Un fucking believable


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
I am way past tired of the BULLSHIT lies about the Arizona law on illegal Immigrants. The law says the SAME thing the US law says, the difference is our Federal Government REFUSES to enforce said law.

There is nothing racist about the law. There is nothing unconstitutional about the law. There is nothing remotely illegal about the law. Once again if any of those things were true then the same would be true of US Immigration laws on the books right NOW.

And then we have this....

Lakers-Suns NBA Match a Stage for Immigration Activists - Yahoo! News

LA needs to be shown the door. Fuck LA and anyone else that openly supports ILLEGAL Aliens.
I am way past tired of the BULLSHIT lies about the Arizona law on illegal Immigrants. The law says the SAME thing the US law says, the difference is our Federal Government REFUSES to enforce said law.

There is nothing racist about the law. There is nothing unconstitutional about the law. There is nothing remotely illegal about the law. Once again if any of those things were true then the same would be true of US Immigration laws on the books right NOW.

And then we have this....

Lakers-Suns NBA Match a Stage for Immigration Activists - Yahoo! News

LA needs to be shown the door. Fuck LA and anyone else that openly supports ILLEGAL Aliens.

Blame the libtards, and the libtard media. Arizona is getting Palinized.
Republicans AND Democrats have failed miserably at securing our borders and making our education competitive Internationally or Nationally! They forget who works for whom. Voting for either party is a wasted vote! Democrat=Republican! When voting for the lesser of two evils, may we NEVER forget that it is STILL EVIL!

There is hope. There is a candidate gaining momentum, not a politician, with great ideas and cares! Securing our border is very important. Democrats, Republicans YOU'RE FIRED!!!
I am way past tired of the BULLSHIT lies about the Arizona law on illegal Immigrants. The law says the SAME thing the US law says, the difference is our Federal Government REFUSES to enforce said law.

There is nothing racist about the law. There is nothing unconstitutional about the law. There is nothing remotely illegal about the law. Once again if any of those things were true then the same would be true of US Immigration laws on the books right NOW.

And then we have this....

Lakers-Suns NBA Match a Stage for Immigration Activists - Yahoo! News

LA needs to be shown the door. Fuck LA and anyone else that openly supports ILLEGAL Aliens.

Here is an example of Rush Limbaugh’s ability to make a point, and show the hypocrisy of the other side.
On May 5, in honor of ‘Cinco de Mayo,’ the Phoenix Suns had their team wear ‘los Suns’ on their jerseys. This was a political statement, showing opposition to the Arizona Bill aimed at pressuring illegal immigrants.

Mr. Limbaugh claimed it was a case of bowing to political correctness. And to show the hypocrisy, he asked if the team was being consistent by not requiring fans at the game to have ‘papers.’ You know, tickets!
republicans nationally are leery of this... they know that this might give them some traction in the midterms, but when they look ahead to national elections in 2012, knowing that they have already effectively forfeited the african american vote, they know that losing the latino vote will be deadly in many key states... florida being one of them. They are fast becoming the party of white folks and if one looks out at demographic trends, if they continue to be simply the party of white folks, they will doom themselves to being a minority party or a regional party at best.

myself... I think it will be hilarious to watch them try to spin themselves out of this in two years.
republicans nationally are leery of this... they know that this might give them some traction in the midterms, but when they look ahead to national elections in 2012, knowing that they have already effectively forfeited the african american vote, they know that losing the latino vote will be deadly in many key states... florida being one of them. They are fast becoming the party of white folks and if one looks out at demographic trends, if they continue to be simply the party of white folks, they will doom themselves to being a minority party or a regional party at best.

myself... I think it will be hilarious to watch them try to spin themselves out of this in two years.

Sadly, it appears exactly that way to me, as well.
republicans nationally are leery of this... they know that this might give them some traction in the midterms, but when they look ahead to national elections in 2012, knowing that they have already effectively forfeited the african american vote, they know that losing the latino vote will be deadly in many key states... florida being one of them. They are fast becoming the party of white folks and if one looks out at demographic trends, if they continue to be simply the party of white folks, they will doom themselves to being a minority party or a regional party at best.

myself... I think it will be hilarious to watch them try to spin themselves out of this in two years.

