Unbridled Schadenfreude


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....on my part.

I generally listen to the communist radio station, WBAI, to get my blood boiling...but today....to hear the gnashing of teeth and wailing over the fortunes....misfortunes of the Leftist movement, and the Democrat Party......
....ahhhhhh......a breath of fresh air.

The interview of Peter Drier on the 'Sojourner Truth' show, with Margaret Prescod.....loving it.
'''....not enough of a turnout by black and brown people....."
The upshot is how....ready?.....this is a beginning of a resurgence of the Democrats/Leftists.
Losing the special elections 4-0 is the resurgence?

1. The simpleton Drier had his weeping published in the Huff Po today...
"Why Did Democrats Ossoff And Parnell Lose Their Congressional Races In Georgia And South Carolina?"
Why Did Democrats Ossoff And Parnell Lose Their Congressional Races In Georgia And South Carolina? | HuffPost

2."....hopeful that they could win two special elections Tuesday in what had long been “safe” Republican districts in Georgia and South Carolina. Instead, both Democratic candidates — Jon Ossoff and Archie Parnell — narrowly lost. Why did they lose?"
[Could it be Americans can no longer stomach communism-lite??]

3. "Low turnout among African Americans. If this sounds familiar, it should. It explains why Hillary Clinton lost..."
[This from the party that announced that it was abandoning the white working class.]

4."Handel narrowly beat Ossoff by a 51.9 percent to 48.1 percent margin."
[Without lies, the Democrats would be mute: "With 99 percent of the vote counted, Handel leads Ossoff 53 percent to 47 percent..." Republican Karen Handel defeats Democrat Jon Ossoff in Georgia special election]

5. “South Carolina Democrats have spent recent weeks trying to build a machine to turn out the districts black voters.”
[Without the black vote, the Democrats would never win an election, hence:
'VP Biden Says Republicans Are 'Going to Put Y'all Back in Chains'Biden: GOP Will 'Put Y'all Back in Chains']

6. "But the number of “swing” districts has grown in the wake of the Trump meltdown. Between January and May, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee expanded its list from 59 to 79 GOP-held seats it intends to target, hoping to take advantage of Trump’s historically low popularity,...."
[Let's see....Russia, out, Collusion, out, at least one poll has Trump up to 50%.....I sure hope to see more of this whining by the Left!]

I generally listen to the communist radio station, WBAI, to get my blood boiling...but today....to hear the gnashing of teeth and wailing over the fortunes....misfortunes of the Leftist movement, and the Democrat Party......
....ahhhhhh......a breath of fresh air.

I enjoyed listening to late-night BAI back in the seventies when Bob Fass was far more interesting than anything on commercial radio.

BAI went though a lot of changes since then, including being off-the-air for awhile. TV gradually diverted my attention and I haven't listened to BAI at all in recent years -- except when I'm driving within the 99.5 FM range. Even then I usually don't like what I'm hearing and tune it out.
I generally listen to the communist radio station, WBAI, to get my blood boiling...but today....to hear the gnashing of teeth and wailing over the fortunes....misfortunes of the Leftist movement, and the Democrat Party......
....ahhhhhh......a breath of fresh air.

I enjoyed listening to late-night BAI back in the seventies when Bob Fass was far more interesting than anything on commercial radio.

BAI went though a lot of changes since then, including being off-the-air for awhile. TV gradually diverted my attention and I haven't listened to BAI at all in recent years -- except when I'm driving within the 99.5 FM range. Even then I usually don't like what I'm hearing and tune it out.

On Sunday they broadcast opera.
Other than that, they are the house organ of the Far Left.
I save my schadenfreude for whenever treasonous liberal monstrosities succumb to the cancer I constantly wish on them. As a straight, white male they made it clear that I'M their bogeyman, I'M their nightmare so as a generous dude, I'm more than happy to oblige them and the cans of worms that passes for their brains.
On Sunday they broadcast opera.
Other than that, they are the house organ of the Far Left.
Too bad. That's got to be monotonous.

Used to be a great deal of interesting variety, some good music, news analyses, etc. One night Fass had a soldier in-studio who talked for an hour about some really nasty things going on in Vietnam (rapes, murders, theft, torture). There was a big shit about that which nearly got BAI shut down, but it was the kind of thing you won't hear elsewhere.

The good old days.
I save my schadenfreude for whenever treasonous liberal monstrosities succumb to the cancer I constantly wish on them. As a straight, white male they made it clear that I'M their bogeyman, I'M their nightmare so as a generous dude, I'm more than happy to oblige them and the cans of worms that passes for their brains.

As you suggest, the Democrat Party has made clear that they are not the party of you white folks.

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."
The Future of the Obama Coalition

But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

"All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."
The Future of the Obama Coalition
On Sunday they broadcast opera.
Other than that, they are the house organ of the Far Left.
Too bad. That's got to be monotonous.

Used to be a great deal of interesting variety, some good music, news analyses, etc. One night Fass had a soldier in-studio who talked for an hour about some really nasty things going on in Vietnam (rapes, murders, theft, torture). There was a big shit about that which nearly got BAI shut down, but it was the kind of thing you won't hear elsewhere.

The good old days.

I didn't say it wasn't interesting...I said it made my blood boil.

I kinda like that.
It fuels many of my posts.
I save my schadenfreude for whenever treasonous liberal monstrosities succumb to the cancer I constantly wish on them. As a straight, white male they made it clear that I'M their bogeyman, I'M their nightmare so as a generous dude, I'm more than happy to oblige them and the cans of worms that passes for their brains.
I understand perfectly what you're saying.

There was a time when a middle-of-the-road moderate like me could at least make sense of some of the more extreme positions on either side, but this is no longer true. Today the extreme positions are constant, often maliciously so, and equitable consideration is an alien concept.

As you suggest, the Democrat Party has made clear that they are not the party of you white folks.

Thereby alienating a lot of the White folks who formerly would at very least afford consideration of opposing positions. Today the lines are clearly drawn and the Nation is more divided than it's ever been.

As you suggest, the Democrat Party has made clear that they are not the party of you white folks.

Thereby alienating a lot of the White folks who formerly would at very least afford consideration of opposing positions. Today the lines are clearly drawn and the Nation is more divided than it's ever been.
so how is it they have white folks in their new party?

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