Unarmed exchange student killed by homeowner

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I presume that last is for Jc456 or one of that lot... :thup:
[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION]: Here's a document I promised you: Affidavit and Motion for Leave to File Information

-- filed by the Deputy County Attorney May 12 -- this contains the more detailed description of events, the interviews with the two hair stylists including the "I'd be glad to shoot a cop" statement, the multiple reports of Kaarmic (heh) road rage on the same day as the shooting, details on the garage and where the buckshot penetrated etc. Also upon review it looks like the two teenagers arrested for the theft of the credit card did indeed confess to having taken the cannabis and bhong in the first event.

Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

The kids openly admit that they had been garage hopping, i.e. going around stealing things from open garages. The defendant was tired of this having been robbed twice before and said he was going to 'kill them' as many people would say if they are hot-tempered and the repeated victim of a crime, especially a dope smoker who has had his stash stolen, lol.

The defendant was looking into a dark garage made to seem even more dark by the exterior lights. The dead stupid ass kid made some sounds that suggested to the defendant that the young adult had something in his hands like a tool. Knowing that the kid could rush him the defendant justifiably felt threatened in the situation and the kid not surrendering and coming out made that a persistent threat.

The idiot kid is now dead, thank God, and I can only hope that more of these little shits get killed by vigilant home owners so that the rest of the law abiding public doesn't have to be victimized by them in the future.

Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes. Just string the fuckers up and be done with it and save innocent lives.
I take anyone in my home uninvited as a threat. I HAVE to. I have a wife to protect.
The fact that Dede was found to be unarmed is irrelevant. The fact that he made himself a target by engaging in a criminal and possibly lethal act IS relevant.
Dede caused his own death.

By that logic, that woman who was raped was "just asking for it".

Ehh... no thanks. :eusa_hand:

Are you joining Esmerelda and Joe with hyperbolic bullshit? Where the fuck do you get off analogizing a burglar with a rape victim?

A rape victim is a victim, period. If anyone could be compared to a rape victim in this instance, it would be Mr. Kaarma. He created an attractive target which our rapist, Me Dede went after. Do you begrudge a rape victim defending herself?

Damn Pogo! You're better that that. I'm very disappointed.

lol, no, he is not.

I worry about the gene pool, but it's obviously too late.

Holy crap did he just make our point or what?

It's only a threat if it exists, well, wasn't the kid present therefore he existed in the garage. So by his own logic he was a threat. nice contradiction eh?

"Existence" is in no way a threat. You and I both exist; that doesn't make either one of us "threats".

This is a really head-exploding concept, but in order for something to exist, it must.................. exist.

If you 'exist' in my home in the dark and do not come out with your fucking hands in the air then you are a threat. Period.

This is a really head-exploding concept, but in order for perception to exist, it must.................. be perceived by the guy who is not breaking the law.

Dumbass libtard.
I presume that last is for Jc456 or one of that lot... :thup:
[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION]: Here's a document I promised you: Affidavit and Motion for Leave to File Information

-- filed by the Deputy County Attorney May 12 -- this contains the more detailed description of events, the interviews with the two hair stylists including the "I'd be glad to shoot a cop" statement, the multiple reports of Kaarmic (heh) road rage on the same day as the shooting, details on the garage and where the buckshot penetrated etc. Also upon review it looks like the two teenagers arrested for the theft of the credit card did indeed confess to having taken the cannabis and bhong in the first event.

Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

The kids openly admit that they had been garage hopping, i.e. going around stealing things from open garages. The defendant was tired of this having been robbed twice before and said he was going to 'kill them' as many people would say if they are hot-tempered and the repeated victim of a crime, especially a dope smoker who has had his stash stolen, lol.

The defendant was looking into a dark garage made to seem even more dark by the exterior lights. The dead stupid ass kid made some sounds that suggested to the defendant that the young adult had something in his hands like a tool. Knowing that the kid could rush him the defendant justifiably felt threatened in the situation and the kid not surrendering and coming out made that a persistent threat.

The idiot kid is now dead, thank God, and I can only hope that more of these little shits get killed by vigilant home owners so that the rest of the law abiding public doesn't have to be victimized by them in the future.

Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes. Just string the fuckers up and be done with it and save innocent lives.
You are one sick individual.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
I presume that last is for Jc456 or one of that lot... :thup:
[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION]: Here's a document I promised you: Affidavit and Motion for Leave to File Information

-- filed by the Deputy County Attorney May 12 -- this contains the more detailed description of events, the interviews with the two hair stylists including the "I'd be glad to shoot a cop" statement, the multiple reports of Kaarmic (heh) road rage on the same day as the shooting, details on the garage and where the buckshot penetrated etc. Also upon review it looks like the two teenagers arrested for the theft of the credit card did indeed confess to having taken the cannabis and bhong in the first event.

Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

The kids openly admit that they had been garage hopping, i.e. going around stealing things from open garages. The defendant was tired of this having been robbed twice before and said he was going to 'kill them' as many people would say if they are hot-tempered and the repeated victim of a crime, especially a dope smoker who has had his stash stolen, lol.

The defendant was looking into a dark garage made to seem even more dark by the exterior lights. The dead stupid ass kid made some sounds that suggested to the defendant that the young adult had something in his hands like a tool. Knowing that the kid could rush him the defendant justifiably felt threatened in the situation and the kid not surrendering and coming out made that a persistent threat.

The idiot kid is now dead, thank God, and I can only hope that more of these little shits get killed by vigilant home owners so that the rest of the law abiding public doesn't have to be victimized by them in the future.

Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes. Just string the fuckers up and be done with it and save innocent lives.
You are one sick individual.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yes, I am sick of criminals being enabled by stupid morons like you.

Hang 'em high, and hang 'em often is how I feel about now days.

When these shit-stains rob and kill they are crippling peoples lives, but idiots like you don't think about the victims, only the criminal, because in your heart you know you would do the exact same kind of criminal activities but you don't have the balls to do it.

And that is why you get so upset when one of your criminal heroes gets put down like the disgusting filthy dogs they are.
Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

The kids openly admit that they had been garage hopping, i.e. going around stealing things from open garages. The defendant was tired of this having been robbed twice before and said he was going to 'kill them' as many people would say if they are hot-tempered and the repeated victim of a crime, especially a dope smoker who has had his stash stolen, lol.

The defendant was looking into a dark garage made to seem even more dark by the exterior lights. The dead stupid ass kid made some sounds that suggested to the defendant that the young adult had something in his hands like a tool. Knowing that the kid could rush him the defendant justifiably felt threatened in the situation and the kid not surrendering and coming out made that a persistent threat.

The idiot kid is now dead, thank God, and I can only hope that more of these little shits get killed by vigilant home owners so that the rest of the law abiding public doesn't have to be victimized by them in the future.

Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes. Just string the fuckers up and be done with it and save innocent lives.
You are one sick individual.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yes, I am sick of criminals being enabled by stupid morons like you.

Hang 'em high, and hang 'em often is how I feel about now days.

When these shit-stains rob and kill they are crippling peoples lives, but idiots like you don't think about the victims, only the criminal, because in your heart you know you would do the exact same kind of criminal activities but you don't have the balls to do it.

And that is why you get so upset when one of your criminal heroes gets put down like the disgusting filthy dogs they are.

You are one sick individual.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yes, I am sick of criminals being enabled by stupid morons like you.

Hang 'em high, and hang 'em often is how I feel about now days.

When these shit-stains rob and kill they are crippling peoples lives, but idiots like you don't think about the victims, only the criminal, because in your heart you know you would do the exact same kind of criminal activities but you don't have the balls to do it.

And that is why you get so upset when one of your criminal heroes gets put down like the disgusting filthy dogs they are.


Lol, posting emoticons is all you can do, because you cant think, you cant research and you cant risk disagreement with your libtard friends.

lol, you are a certified ignoramus
Yes, I am sick of criminals being enabled by stupid morons like you.

Hang 'em high, and hang 'em often is how I feel about now days.

When these shit-stains rob and kill they are crippling peoples lives, but idiots like you don't think about the victims, only the criminal, because in your heart you know you would do the exact same kind of criminal activities but you don't have the balls to do it.

And that is why you get so upset when one of your criminal heroes gets put down like the disgusting filthy dogs they are.