You're wrong. Latinos who are here illegally do not have the right to vote, so how can we lose their votes? Secondly, LEGAL immigrants- those that came across the border following the rules, are overwhelmingly in favor of enforcing immigration laws and being tough on illegal aliens.

Republicans merely need to stick to conservative values and they will win.
The owner of the Suns is a Republican. :thup:

The Phoenix Suns and their owner Robert Sarver took a slightly different tact.

Instead of trying to avoid a collision Sarver steered his high-rolling franchise right onto the controversy.

Sarver sought and received unanimous support from his players for them to wear their "Los Suns" jerseys for Game 2 Wednesday.

He told The Arizona Republic that Senate Bill 1070 was not "the right way to handle the immigration problem, Number 1. Number 2, as I read through the bill, it felt to me a little bit like it was mean-spirited, and I personally just don't agree with it."
azcentral.com blogs - E.J. Montini's Columns & Blog - EJMontini - Suns MVP not Amare or Nash, but Sarver

I guess Repubs can have different opinions.

Not like the lock-step Dems, huh?
republicans nationally are leery of this... they know that this might give them some traction in the midterms, but when they look ahead to national elections in 2012, knowing that they have already effectively forfeited the african american vote, they know that losing the latino vote will be deadly in many key states... florida being one of them. They are fast becoming the party of white folks and if one looks out at demographic trends, if they continue to be simply the party of white folks, they will doom themselves to being a minority party or a regional party at best.

myself... I think it will be hilarious to watch them try to spin themselves out of this in two years.

You're wrong. Latinos who are here illegally do not have the right to vote, so how can we lose their votes? Secondly, LEGAL immigrants- those that came across the border following the rules, are overwhelmingly in favor of enforcing immigration laws and being tough on illegal aliens.

Republicans merely need to stick to conservative values and they will win.

That isn't what talk radio hosts say. They claim that the illegals are voting. Just sayin'.
At least the current Laker team statement is, "We're in the business of playing basketball," says Lakers spokesman John Black, "and we're not in the business of getting into a political debate one way or another."

Not a big basketball fan, but use to think Steve Nash was one of the best. Now my opinion is the A'r can go back to Canada and stay there. As for the Suns management and the rest of the team, screw them!
I am way past tired of the BULLSHIT lies about the Arizona law on illegal Immigrants. The law says the SAME thing the US law says, the difference is our Federal Government REFUSES to enforce said law.

There is nothing racist about the law. There is nothing unconstitutional about the law. There is nothing remotely illegal about the law. Once again if any of those things were true then the same would be true of US Immigration laws on the books right NOW.
I have two words for you racist CON$ervative crybabies, "DEATH PANELS."
I am way past tired of the BULLSHIT lies about the Arizona law on illegal Immigrants. The law says the SAME thing the US law says, the difference is our Federal Government REFUSES to enforce said law.

There is nothing racist about the law. There is nothing unconstitutional about the law. There is nothing remotely illegal about the law. Once again if any of those things were true then the same would be true of US Immigration laws on the books right NOW.

And then we have this....

Lakers-Suns NBA Match a Stage for Immigration Activists - Yahoo! News

LA needs to be shown the door. Fuck LA and anyone else that openly supports ILLEGAL Aliens.

Here is an example of Rush Limbaugh’s ability to make a point, and show the hypocrisy of the other side.
On May 5, in honor of ‘Cinco de Mayo,’ the Phoenix Suns had their team wear ‘los Suns’ on their jerseys. This was a political statement, showing opposition to the Arizona Bill aimed at pressuring illegal immigrants.

Mr. Limbaugh claimed it was a case of bowing to political correctness. And to show the hypocrisy, he asked if the team was being consistent by not requiring fans at the game to have ‘papers.’ You know, tickets!

