elected them and are not without responsibility. With that being said, Trump needs all the support he can get to turn around the US Titanic. Will he get enough support?

The Titanic was a British ship.

:lame2: deflection, f^ckstick!

Hey, ask North Korea how isolationism works for their country.
You should be watching the commie army that is setting up in the bush..wearing brownshirt forest service, fbi, state parks, and bureau of land management uniforms.

They're the ones that we need to be worrying about right now. Because they haven't sworn an oath to uphold the constitution. They are committed to subverting it. Their very agencies exist in direct opposition to the constitution.

What you say may be true to some extant. But that is small potatoes compared to islam. Also, you are forgetting those who ARE sworn to uphold the constitution. I remember hearing about Douglas MacAtrhur being sent in to clear out some squatting WW I veterans from Washington. I also remember hearing about who I think was Herbert Hoover sending in troops to smash armed West Virginia coal miners.

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