UN Grants membership to Palestinians; US cuts funding to UN


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
U.S. Will Withhold Funds For U.N. Agency After Vote to Grant Membership to Palestinians

The United States will not pay $60 million to a U.N. cultural and educational agency after it voted Monday to accept the Palestinian mission as a full member, triggering a U.S. requirement to cut off funds.
"We are not going to be able to continue contributing to the budget," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said. "Palestinian membership as a state in UNESCO triggers longstanding legislative restrictions which will compel the United States to refrain from making contributions to UNESCO."

Washington is required by law to cut off funding to any U.N. agency if the Palestinian Liberation Organization is granted membership in any group at the international body.
Read more: U.S. Will Withhold Funds For U.N. Agency After Vote To Grant Membership To Palestinians | Fox News

Was it a matter that the US has no clout anymore or Obama played games by giving support to the Palestinians and then withdrawing it?
Your title is misleading.
The Palis first went to the General Assembly asking for full recognition. That didnt work out too well, so sensing defeat they went to UNESCO, an agency of the UN that was going to be more sympathetic. I guess rules for UNESCO are a little different.
The U.N. has lost whatever legitimacy it might ever have had. This vindicates Bush's decision to enforce the UN's resolutions after they refused to. It would vindicate our immediate withdrawal from that body of snakes and thieves.
Your title is misleading.
The Palis first went to the General Assembly asking for full recognition. That didnt work out too well, so sensing defeat they went to UNESCO, an agency of the UN that was going to be more sympathetic. I guess rules for UNESCO are a little different.
The U.N. has lost whatever legitimacy it might ever have had. This vindicates Bush's decision to enforce the UN's resolutions after they refused to. It would vindicate our immediate withdrawal from that body of snakes and thieves.

Yes, Rabbi, you are right. I forgot "Agency", UNESCO. So sorry!
Frankly, I'm not seeing the value in membership to this not so august group. It's just not worth the money IMHO, I'd boot their asses out of NYC and withdraw altogether.
The pali's refused to abide by Israeli law & VOLUNTARILY left the land. The Pali's that stayed behind would not accept the Israeli government as sovereign & were removed from the land forcibly. The neighboring Arab countries did not want the Pali's either & instead used them as political puppets against Israel. Today, the Pali's are the only known "mob" of people globally that have no legitimate roots to any country or place of origin. They had their chance for Israeli citizenship back in 48' but blew it. They have since become an embarrassment to humanity at large.

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In all honesty I'm not sure why the U.S. and European nations just didn't nip all this in the bud. Given the shape of our (Western) economies. It would have been perfectly legitimate (via back channels) to quietly inform the Palestinians that persistance towards UN membership might just percipitate, within our domestic politics, a public mandate looking to cut off foreign aid. Further, such an occurence might just result in the curtailing of the hundreds of millions of dollars that the PA currently receives from the West. Really quite simple. Is it so hard to visualize Obama's Chicago Friend Bill Daley saying to the PA "Nice gigg you got going here. Be a shame if something were to happen to it!"?:eusa_eh:

I don't get stuff like this.....and because I didn't get it I was kind of bummed.....then I realized it's all Fox News crap.

Conservative media vicitms have a completely overblown sense of America's place in the world. If we keep trying to be the world's policeman....we'll go broke
USA should withdraw if it doesn't want to respect majority decisions of International Community.
The money the USA pays to UNSECO equals around 600.000$ increased payment by each member-state. And the salaries for the top-payed Americans in that organizations can also be saved.

Wiseacre said:
I'd boot their asses out of NYC and withdraw altogether.
Will you back off from your Veto right in UNSC also when you "boot them out" ?
I'm not a big UN fan so any cuts will be fine with me. We have turned far too much of our sovereignty and decision-making over to foreign organizations like the UN and NATO. It's time get back to following our Constitution.
USA should withdraw if it doesn't want to respect majority decisions of International Community.
The money the USA pays to UNSECO equals around 600.000$ increased payment by each member-state. And the salaries for the top-payed Americans in that organizations can also be saved.

Wiseacre said:
I'd boot their asses out of NYC and withdraw altogether.
Will you back off from your Veto right in UNSC also when you "boot them out" ?

When terrorist states like Libya, Sudan, and Turkey have equal votes with France, England and the U.S. it isn't a viable organization.
USA should withdraw if it doesn't want to respect majority decisions of International Community.
The money the USA pays to UNSECO equals around 600.000$ increased payment by each member-state. And the salaries for the top-payed Americans in that organizations can also be saved.

Wiseacre said:
I'd boot their asses out of NYC and withdraw altogether.
Will you back off from your Veto right in UNSC also when you "boot them out" ?

When I said withdraw altogether I meant the whole 9 yards, including the UNSC. They don't do jackshit anyway.
The UN is outdated and no longer serves the purpose it was intended for when it was invented. It has become a warm & comfy home for all brutal Dictators and nutters of the World. It needs to either be drastically overhauled or scrapped all-together.
When terrorist states like Libya, Sudan, and Turkey have equal votes with France, England and the U.S. it isn't a viable organization.

Close the door when you leave, and be happy in your isolation.

Turkey doesnt violate national sovereignty and send armed military forces to chase down civilians? Turkey didnt support the terrorists on the Marmara?
I would love my country to leave the UN. Let the UN and Europe Police/Referee the World. We've done way too much of that. It's time for a break. If the UN and Europe want to interfere in every nations' business then let them have at it. We need to stop poking our nose in every nations' business. Lets get to tackling our very serious problems here at home. Our massive $16 Trillion Debt isn't just gonna magically disappear. The UN is an expense we can now do without. Time to say goodbye.
Your title is misleading.
The Palis first went to the General Assembly asking for full recognition. That didnt work out too well, so sensing defeat they went to UNESCO, an agency of the UN that was going to be more sympathetic. I guess rules for UNESCO are a little different.
The U.N. has lost whatever legitimacy it might ever have had. This vindicates Bush's decision to enforce the UN's resolutions after they refused to. It would vindicate our immediate withdrawal from that body of snakes and thieves.

^^ Yep.
I would love my country to leave the UN. Let the UN and Europe Police/Referee the World. We've done way too much of that. It's time for a break. If the UN and Europe want to interfere in every nations' business then let them have at it. We need to stop poking our nose in every nations' business. Lets get to tackling our very serious problems here at home. Our massive $16 Trillion Debt isn't just gonna magically disappear. The UN is an expense we can now do without. Time to say goodbye.
How can we remove a speck out of our neighbors as we have a plank in our own?
I don't get stuff like this.....and because I didn't get it I was kind of bummed.....then I realized it's all Fox News crap.

Conservative media vicitms have a completely overblown sense of America's place in the world.
No, that's called "history". Try reading the real kind for a change. Howard Zinn is garbage.
If we keep trying to be the world's policeman....we'll go broke
Tell that to Obama.

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