Los Sols would have been more accurate.
The owner of the Suns is a Republican. :thup:

Party affiliation means nothing. He had them wear spanglish jersey's to protest the enforcement of immigration laws. He sides with an invading force and should be shot for treason.

All you morons who think enforcing our sovereignty is racist need to speak to these guys:



The owner of the Suns is a Republican. :thup:

Party affiliation means nothing. He had them wear spanglish jersey's to protest the enforcement of immigration laws. He sides with an invading force and should be shot for treason.

All you morons who think enforcing our sovereignty is racist need to speak to these guys:


why the fuck won't it post images?
The owner of the Suns is a Republican. :thup:

Party affiliation means nothing. He had them wear spanglish jersey's to protest the enforcement of immigration laws. He sides with an invading force and should be shot for treason.
No, he believes making people carry id and throwing them in jail for not doing it is not quite American.

But you go right ahead with your hysteria.
Hi Retired:

We finally agree on something! ;0)

I am way past tired of the BULLSHIT lies about the Arizona law on illegal Immigrants. The law says the SAME thing the US law says, the difference is our Federal Government REFUSES to enforce said law.

We agree 100 percent. The New Arizona Immigration Law makes it Illegal to be in Arizona 'Illegally,' just like the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (Wiki = Public Law 99-603). However, Arizona (like the Federal Govt) is far better to focus full attention on the American Employers HIRING THEM. Why? Thanks for asking ... Our Employment Laws against 'hiring' the goddamned Illegal Aliens apply to U.S. Citizens who belong in prison for 'hiring' them in the first place!

There is nothing racist about the law.

We agree 100 percent. The Open Border Lobby Propaganda works to badmouth Arizona Lawmakers to keep the "Rule of Law" Contagion from spreading to other States now considering Arizona-like Immigration Laws for their State. If States actually start 'enforcing' our Immigration and Employment Laws, then the American Middle Class will go back to work and destroying our Western Way of Life will become that much more difficult. The Open Border Lobby Idiots play the 'race card,' when diverting attention away from the fact that Arizona is standing up for real U.S. Workers.

There is nothing unconstitutional about the law. There is nothing remotely illegal about the law.

We agree. However, a State-based Immigration Enforcement Agency throws a monkey wrench into the Open Border Lobby "Plan" to displace U.S. Workers from the workplace using Outsourcing, NAFTA Offshoring, 23 Guest Worker Programs and as many Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals as humanly possible!!!! The International Conglomerate Corporations are working in unison to collapse the U.S./Global Markets by worker displacement and destruction of the Consumer/Tax Bases leading to an Uncontrollable Debt Crisis that will spread like cancer. Therefore, you see these Giant Corporations manipulating the Media and the talking points on 'both sides' of this Immigration Debate, which includes spreading deliberate LIES that the Arizona Law is racist, unconstitutional and illegal.

Once again if any of those things were true then the same would be true of US Immigration laws on the books right NOW.

We agree. The Open Border Lobby Corporations are trying to derail the National Immigration Debate using underhanded trickery 'and' doing everything to create an environment of "Rebellion" among the Citizenry of these United States. Eventually the need for 'micro-chipping' all Americans will become part of the "Plan," because we have all of these goddamned Illegal Aliens running around and something must be done!

And then we have this....

Lakers-Suns NBA Match a Stage for Immigration Activists - Yahoo! News

LA needs to be shown the door. Fuck LA and anyone else that openly supports ILLEGAL Aliens.

We agree. Here is the part that will make the Retired Guy's blood boil: California is going to default on its debts (like Greece, then Spain and Portugal and Italy) and the Federal Govt will be forced into another "Bailout Situation" that will take 'our' tax money and sent it to these same Open Border Lobby Idiots in California! They allow more than a million Illegal Aliens to displace California workers from JOBS, which destroys the tax base, and THEN have the balls to ask us for a bailout :)cuckoo:)!


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