Christians Die, Obama Yawns...


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Who is Dalia Mogahed...? She is the President's highest advisor on Muslim affairs....she's an American Muslim of Egyptian origins...a supporter of CAIR and Sharia law.....not to mention a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Middle East...


..Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world and nowhere more persecuted than in the middle east.
Coptic Christians have been repeatedly slaughtered in Egypt, both pre and post Arab Spring. Earlier this month Egyptian forces drove over Coptic Christians in military vehicles at a rally in Cairo.
To all this President Obama has done nothing and has hardly even said anything. Christian persecution is one giant yawn to President Obama. So it seemed like a pretty big deal when Maronite Patriarch of Lebanon [Eastern Catholic Church leader] was scheduled to meet President Obama. Perhaps the President might finally acknowledge Christian persecution?


At the urging of President Obama’s Muslim envoy Dalia Mogahed, the meeting has been cancelled because the Muslim Brotherhood wouldn’t like it. Get that?

Read more: Christians Die, Obama Yawns | Blogs |

... for advisors in the Administration to rebuke the spiritual head of a main Middle East Christian community, and engage in a witch hunt against Middle East Christians, including US citizens, for the benefit of the Muslim Brotherhood is a serious matter the American public should not tolerate.

The Maronites are Middle Eastern Christians who count about a million people inside Lebanon with more than 10 millions in the Diaspora. There are about one and a half million Americans who are Maronites and five millions in Brazil. There are Maronite members of the US Congress such as Congressman Charles Boustany of Louisiana or former Congressman Ray Lahoud, current secretary of transportation. Maronites are among the 25 millions of Christians in the Middle East, including the 15 million Copts in Egypt, the one million Assyrians and Chaldeans in Iraq, another million Syriacs and Orthodox in Syria as well as Iranian Christians and African Christians in Sudan. Americans who are from Middle East Christian ancestry are about 86% of all Americans from Arab or Middle East Christians and count two times the size of American Muslims.

Obama’s Muslim Advisers Block Middle Eastern Christians’ Access to White House
BO is a bigoted stink turd......he won't even speak with the Christian leaders of the Middle East....
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[ame=]Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube[/ame]

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting.
Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting.

He didn't create anything. Idiot.
President's Advisor.....Dalia Mogahad......another one of those peace-seeking muslims.....:alirulz:
Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting.

He didn't create anything. Idiot.

So we didn't invade Iraq?
Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting.

He didn't create anything. Idiot.

So we didn't invade Iraq?

Didn't Muslims kill thousands on 9/11?
Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting. now it's "Booooshes Fault" that muslims are killing christians.....?
Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting. now it's "Booooshes Fault" that muslims are killing christians.....?

Muslims have killed Christians non-stop 24/7 since 1400 years, liberals want that Christians will stop to defend themselves and to give as presents all western countries to Muslim immigrants who have skyrocketing birth rates..
The Left has a long History of being Anti-Christian. It has become a weird obsession for them. They really don't care that Thousands of Christians are being slaughtered all over Africa. Seriously,they just don't care. Now if there were Thousands of Muslims being slaughtered,the Left would be demanding immediate action. We saw this in Europe already. And now this President has pledged military and cash so Uganda can finish killing off their Christians. It's all part of the Left's sick manic obsession with hating Christians. They're very irrational and hateful. So who's gonna help the Christians over there? I don't know,your guess is as good as mine. But don't count on this President and the Left to do anything. It aint gonna happen.
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Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting. now it's "Booooshes Fault" that muslims are killing christians.....?
You're wasting your time with deany.
The Left has a long History of being Anti-Christian. It has become a weird obsession for them. They really don't care that Thousands of Christians are being slaughtered all over Africa. Seriously,they just don't care. Now if there were Thousands of Muslmis being slaughtered,the Left would be demanding immediate action. We saw this in Europe already. It's all part of their sick manic obsession with hating Christians. They're very irrational and hateful. So who's gonna help the Christians over there? I don't know,your guess is as good as mine. But don't count on this President and the Left to do anything. It aint gonna happen.

The Father of lefts is Muhammad!

Even a Mosque on Ground Zero is for them thousands times more important as millions of killed Christians.
Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting. now it's "Booooshes Fault" that muslims are killing christians.....?

Muslims have killed Christians non-stop 24/7 since 1400 years, liberals want that Christians will stop to defend themselves and to give as presents all western countries to Muslim immigrants who have skyrocketing birth rates..

yeah... and the crusades never happened. Let me ask you something... are you scared to die? Is your faith that flawed? I am very much a Christian and I am not scared to die. Let's not forget, nothing happens in this world that the Lord has not foreordained. My politics lie where my heart and my biblical studies lead me.... which is certainly not in the "let them eat cake" world of Conservatives...even though they pretend to be "Christian".
The Left has a long History of being Anti-Christian. It has become a weird obsession for them. They really don't care that Thousands of Christians are being slaughtered all over Africa. Seriously,they just don't care. Now if there were Thousands of Muslims being slaughtered,the Left would be demanding immediate action. We saw this in Europe already. And now this President has pledged military and cash so Uganda can finish killing off their Christians. It's all part of the Left's sick manic obsession with hating Christians. They're very irrational and hateful. So who's gonna help the Christians over there? I don't know,your guess is as good as mine. But don't count on this President and the Left to do anything. It aint gonna happen.

The left seem to be very anti Christian, and anti Semetic.
Trust me if Thousands of Muslims were being slaughterd by Christians right now,this President and the Left would be going nuts demanding immediate action. They really do have a weird obsession with hating Christians while at the same time sucking up to Muslims. I guess they feel sucking up to Muslims is another way to hurt Christians. It's all psychological. The only way to save Christians now would be to vote the Left out of power. There are no other options.
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Bush protects Iraqi Christians - YouTube

When George W Bush sent the US into Iraq in 2003, he believed he would be replacing Saddam Hussein with a peaceful, pro-American Arab democracy that would naturally look to the Christian west for support. In reality, seven years on, it appears that he has instead created a highly radicalised pro-Iranian sectarian killing field, where most of the Iraqi Christian minority has been forced to flee abroad.

This week saw new levels of violence directed at Iraq's Christians. Eight days after the attack on Baghdad's main Catholic church that left more than 50 worshippers dead, militants detonated more than 14 bombs in Christian suburbs, killing at least four and wounding about 30. Since then the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), an al-Qaida front, has warned of a new wave of attacks on Christians "wherever they can be reached … We will open upon them the doors of destruction and rivers of blood."

Iraq's disappearing Christians are Bush and Blair's legacy

Just because Democrats are always cleaning up Republican mess doesn't mean it's always easy. Sometimes, their damage is just too great and long lasting.

He didn't create anything. Idiot.

So we didn't invade Iraq?
NOT for the insinuation in your posted links, asswipe.
The Left has a long History of being Anti-Christian. It has become a weird obsession for them. They really don't care that Thousands of Christians are being slaughtered all over Africa. Seriously,they just don't care. Now if there were Thousands of Muslims being slaughtered,the Left would be demanding immediate action. We saw this in Europe already. And now this President has pledged military and cash so Uganda can finish killing off their Christians. It's all part of the Left's sick manic obsession with hating Christians. They're very irrational and hateful. So who's gonna help the Christians over there? I don't know,your guess is as good as mine. But don't count on this President and the Left to do anything. It aint gonna happen.

The left seem to be very anti Christian, and anti Semetic.

Lefts are the biggest anti-Semites and anti-Christians, they are spawn of Devil!

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