Lol, posting emoticons is all you can do, because you cant think, you cant research and you cant risk disagreement with your libtard friends.

lol, you are a certified ignoramus

:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: :lmao:
...Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes...
Nahhhhh... too drastic... for garage-hoppers, we just bring in a Saudi swordsman to take the hand... assuming they survive the challenge-and-detention sequence, that is...

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No. Let's be reasonable. Breaking into someone's garage is not a capitol offense.
It should get prison time though.
UNLESS the perp is unlucky enough to come face to face with an occupant of the home with the God given and Constitutionally permitted right to defend his home.

What Ms. Hyperbole, Mr. Bullshit and Mr. Hyprbolic-Bullshit fail to recognize id that Mr. Dede unlawfully entered an occupied residence under cover of darkness without the owner's consent. He was engaged in a felony and could reasonably be expected to commit another, more violent felony if given the opportunity.
Mr Kaarma was well within his rights to defend his home and his family.
What he may have said to a couple hairdressers about future break-ins or cops is irrelevant. Should he have said it? Probably not. Did it rise to premeditation? Where did he name a specific target?
And Esmerelda and JoeB are your support. I'm glad you finally concede.

"Concede"? :rofl:
I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I'll take that team over Slowie and TheNutHouse any day of any week of any year, and I'll feel guilty for beating up on you. I mean ---- just read that post above.

And if that's not silly enough, read his next one. :lol:
Esmerelda = hyperbole and Joe = bullshit. Your fantacy debate team finishes in the cellar.

I read it. POSSUM! What you feel doesn't matter one iota. What matters is the laws om Montana and 12 jurors. You will NEVER get 12 people to vote to convict.

Sooooo.... how come what I feel doesn't matter one iota, and you're the one laying odds on what Montanans will do? How zat work? :confused:

Just like Zimmerman. I believe you had HIM pegged as going to prison too.

Uh.... do you really. Based on what? :popcorn:

Assume much?
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I take anyone in my home uninvited as a threat. I HAVE to. I have a wife to protect.
The fact that Dede was found to be unarmed is irrelevant. The fact that he made himself a target by engaging in a criminal and possibly lethal act IS relevant.
Dede caused his own death.

By that logic, that woman who was raped was "just asking for it".

Ehh... no thanks. :eusa_hand:

Are you joining Esmerelda and Joe with hyperbolic bullshit? Where the fuck do you get off analogizing a burglar with a rape victim?

A rape victim is a victim, period. If anyone could be compared to a rape victim in this instance, it would be Mr. Kaarma. He created an attractive target which our rapist, Me Dede went after. Do you begrudge a rape victim defending herself?

Damn Pogo! You're better that that. I'm very disappointed.

I went into detail on that in a subsequent post. Have you or have you not been saying the kid was just asking for it?
By that logic, that woman who was raped was "just asking for it".

Ehh... no thanks. :eusa_hand:

Are you joining Esmerelda and Joe with hyperbolic bullshit? Where the fuck do you get off analogizing a burglar with a rape victim?

A rape victim is a victim, period. If anyone could be compared to a rape victim in this instance, it would be Mr. Kaarma. He created an attractive target which our rapist, Me Dede went after. Do you begrudge a rape victim defending herself?

Damn Pogo! You're better that that. I'm very disappointed.

I went into detail on that in a subsequent post. Have you or have you not been saying the kid was just asking for it?
Asking for it? No. Putting himself in a position where "it" could be a consequence? Of course.
I presume that last is for Jc456 or one of that lot... :thup:
[MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION]: Here's a document I promised you: Affidavit and Motion for Leave to File Information

-- filed by the Deputy County Attorney May 12 -- this contains the more detailed description of events, the interviews with the two hair stylists including the "I'd be glad to shoot a cop" statement, the multiple reports of Kaarmic (heh) road rage on the same day as the shooting, details on the garage and where the buckshot penetrated etc. Also upon review it looks like the two teenagers arrested for the theft of the credit card did indeed confess to having taken the cannabis and bhong in the first event.

Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

The kids openly admit that they had been garage hopping, i.e. going around stealing things from open garages. The defendant was tired of this having been robbed twice before and said he was going to 'kill them' as many people would say if they are hot-tempered and the repeated victim of a crime, especially a dope smoker who has had his stash stolen, lol.

The defendant was looking into a dark garage made to seem even more dark by the exterior lights. The dead stupid ass kid made some sounds that suggested to the defendant that the young adult had something in his hands like a tool. Knowing that the kid could rush him the defendant justifiably felt threatened in the situation and the kid not surrendering and coming out made that a persistent threat.

The idiot kid is now dead, thank God, and I can only hope that more of these little shits get killed by vigilant home owners so that the rest of the law abiding public doesn't have to be victimized by them in the future.

Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes. Just string the fuckers up and be done with it and save innocent lives.
You are one sick individual.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

We knew that way before this thread opened up...

Just to lop off the top of his post we'll do a couple of stretching exercises...

Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

Riiiiight, they're not fearful because of his rant or his history, they pick somebody at random every week and this guy got lucky. That's the way it works. Then they had to make up quotes he said. What an incredible coincidence that two people report the same words. What are the chances...

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

Riiiiight, one of those Montana Nazi cops who can't handle the concept of guns asking questions about guns in a homicide case involving .... a gun. What the hell was he thinking...

Oh I forgot to add... "lol"... "lol"... yeah this is hilarious.
Lol, W1 and W2 are afraid of the defendant and admit that openly, which means that half of the things they say they remember is likely distorted and/or simply made up.

The LEOs were plainly hostile to the defendant as indicated by the listing of irrelevant factoids among their 'facts' that support the arrest according to the report, like the defendant owning multiple guns. Big whooping deal. The officer sounds like one of you anti-gun Nazis who get their panties in a wad every time they see someone owning a gun.

The kids openly admit that they had been garage hopping, i.e. going around stealing things from open garages. The defendant was tired of this having been robbed twice before and said he was going to 'kill them' as many people would say if they are hot-tempered and the repeated victim of a crime, especially a dope smoker who has had his stash stolen, lol.

The defendant was looking into a dark garage made to seem even more dark by the exterior lights. The dead stupid ass kid made some sounds that suggested to the defendant that the young adult had something in his hands like a tool. Knowing that the kid could rush him the defendant justifiably felt threatened in the situation and the kid not surrendering and coming out made that a persistent threat.

The idiot kid is now dead, thank God, and I can only hope that more of these little shits get killed by vigilant home owners so that the rest of the law abiding public doesn't have to be victimized by them in the future.

Personally, I would like to see a return of public hangings for these kinds of ass holes. Just string the fuckers up and be done with it and save innocent lives.
You are one sick individual.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Yes, I am sick of criminals being enabled by stupid morons like you.

Hang 'em high, and hang 'em often is how I feel about now days.

When these shit-stains rob and kill they are crippling peoples lives, but idiots like you don't think about the victims, only the criminal, because in your heart you know you would do the exact same kind of criminal activities but you don't have the balls to do it.

And that is why you get so upset when one of your criminal heroes gets put down like the disgusting filthy dogs they are.

It's a painfully sad thought that this poor slob has to actually live with himself.

Not "live", what is the word..... "wallow".

Your "team" Ernie. What are you guys doing, playing "Bad cop/worse cop"?
I looked back, Pogo. You were very noncommital regarding Zimmerman. Likely you saw the writing on that wall. What's your problem here? Dede was breaking the law. Kaarma used legal force to protect his home and family.
No. Let's be reasonable. Breaking into someone's garage is not a capitol offense.
It should get prison time though.
UNLESS the perp is unlucky enough to come face to face with an occupant of the home with the God given and Constitutionally permitted right to defend his home.

What Ms. Hyperbole, Mr. Bullshit and Mr. Hyprbolic-Bullshit fail to recognize id that Mr. Dede unlawfully entered an occupied residence under cover of darkness without the owner's consent. He was engaged in a felony and could reasonably be expected to commit another, more violent felony if given the opportunity.
Mr Kaarma was well within his rights to defend his home and his family.
What he may have said to a couple hairdressers about future break-ins or cops is irrelevant. Should he have said it? Probably not. Did it rise to premeditation? Where did he name a specific target?

Once again ---- trespassing is a misdemeanor, not a felony. And there was no "breaking" necessary by the defendant's own description. And his partner. There has been nobody here, as in no one, as in no person whatsoever, who denies that Diren Dede was in a space that was not his that he shouldn't have been in. There has been that strawman erected multitudinous times, just as trespassing has been morphed into B&E and burglary, just as DD has been morphed into the same two guys who stole the pot stash earlier (including by you Ernie), just as two hairdressers have been morphed into "hairdresser" (and IIRC you Ernie posted a picture of a black woman on a witness stand suggesting that's what Felene Sherbondy looks like, which is a little weird by itself), just as Kaarma's road rage target has been morphed into a speeder, just as the entire nature and reason of the charge against Kaarma has had its very existence denied, just as a figment of Kaarma's imagination has been morphed into a reality (even though proven false), just as his no-uncertain-terms premeditated plan has been morphed into an "IF" he never said, just as the entire story has been morphed into some kind of Second Amendment issue where none exists...

Much pattern I see. And even more desperation.

Still looking for some reconciliation on the trespassing issue, to wit: if Diren Dede walking into a wide open garage in search of beer presents a circumstance of justifiable homicide, what do three Mississippi Tea Partiers getting into a city building via unauthorized entrance in search of ballots deserve? Beer's more valuable than ballots, right? Had the three gotten vaporized by a cop who simply 'heard a noise in the dark', what would you be saying?

You'll need more than a quarter for this particular spin cycle, but I'll lay some change on ya just to be able to watch it.
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Are you joining Esmerelda and Joe with hyperbolic bullshit? Where the fuck do you get off analogizing a burglar with a rape victim?

A rape victim is a victim, period. If anyone could be compared to a rape victim in this instance, it would be Mr. Kaarma. He created an attractive target which our rapist, Me Dede went after. Do you begrudge a rape victim defending herself?

Damn Pogo! You're better that that. I'm very disappointed.

I went into detail on that in a subsequent post. Have you or have you not been saying the kid was just asking for it?
Asking for it? No. Putting himself in a position where "it" could be a consequence? Of course.

And the distinction between the above ^^ and the pretext given by the hypothetical rapist ...is......?
Will we be getting to that part soon?

Here's the commonality if it really is that elusive:
The hypothetical woman doesn't deserve to be raped just because somebody finds her a stimulant in his own mind. Correct?
In the same way a teenager roaming an open space looking for beer doesn't deserve to have his blood splattered all over that garage just because the homeowner has a kill fantasy in his own mind.

Two completely different scenaria. Same overkill reaction.
The hypothetical rapist's excuse that "she was asking for it" is a non-starter as justification for his action, correct? Same thing here. Can't have it both ways.
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Just like Zimmerman. I believe you had HIM pegged as going to prison too.

I looked back, Pogo. You were very noncommital regarding Zimmerman. Likely you saw the writing on that wall. What's your problem here? Dede was breaking the law. Kaarma used legal force to protect his home and family.

I've never made any comment at all on Zimmerman, Ernie. Zero. I completely sat that story out and to this day don't even know the details.

That's why it strikes me as odd that you would pin any kind of opinion on me that never existed. Where did that come from Ernie?
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No. Let's be reasonable. Breaking into someone's garage is not a capitol offense.
It should get prison time though.
UNLESS the perp is unlucky enough to come face to face with an occupant of the home with the God given and Constitutionally permitted right to defend his home.

What Ms. Hyperbole, Mr. Bullshit and Mr. Hyprbolic-Bullshit fail to recognize id that Mr. Dede unlawfully entered an occupied residence under cover of darkness without the owner's consent. He was engaged in a felony and could reasonably be expected to commit another, more violent felony if given the opportunity.
Mr Kaarma was well within his rights to defend his home and his family.
What he may have said to a couple hairdressers about future break-ins or cops is irrelevant. Should he have said it? Probably not. Did it rise to premeditation? Where did he name a specific target?

Trespassing is not a felony.
What he said to the hairdressers is not irrelevant, nor are the road rage incidents.
Nor is the fact that instead of calling the police, he went out and shot blindly into the dark at the person in his garage.

None of that is irrelevant.
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